How to completely clean the computer from viruses. How to clean your computer from viruses for free and easy? Most effective ways how to clean your computer from viruses if there is no antivirus

Periodic cleansing your computer from various viruses present in its system is a necessary and important task. Otherwise, the operability of the OS can fall greatly, and in the worst case the computer threatens the repair.

To diagnose a computer for infection with viral programs and its further treatment, there are many specially designed software, both paid and free. One of the free and high-quality applications is the AVZ program. It can be found on our website and download to your PC.

Detection of viruses using AVZ

  1. Before starting the process of cleaning from viruses, start the computer in safety mode. To do this, when it is turned on, use Pressing the F8 button to call the context menu.
  2. Then in the window you have seen, check the option with a safe mode.
  3. After your PC is loaded, run the AVZ utility.
  4. Find the file to the system to restore the system in the File menu.
  5. Mark all the available lines and give the command to perform the operation.
  6. Next, through the Tool tab, go to the Process Manager and eliminate all the lines that do not have green backlight.
  7. After that, using the troubleshooting wizard, in the File menu, run the system cleaning process.

The viruses found used by the utility will be detected and neutralized. Now you need to remove them from the system.
Download another antivirus program - Dr.Web Cureit! . It is also free and efficient. Make the program launch and complete the check. After malicious files are detected, the utility will make a request for their treatment or removal.

Removing viruses using a third-party computer

There is a way to remove viral software from a computer, made using another PC. To do this, you will need non-infected with viruses a computer with a predetermined anti-virus software. Before turning on the PC you will need to disconnect hDD From an infected computer and connect to unreleased. Then run the system, as well as the anti-virus application. After the work of the program is completed and viruses are deleted, connect the hard drive back.

How to clean rAM

In order to make the RAM cleaning, run the task manager application on your computer. In the window with an indication of the processes produced, remove the programs unnecessary to you, marking their cursor and give the command to finish the process.

Cleaning the registry (for experienced users)

To perform the task of cleaning the system registry, while in the main menu of the computer, click the Row. In the opened string, enter the command regedit..

After that you will see the window in which you will need to find the item with the letters of HKEY CURRENT User and open it. Then in the list seen find the word Software and click on it. Examine the entire registry of programs that will appear in front of you and remove unnecessary. After this operation, it is recommended to restart the system.

At some point you understand that you need to expose the computer to complete cleaning. How to completely clean your computer from viruses? To begin with, check if there are those viruses, clean the registries, clean the device's prompt memory, basket ...

Cleaning a computer from viruses should be made from time to time, so that it is good and quickly coped with his tasks, and also remained as long as possible in a working condition. Otherwise, you will need to repair a computer, and very urgently.

We are treated for free

Talk today on how to clean your computer from viruses for free. To cure a computer from viruses for free, you need to find the AVZ program on the Internet and the Curelt Drweb utility. To start the treatment, we need to run the system in safe mode. To do this when the computer is turned on, press the F8 key.

In the context menu that appears, select the "Safe Mode" option. If this led to a reboot of the system, then the virus has grown windows registryThen you need to find a file on the Internet that helps to restore the safe mode, turn it on and repeat the procedure again.

  • Then after downloading in secure mode, enable the AVZ program;
  • Immediately go to the File menu - Restore System;
  • Choose all items and click Run.

After that, you need to go to the Tools Manager - Process Manager and remove all processes that are not highlighted in green.

This is not over the cleaning of a computer from viruses, the service continues and we are continuing to understand how to clean the PC from viruses. Go to the File menu - the search and troubleshoot wizard and clean the system. This will make it possible to neutralize viruses, but will not delete them.

Help Cureelt.

Computer treatment from viruses continues. As you remember, we downloaded the Curelt utility, which makes it possible to clean your computer from viruses for free. The program must be launched and put on a complete check. When viruses are detected, you will be asked to cure them or delete them. A few hours of check will allow you to remove viruses from the system.

Many people do not know how to clean your computer from viruses, one computer is used. And here's how: you need a non-infected computer with installed antivirus. Be careful not to damage the data. To implement this method, you need to remove a hard disk from an infected computer and connect it to the serviceable (computers are turned off). Thereafter:

  • turn on viruses check;
  • after a few hours, the check will end.

Having lost the viruses, you can return the hard disk into place.

What to do if the cleaning of the computer from viruses has not led to them full removal? In this case, you can advise to take advantage of another free (or paid) utility or, as a last resort,.

Clean the RAM

Let's talk about how to clean the RAM on the computer. If your operating memory is busy all the time, look at exactly. To do this, open the task manager (simultaneously pressing the CTR + ALT + DEL keys).

After that, in the Processes tab, you will see programs that are currently open by the system. For unloading unnecessary programs From the operating memory, click on the "Finish Process" button. Just try accidentally not finish the process that is needed to function the system.

How to clean RAM on the computer? For cancellation automatic download Memory programs, remove programs from the automatic download list. To do this, you can download a special msconfig utility to the network.

We looked at the two most common ways to clean the RAM of the computer. If after that you find that your memory is again constantly clogged, contact a specialist for which computers repair is the usual or computer service to find the reason and maintain a professional level.

Clean registry

In order to remember how to clear the registry on a computer, you need to do uncomplicated manipulations only once. So, proceed.

To go to the registry editor, you need to start starting, select Run item. Then click open and in the Writing field we write Regedit. Then click OK.

Before you registry editor. Among the submitted items, we are interested in my computer to deploy and from the selected list you need to deploy the HKEY_CURRENT_USER partition, then select Software and the list of computers will be displayed in the list that appears.

Carefully view the entire list and select Record from it remote programs. Selecting an entry about the program that is no longer, delete it. To do this, use the Delete button or cland right-click And select Delete. After removing unnecessary records, close the editor and restart the system.

Remove garbage from the basket

Before cleaning the basket on the computer, we recommend that you see if there is something useful there. If not, we boldly start cleaning.

To clear the basket, conclude on the appropriate shortcut on the desktop right-click and in the context menu that appears, press the left button to "Clean the basket".

If you want to view files before removing, then double fast pressing the left mouse button on the label, open it. View files and at the top, after the address bar, we click the left mouse button on the "Clear Basket" phrase. The computer will ask your confirmation of action. Press the left button to "Yes."

Now you know how to clean the computer completely. Do not forget to make such a cleaning of the system at least once every six months, and repair computers do others!

You download the browser, and instead of the page you need advertising. Or some applications themselves are installed in itself, unknown processes in the task manager "hang" and for some reason Antivirus stopped working. Or maybe instead of the desktop, a threatening message has opened that your files are encrypted or Windows is blocked. What does all of this mean? The fact that your computer picked up the virus.

The varieties of malware for PC there are a lot. In the last 2-3 years, malware demonstrating advertising without the consent of the user, as well as extortionable viruses. If you cope with the first pretty simple, then with the second, unfortunately, very, very difficult, and often it is impossible at all. Today, the conversation will go on how to recognize the infection and how to clean the computer from viruses yourself.

Due to the wide variety of malicious "flora and fauna" to symptoms of infection can be attributed to a lot. In essence, any deviation from the normal operation of the operating system and programs can be a manifestation of the virus.

To make it easier for you to figure out, we divide the symptoms of infection in direct and indirect. Direct indicate 100% virus activity. For example:

  • Messages demanding to pay a certain amount for unlocking Windows or decrypt files (if the system stopped loading or fileds stopped opening).
  • Advertising announcementsnot tied to a specific site or application.
  • Popup windows antivirus software With a message about finding malware and other unequivocal signs.

Indirect symptoms do not always indicate infection, as they can occur for other reasons. These include:

  • The slowdown in the computer (so that the computer does not slow down, you need to not only brush it from the garbage, but also to check the antivirus).
  • Unknown processes in the Task Manager (they may be unknown to you, but not to be anything dangerous).
  • Blue screens of death.
  • The inability to establish or run antivirus and other protective programs.
  • Spontaneous change system settings.
  • Errors system functions.
  • Disappearing information from a hard disk.
  • Impossibility to get to your page on social networks.
  • Application failures, etc.

By the way, the symptom of the virus may be a complete absence of external manifestations. Many Trojan programs created to theft of PC owner's personal data work absolutely unnoticed. On the fact of infection, the user will only learn from the devastation of bank accounts and virtual wallets of payment systems. And also when information from its computer is in the attackers who use it for extortion or blackmail.

Methods and ways of distribution of computer viruses

In order to catch a malicious program, it is absolutely not necessary to visit "golden" Internet resources. The main channels for the spread of viruses and Trojanov are social networks, dating sites, forums and sites, where "hanging out" a large number of people. Another favorite way - mailing on email Letters with malicious attachments or links by which they are loaded. In addition, for the distribution of "Gifts", intruders use messengers (Skype, ICQ and others), open chat rooms and private messages in social networks.

For the addressee to complete the desired attacker (I clicked on the link or downloaded and launched a file), the latter resort to social engineering methods: send messages from hacked recipient friends or under the guise of various state structures. Headers and content of such letters are formulated very "tempting". For example: "Where are you sfotkali in this form?", "I participate in the competition, vote for me. Please", "immediately pay duty on housing and communalies, otherwise ...", "The statement of claim is filed in court", "appear on the agenda" t. n.

Advertising "surprises" often go to the appointment to ordinary free applications even on official websites. Only when installing the program downloaded from the developer's site, you can refuse them, and if the installer is loaded unknown from where it is not possible - it is impossible. In the last embodiment, the advertising garbage is installed automatically and actively prevents its removal.

By the way, in some cases, viruses and trojans are downloaded to a computer without user participation - through the vulnerability of the operating system and programs. On this "rod" often come across those who forget to install updates.

What to do with a suspected virus

Automatic scanning

The first attempt to remove the virus from the computer is the launch of an antivirus installed in the system. Any, the main thing is to update the viral base before scanning. Success can be calculated in 50-70% of cases.

Windows users 10 and 8.1 can start with the built-in " Windows Defender"(Former MSE antivirus). The detection level is low, but in some cases it happens enough. Those who have Windows 7 or the older version of this OS, have to use a third-party product.

If there is no antivirus or it does not cope - does not detect malware or can not be removed, use specialized utilities for one-time treatment of PCs. The following are most effective and safe:

Both utilities are free, universal (designed to remove all types of threats), have a Russian-speaking interface and are launched without problems infected system. To increase the chances of success, it is important to use the most recent version of their version, which includes all current viral bases.

Scanning with standard antivirus and one of these utilities increases the effectiveness of treatment to 80-90%.

There are other free anti-virus products, many of which are capable of cope with particularly complex and sustainable threats. The highest frequency of detection with the minimum number of false positives is different:

  • MalwareBytes free. It includes the search and elimination modules of viruses, trojans, spies, rootkits (a special class of malicious programs that hide their presence in the system) and advertising software (adware).
  • ESET Online Scanner - online scanner to eliminate all types of threats. For effective treatment, he needs stable access to the Internet.
  • Hitmanpro Malware Removal Tool - a cloudy scanner for neutralizing all types of malware, including the "0-day" threat (previously unknown). You can enjoy 30 days for free.
  • EmsiSoft Commandline Scanner is a scanner with a console interface, designed for experienced users and professionals. Designed to find and eliminate all types of active malware, including rootkitts.

Special products

Some manufacturers of antiviruses produce mini utilities for the treatment of single type infections. In particular, Kaspersky Lab. If you know the name of a malicious program and you want to cope with it as quickly and efficiently, look for a suitable utility.

Live CD and USB

Automatic scanners help clean the system in 80-90% of cases, and what to do with the rest? Fight with malicious, which cannot be removed from the working Windows, helps antiviral boot discs (USB flash drives) - the so-called Live CD or Live USB. They can cope not only with the most "lively" infection (for example, with file viruses), but also with the locks of the system with trojans-extortionists.

Here is a list of some of them:

Antivirus Live CD distribution kit must be downloaded and recorded on boot media (disk or flash drive) Only on a "healthy" machine. If you do it on the "patient", viruses can damage the distribution files or prevent recording.

At the end of the entry, download the infected computer with the anti-virus Live CD and scan hard drive. Even the most stable malicors will not be able to resist it, because in an unloaded system they are inactive.

Manual cleaning

Users who know well-known Windows sometimes prefer to remove malware manually. No, they do not view each folder on the subject of something suspicious, but use special utilities in the "only scanning" mode. The scan results are displayed in the report by analyzing which the user determines which objects are danger and are to be deleted, and which are normal.

The result of the verification of the multiple antiviruses disks or confirm your doubts.

If loaded control sum Not in the database Virustotal, you need to check the suspicious file itself.

To eliminate a malicious object, click on the quarantine button or "delete" to the cell.

At the bottom of the report (under the table) a script will be formed.

What we see in the screenshot should be added to the lines that we give below. As a result, the quarantine and deletion script should look something like this:

Quarantinefile ('*', ");
Deletefile ('*', '32');
RebootWindows (True);

Instead of stars - paths to files.

In this way, almost any virus can be removed - Chinese, advertising, etc., in a slight exception. The main thing is to learn to distinguish the malicious from normal.

If you have got advertising

Galfish associated with browsers and advertising are commonly wide. And, most unpleasant, many antiviruses do not delete them, because advertising does not cause the user harm (the effect on the nerves is not counting) - it is even part of many free applications.

From malicious, which opens advertising in the browser, do not help both adblock type blockers. They only disguise the problem. Only specially "sharpened" utilities can cope with this misfortune, the best of which is AdwCleaner. Fortunately, it is free and very easy to use.

To search for promotional viruses, it is enough to run the utility and click the "Scan" button. After a few minutes, a report consisting of sections will open in the AdwCleaner main window: folders (created by promotional programs), files assigned tasks (often used to display advertising and re-creation remote settings), browser expansion, registry keys, infected shortcuts and services.

Check the report, uncheck the checkboxes from what you want to save and click "Clear". After cleaning the computer will restart, and the advertisement will no longer disturb you.

ADWCleaner successfully copes with such maliciousness as a volcano (prescribes transfers to advertising pages in web browsers labels), FUST (creates copies of executable browser files with extension.bat) and many others. Often he finds even something that the user does not notice.

In this article, we will tell about how to clean the computer from viruses independently, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Users day and night need to remind the basic security requirement when working with computers - use antiviruses! These programs, from free applications to pay packages, protect the Windows system, scanning, conducting real-time monitoring by performing heuristic analysis of files and processes in search of threats. The number of Windows attacks is so great that without protection you will very quickly become a victim of malicious applications.

But even best antivirus will not give one hundred percent protection. IN local network Devices with already installed viruses can be added, users can affect malicious software, and some programs like Remote Access Trojan do not show activity until a certain day and hour arrives. No one can fully protect against social engineering and phishing methods that lure users and make them download files or follow the link. There are programs that outstand themselves for antiviruses that are actually viruses. Downloading files are always needed from reliable sources, like sites of application developers themselves, rather than third stores and file sharing resources.

It is sometimes difficult to know when infection happened. However, there are many signs to pay attention to: the extremely slow speed of the computer wherever it flew, the browser pop-up windows, when the browser itself is closed, frightening messages from the security applications that you have not been installed.

If you are suspected anything or confident exactly what has become a victim of malware, decisive steps need to be taken.

Instructions on how to clean the computer from viruses yourself

Install or update antivirus

First, make sure that the antivirus installed on the computer is updated by the latest definitions of viruses, with which it identifies the known malware. Antivirus manufacturers constantly update these lists, finding all new viruses and trojans on the Internet. If the antivirus was not updated at least a day, the risk of infection increases.

Especially he increases if the antivirus is not installed at all. It is urgent to correct this omission; There is a large selection, sort of:

  • Avast Free Antivirus.
  • Avg Antivirus Free.
  • Panda Free Antivirus.

The situation is especially dangerous when it comes to a working computer. In this case, it is better to use, such as:

All of them were estimated more than 4.5 in the view of the popular PCMAG portal.

Next, deepen the search by conducting scanning. It may take long time And you need to hope that the problem will be found and solved. It will be the most positive scenario. The problem is that a well-thought-out malware turns off the antivirus.

Do not forget to make sure on the computer installed firewall. They are on routers, but this is not enough. You can recommend installing check Point Zonealarm Free Firewall or its paid version pro.

Return to the past

If you have recovery points windows systems, you can use them to roll back to more old versionwhere there were no problems yet. Most often it does not help. Smart authors of malware will be ready for such a turn of events. You can try to use RKILL, - a program created to destroy the processes of known malware.

If this does not help, you need to download Windows so that the virus can not start its work. This is called download in safe mode. You need to restart the computer and retain the SHIFT button in the process (in Windows 8 and 10). A menu appears with a choice of download options, select Safe Mode.

You need to delete temporary files, among which may be harmful. In the Start menu, type "Cleaning the disk" and check the C: (or the other on which the operating system is installed) to find the files that you can delete. Then download and launch the anti-virus scanner on request: recommended MalwareBytes Anti-Malware. It remains to hope that after scanning and rebooting the computer will be delivered from malicious software.

MalwareBytes Anti-Malware is often called anti-virus scannerwhich offers a second opinion after the main antivirus, if the first does not help. Other options include Hitmanpro and Kaspersky Tdskiller. The latter is especially good in finding rootkits, which work at the level complicating their search by simple antivirus.

Disable Internet

If there is a malicious software installed on a computer, there is a possibility that attackers have remote access to it. In this case, the first thing you need to turn off the computer from the Internet. You can disconnect the Ethernet cable from the computer or turn off the router from the outlet.

Without accessing the Internet it will not be possible to update the antivirus. In this case, the update for it will have to take from another computer, preferably with another connection to the Internet, transferring them to the flash drive. You can download a computer from CDs that are usually called Live CD or a recovery disc, where you can run a full anti-virus application. To do this, it will be necessary on the computer. optical drivewhich in our days in some users may not be, especially in new laptops. However, all this can be downloaded from the flash drive.

Portable Antivirus.

If nothing helped, the operating system itself, due to the virus, can be configured against the user, it may not even allow installing a new antivirus. In this case, you need to get around the operating system and allow the antivirus to take control over.

There are many portable applications that can be placed on a USB flash drive and which do not require installation. Antivirus among them are:

You can use somewhat simultaneously, as they do not conflict among themselves.

If you want to produce a deeper scanning of everything hard diskUse the other safe computer To create a CD. You can use antiviruses from:

  • Avira.
  • BitDefender.
  • F-Secure.
  • Kaspersky.
  • Panda.
  • Sophos.
  • Trend Micro.

Images will be required - ISO or IMG formats files and a program for writing them to a disk to be made boot. In Windows 7, 8 and 10, insert the CD, DVD or USB flash drive disc, double-click on file iso. Or IMG and select the Lodge Drive command. Can be downloaded for this third-party programs It seems imgburn.

there is special applications Like Spybot, which are looking for Spyware (Spyware), or Symantec Norton Power Eraser, which is looking for applications such as CRIMEWARE (intimidating users). The latter give aggressive messages about the presence of viruses or that user programs will be forcibly removed, etc.

The most radical option: formatting a hard disk with reinstalling the operating system and all programs (for which it is advisable to create an image in advance just installed system). Such a need for our days appears more and less often. windows times 95 and before Windows Vista.; However, sometimes this is the only solution.

Next steps

After victory over viruses, you need some time to feel safe again. To do this, take measures to strengthen this security. Choose Antivirus S. maximum protection (Read reviews and advice on how to clean your computer from viruses yourself), learn the measures of confrontation of phishing and social engineering (at least what it is), delete programs that do not use or in which are not sure. Always remember caution.

Danger of infection with viruses is subject to, in principle, any computer. How to be if your concerns turned into confidence that your PC is infected? Delete the operating system and format a hard drive? Call a specialist? Try to cure a computer yourself? This article will be discussed in the independent cleaning of the computer from viral infection with help antivirus Tools famous manufacturers.

Treatment with a free disposable utility

In order to find and neutralize the infection that has imbued with your computer, it suffices to use free disposable means. This method is good because you do not need to remove the antivirus installed on your system (although why it is needed if I missed the virus into the system), it is enough to stop it at the time of testing. Disposable utilities loaded from official sites contain fresh anti-virus bases, fully functional for our purposes and are able to clear the virus threat from the computer.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that loading anti-virus utilities from third-party sites, you can not only not achieve the desired result, but also to expose your system of greater danger - it is likely that "hacked" software products contain a destructive virus code, And healing the computer from old viruses, they will set their own, new ones.

Holding Dr.Web Cureit utility!

The company "Doctor Web" provides for the treatment of a computer Dr.Web Cureit utility!, Accessible to download from the official website:

After downloading the utility does not require installation or any database updates and is fully ready for operation. Run it. In the window that opens, we define the objects that need to be checked.

Since you do not know exactly where the virus was settled on the computer, it is necessary to specify all system objects by installing a tick for them:

I also highly recommend specifying to check completely all media connected to the system. Click to select:

and check the ticks opposite all available disks:

Before checking, you can also change the check settings:

Install the checkbox for the automatic use of actions so that you do not have to respond every time in manual mode (After all, a full check can take several hours) and go to, actually settings:

Here, in my opinion, it is worth changing the action for incurable files to delete so that later it is accidentally not pulled out a virus from a quarantine folder. It is unlikely that you will need a sample to explore, so boldly put a "delete", the excess utility will not remove, do not worry:

With the settings finished - you can run the check. Be patient, checking must go completely to the end. Do not interrupt it in the hope of continuing later - you have not forgotten that viruses have a multiply property? It is worth you to leave one unheated file and, when you next start the attending program, you will find that hundreds are infected.

So - start checking:

During it, you will be displayed information about the progress of scanning in the form of a green "thermometer", the number of scanned objects and detected threats will also be seen:

After some time, you can make sure that the capture of viruses are not in vain:

Since we set the automatic use of actions, nothing more from us is required. Upon completion of the inspection, you should restart the computer (especially if it is offered to you) - to apply changes in the registry.

All, with the task, we successfully coped. Computer from viruses is cleaned.

Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

Those who do not trust the company "Doctor Web" (or vice versa, fully trusts the company "Kaspersky Lab"), it is worth advantage of using the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool utility:

The main thing, do not confuse it on the other free program, Kaspersky Security Scan - Viruses she detects no less qualitatively, but to treat, unfortunately, can not.

Before starting the utility, as usual, customize its parameters:

They are not so much to get confused - you just need to specify all system objects and add your own hard drivesTo carry out the most complete check:

Ready? Then click the "Start Check" button, it is big - do not miss:

In the course of the check, you will be familiar with the number of scanned objects identified, will see how close to completion:

When the utility finishes its work, you will find a detailed report with a list of detected hazards, and you can choose what you can do with them:

You can simply delete all (1), and you can apply a separate action to each object (2) - it can be what Virus Removal Tool considered the threat, you need to work.

Dr.Web Livedisk and Kaspersky Rescue Disk

In the event that the viruses are intercepted by the system and the above-mentioned utilities are not started or cannot delete blocked objects, you need to use special drives by booting from which the "clean" system will start, from which you can scan and clean your Windows.

Dr.Web LiveDisk and Kaspersky Rescue Disk disks can be found on the appropriate official websites of the company "Dr. Web" or "Kaspersky Lab", there are utilities for writing a bootable image, if necessary, on a flash drive.

After downloading from any of these disks, on the desktop you will see the utility icon with which you, without any special difficulty, will be able to clean your computer from viruses.

Use of trial versions of antivirus programs

Disposable utilities work perfectly, but they do not guarantee you security from subsequent re-infection. In order to not only cure, but also secure the system, it is necessary to use anti-virus monitors, following what is happening in your computer, and it is better to apply specialized antivirus services complexes. Decide what software You are most suitable, you can, setting a trial, 30-day version, and later you will be able to purchase a license for its use for a longer time.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Let you not frighten the purchase offer, boldly download trial version:

In contrast to disposable utilities, this software requires installation, after which it will ask you to enter the activation code, or activate the trial version. In principle, scan a computer and clean it from viruses and without activating the license in general, but if you want to read the full features of this software Product, receive trial license Yet it is:

In addition, you must download viral databases and updates:

When all updates are completed, you can start a complete check of your computer, viruses will be detected and neutralized:

After cleaning the system, you have a whole month in order to deal with Kaspersky Internet Security, understand how functional it is functional, to decide whether it is suitable for you and does not too much loading your system. There are many functions in the package, but for the time provided for familiarization, you can master absolutely everything.

This product is also available in a trial, demonstration version, just download it from the company's website:

After installing and rebooting, you can immediately start the scanner from the system tray:

Select, of course, you need to complete check:

After the choice of you is made, a window will open, very similar to what we can see in the disposable utility Cure IT!, And the scanning process will start.

However, it is also no different from how one disposable utility works. The main difference is that viral databases will be regularly updated (at least during the period of the demo mode), and your computer will be reliably protected by all the wide functional of the Dr.Web Security Space package.
As in the case of the product "Kaspersky Lab", you have 30 days to master all the services and check the reliability of the software.

Of course, only you decide what methods to clean the computer from viruses using which software. The choice is quite large and is completely not limited to the products of the companies indicated in the article. The main thing is to use officially distributed software and download it from reliable, official sites. And besides, nevertheless, do not forget about computer hygiene, and then the issue of cleaning the computer will worry you much less often.