Windows 7 free memory. What is operational, physical and video memory. We use special programs

Fabdy with lack random access memoryThe user has forced to wait a long time to answer its actions. Work at the computer becomes uncomfortable, and the waiting time is unacceptable.

How to clean the computer's prompt memory?

RAM is used by the operating system - its kernel, services, device drivers and applied programsthat run in this moment.

Windows tracks the level of use of operational and virtual memory. If necessary, a special service paging file corresponds to a portion of these programs that are open, but are in the background or long-time rolled on the taskbar, that is, those to which there were no user calls or the OS kernel. Windows itself is trying to clear the computer's operational memory to have the best responsiveness to the user actions.

With a lack of RAM, switching between tasks inhibited, slow, with long pauses. This is due to the fact that when switching tasks, information from the paging file is read by the system to RAM

Improve the computer's response time helps to increase the available RAM. If there is no money on RAM, try to clear the operational memory of the computer to at least somehow improve the speed

How to find out if you need to brush the RAM?

  1. Open the task manager (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC for Win 7, Win XP) or through command line - Win + R, type TaskMGR, press ENTER;
  2. We look at the "Speed" tab "Memory" window. If employs more than 90%, then it is better to clean the computer's prompt memory.

Methods for cleaning computer RAM

Option 1 - operational and efficient. Close the unnecessary program at the moment.

Do you like to keep a browser with dozens of open tabs at the same time (sites)? At this time, just examine social network In another window? Or draw 3-D model in graphic editor? Close the unnecessary Internet sites. Now everything is stuck with flash and graphics, audio and video streams. It all eats precious megabytes of RAM. This method will focus on the current task And clean the RAM, employed by unnecessary background applications.

Open the task manager and complete the applications that we currently do not need.

Option 2 - combined. Forced cleaning of RAM software.

This method is performed by programs like CCCleaner, Tuneup Utilities, SpeedMypc. The essence of these programs is that they are based on embedded templates to complete the operation of some applications or provide the user with the right to choose. Such utilities sometimes include the ability to defragment RAM (I are skeptical about this option, since the utility must be constantly started to perform this function, which means it consumes the RAM and spends the processor resources). Also in such programs it is possible to disable the items of the program and drivers and system services (option 3).

Option 3 - long-term and risky. Remove unnecessary startup points and disable unnecessary Windows services to clean RAM.

In this case, when you start Windows, some of the unused windows features Additional "chips" will be disabled software Also not be included when Windows startup, but in general, such an operation allows you to unload 30-200 MB of RAM, depending on what was initially loaded with the operating system and that the user turned off. The joy is that it works and after rebooting the computer. We simply turn off the excess load. Than not the best way Clean the RAM? This option use at your own risk.

Right button for "My Computer" -\u003e "Management" -\u003e "Services and Applications" -\u003e "Services". Turn off unnecessary services - change the mode from automatic on hand or disconnected at all. You should be attentive because many most services are needed for the normal operation of the Windows system.

Option 4. Temporary and ineffective. Restarting a computer.

RAM when rebooting is cleaned automatically, as it is energy-dependent. No voltage - no memory. So reboot can be alternative option solutions to the problem of cleaning RAM. Sometimes a reboot helps if the user's work session has not yet been completed on the computer. This is especially true for Windows XP. The reason is next - during the user's operation in operating system In various temporary files, information about changes in the status of a computer to some user actions are recorded.

Part of the information is kept constantly in RAM, and the part is written by the system into the swap file. Upon normal completion of the computer, the system records all changes and temporary data in required filesAnd then stops work. The power supply is stopped, the RAM is cleaned. Next launch Windows System It will not once again access the hard disk or score the rapid memory temporary files.

How do you? -

RAM is an important component in a computer that is used as a data warehouse for processing processes and programs. In fact, without RAM, the system will not be able to run and work with programs and games, and therefore any failures can lead to severe consequences.

Over time, the performance of the computer begins to weaken, the programs freeze and to fix this problem First of all, you must try to weaken the load on the RAM. In this article you will learn how to clean the RAM windows Computer 7, using built-in or downloaded programs.

Disable programs through autorun

To weaken the load on RAM and the entire system as a whole, you need to disable all load programs running in auto mode. After all, as a rule, most programs run automatically when the computer is turned on, and they are turned off each time. But these programs can be turned off on an ongoing basis, while without deleting them. To do this, use the autorun function:

  1. To open the autorun page, click on the buttons "Win" (windows icon) I. "R"that will open the window "Run".
  2. Next enter the word msconfig and click on OK.
  3. Using this command, the system configuration will open, and the autorun tab is slightly higher, between "Services" and "Service".
  4. By clicking on the tab, you will see a list of programs that are turned off or start automatically when the computer is turned on. Mark those programs that do not start automatically and click on the button. "Disable everything".

Also in the tab "Services" You can disable all unnecessary processes that are embedded in Windows and run automatically.

CCleaner program

Using a special CCleaner program you can easily and quickly disable everything required programs And thus significantly release RAM from the load. You can download the program via the Internet, while as free version. After you opened it, click on the Tool button on the left side of the screen and click on the Startup tab. Next, everything is in the same order, turn off the non-needed programs and save the settings.

It is worth noting that cCleaner program Performs various functions using it you can delete temporary files, clean the registry and various programs. Thus, using all CCleaner functions, it is possible to significantly weaken the load on the system and correct many errors and failures.

other methods

Now you know how to clean the Windows 7 computer's operational memory. Also to weaken the load on the system, try simply check the computer to viruses. To do this, it is not necessary to use paid antiviruses, it is enough to download and perform full file checks. Good luck!

RAM is a computer device that is used by programs for performing operations during operation. Absolutely each application is in a lesser or greater degree involves RAM. - This is a natural question that allows you to speed up the PC, improve its qualitative indicators and achieve maximum productivity.

How to release Windows RAM from programs?

An excessive number of applications invariably loads the computer's memory, from which it has long processes all commands. Often, inexperienced users perceive the lags in the system, as its failure, and not by simply cleaning, cause masters or interrupt the system.

The lack of RAM is manifested in the following symptoms:

  1. The computer has long processes requests;
  2. Applications are often freezed and the "program does not respond" window appears;
  3. Spontaneous closure of tabs or utilities with a message "Not enough memory";

  1. In rare cases, the conductor fails and the desktop disappears, the taskbar;
  2. Games, even by configuration to the minimum parameters, do not start;
  3. Applications, especially games, work with essential lags.

Indeed, the question of how to free up the operational memory of Windows 10 and in other versions is a fairly bulky section, since everything is where neither look, spends the computer resources, also concerns the smartphone. First of all, you need to get rid of programs that are the main source of the problem.

First of all, pay attention to the taskbar if you have launched a lot of secondary, absolutely unnecessary programs, then free memory is simple enough. Close everything third-party applications. If there are really many programs, but all of them are needed, then you will have to just increase RAM.

By pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del, open the Task Manager. Check the "Applications" tab, should not be present third-party programs. Then go to the Processes tab, you can sort the list by the "Memory" parameter. To determine unnecessary processes, loading system, a small experience is required. It is important to identify unnecessary and important elements, and in some cases the virus occupies the most memory. In the User tab, should always stand nickname account, Other points do not touch, they are reserved by the system. For more information on the process, look for "Description" or use Google.

Full closure of programs implies removal of them not only with external view, but also the release of resources. Applications such as Torrent, Skype, even after completing the work, still remain active, simply folded in the tray. Check the notification panel by opening the full information clicking on the elder up in the lower right corner.

How to free up Windows 7 computer memory? - eliminate all extraneous background programs. They start with Windows and immediately begin to consume resources, you can perform:

  1. Press Win + R and enter msconfig;
  2. Now go to the "Autostask" tab;
  3. Next, remove the flags near all items with unnecessary applications.

In fact, only drivers and those needed to work for PC daily, with each launch, and there are few enough.

How to free up the RAM on the computer using the settings?

How to free up the RAM on Windows? - The answer lies on the surface, the more visual effects use the system, the less the user feels the freedom. To determine the feasibility of action is one individually.

To transfer the system to high performance mode, you can:

  1. Click on startup and PCM on a computer where to choose "Properties";
  2. Click on the link "Advanced System Parameters";

  1. In the chapter "Speed" select "Parameters";
  2. Install a tick to "Provide the best speed" position or manually leave only the most important effects.

You can also choose a simpler topic. Registration, of course, will become less spectacular, but speed, including the amount of memory, will increase. For this will have to:

  1. PKM on the desktop and "personalization";
  2. Scroll through the list to the end and choose one of the category "Simplified ..."

Restarting the conductor

Another way how to free up the Windows 7 RAM is to restart the Explorer process. He will create as much additional files Cache and cookies, which can later lead to problems. Manual removal And the restoration of work should help free up the RAM.

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del;
  2. Go to "processes";
  3. Find an explorer.exe element and complete it;

  1. Next click on the file and "execute";
  2. Enter the process name and ENTER.

Alternative methods

Antivirus spends a decent amount of resources and slows down the startup of the entire Windows. For this, it is not necessary to have an established external software, and own defender is built into the system. Its shutdown significantly releases RAM and processor, the system becomes cleaner and faster, but less protected. To disable windows Defender, follow:

  1. Click on the appropriate paragraph to the Control Panel;
  2. Next select "Programs", then "Parameters";
  3. Go to the "Administrator" section;
  4. Remove the allocation from the "Use this program" item.

To disable external antivirus, you will have to go inside the application. Usually they have either the function of deactivation or suspension of service.

A fairly simple and effective way to release memory lies in the use of special programs. They analyze all key processes and allow you to reduce their consumption or disable unnecessary. Also provide recommendations for an increase in the free space manually.

An example of the application from the specified category is Wise Memory Optimizer. The interface is most simple as possible, after starting the occupied place and the residue is shown. By clicking on the only active button "Optimize NOW", all necessary actions are performed.

Using these options, it is possible to free up a lot of space and the computer will be able to run before inaccessible program Or just will work properly. Quite often, the specified methods exempt about 20-60% of memory.

If you have any questions about "How to free up the RAM on your computer?" You can ask them in the comments.

if (Function_exists ("The_ratings")) (The_ratings ();)?\u003e

Have you noticed that Windows work has become slower and wondering what could affect the system operational memory? The answer is simple - with time the performance of each computer, even the newest, falls. Numerous programs are to blame for this, leaving unnecessary data, as well as the files from the Internet, clogging RAM. There are many ways to optimize the work of the PC and clear the Windows 7 memory. Consider the main of them.

Elimination of performance problems

You can start cleaning and fixing the errors accumulated on your computer using the built-in Windows verification service. It checks all the factors affecting the performance of the PC, and offers ways to solve emerging problems. You can run this service in the following way:

Clear RAM from the accumulated "garbage" will help the CCleaner program. This is a free and very useful utility that will help cope with this process in counting seconds. For this you need:

CCleaner will automatically optimize and relieve a PC from the clogging files.

Note! When the computer is delivered from its slowing items, CCleaner can delete the cookie files saved for each browser. If you do not want this to happen - just remove the checkboxes in the appropriate Options under the search engine.

Delete unused software

Often the operational memory is loaded due to a large number installed programs and the files that they produce with their work. Let's start by S. simple removal Total unused software:

  • go to the "Start", "Control Panel" and then "Removing Programs";
  • scroll through the list and choose those of them that are not used or not at all;
  • we remove them in manual modeWhat will help free part of the memory.

Cleaning autorun.

Many software programs are prescribed to the Windows autorun and start their work in the background when the computer starts. They are often the reason for a sharp drop in the speed of the computer, loading RAM with unnecessary processes. To start optimization and determine which of them are in autoload, we carry out the following:

  • go to the "Start" menu, then "all programs";
  • we find the "Auto-loading" folder and view its contents;
  • we leave in it only the most necessary, the rest can be deleted, freeing the RAM from excess load.

You can get into the cleaning menu and in another way:

Check and configure the autoload will help the previously described CCleaner:

Special attention should be paid to all sorts of update designed to download updates from the Internet.

A similar software that works in the background, takes part of the RAM resources and may remain invisible to the user.

This is finished cleaning. It should be remembered that the clogging RAM files appear on the PC literally with each minute of its operation. For this reason, the RAM preventive cleaning is extremely recommended, without waiting for the system performance drop.

Among users computer equipment It is an opinion that a lot of RAM is never ... and with this, dear reader, do not argue, especially when it comes to modern cars, in which the hardware configuration corresponds to solid characteristics, and the Windows-system installed on board the PC is a 64-bit version. However, the "patient" problem of many - "the physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do" - everything also continues his inglorious existence, putting an ordinary user in a deadlock and sometimes forcing the experienced computer guru to break his head over the solution of the task of RAM. However, we will not be introduced in the archus complaints of "operational misunderstandings" and resort to simple, but nevertheless effective methods of diagnosing and optimizing computer systems of the system. Well, the article promises to become a memorable. RAM-secrets are waiting for their exposure!

Karaul, the physical memory of the computer is loaded!

What to do and how to be with it? Probably, it is that such questions come to mind the user when he becomes an involuntary witness to the monstrous inhibition of the Windows operating system.

  • With each subsequent inclusion of the PC, the launch of the OS is slow down and slows down.
  • The clicability of the operating system at the start and in the process of use becomes unbearable due to the "long-playing waiting process".
  • Once "flying" applications, to put it mildly, start lasting.
  • Incomprehensible service messages attack the monitor with their "unobtrusive" presence.

In general, any of the above scenarios (not to mention the integrated manifestation), it may quickly be crazy about any user. But not every "waiting" understands that all of the above may be the result of our own omissions. Yes, and is unlikely whether the ordinary user generally knows how to make sure that the physical memory of the computer is loaded?

What to do in the first place if the PC has lost speed?

Of course, first of all, you need to diagnose the system. Moreover, everything necessary for this is provided for by Microsoft developers. Well, it's time to go to the practical part of our narration.

  • Click on the taskbar (the lowest screen area) right-click Mouse.
  • From the drop-down list, select "Dispatcher ...".
  • Once in the workspace of the service window of the same name, use the "Speed" tab.

  • The visually represented schedule will allow you to evaluate the RAM use coefficient. If Vista is installed on your PC or later version of Windows, the value of the memory used should not exceed 70-75% of the total nominal physical swap. Otherwise, it is necessary to unload the RAM region.

Memory problems start from the start of the OS

When you see that the physical memory of the computer is downloaded by 80% or higher than this value, pay attention to the autoload. Most likely at the moment windows startup The mentioned service activates many background applications and various software. Often, it is for this reason that RAM is overloaded, literally "tearing" between the requests of multiple programs about the allocation of the memory required by them for work. However, it is easy enough to correct such an unpleasant situation.

  • In the starting line of the launcher windows menu Push the "msconfig" command.
  • After pressing the "ENTER" button, you will be taken to the System Configuration utility.
  • Activate the "Startup" tab and edit the priority list of the software running.

You will be surprised how quickly your OS after the restart system will be loaded. Nothing prevents you in practice to make sure that the problematic situation when the physical memory of the computer is loaded to Windows 7, will be exhausted, after you remove all the excess from the startup.

How to Clean RAM: two "fundamental" methods of optimization

Let's start with the main thing - you need to turn off the unused software. As a rule, in order to see which programs are running in the background, you need to look into the special area of \u200b\u200bthe OS - systemic tray - and directly from there (by visiting a marker to an object and clicking the right button) deactivate the selected software. It may well be so that immediately after you implement the proposed recommendation, the question "The physical memory of the computer is loaded, how to cleanse" will be fully resolved. After all, some applications that work in the background are incredibly "voracious" in terms of using system RAM resources.

Another way to release memory

So, in order to see which programs or utilities "secretly" consume the same you need by KILO- and megabytes of RAM, do the following:

  • Press the "Alt + Ctrl + Del" key combination.
  • After you fall into the service window already familiar to you, open the Processes tab.
  • Analyze the presented list and manual correction method. Turn off background applicationwhich you do not need at the moment.

However, it is not worth a hurry with deactivation of "aggressive items", since the disabling of some critical Windows services can be adversely affected by the general state of the stability of your OS.

"Miracle" - RAM optimizers

When the physical memory of the computer is loaded by 90 percent (from the previously submitted section of the article, you learned that this value is a deviation from the norm), some of the users are in a hurry to clear the RAM region with various utilities. However, not many of them realize that this kind of RAM optimization is a useless waste of time, since they do not contribute anything concrete into solving the problem. The "promising functionality" of such optimizers only creates the illusion that the memory is released, while bringing some difficulties to work in operation ... Be sure: the manual method is much more effective and more appropriate in conducting, rather than the imaginary "help" from third-party developers. By the way, about this (second) method of RAM optimization, we advise you to just forget ...

Malicious code and methods for its detection

Often, the user is asked: "Computer physical memory is loaded: virus or not?". Special sharpness is such a problem when all the actions described above were implemented in practice. What is the matter and why RAM continues to lose its working potential? Let's deal with.

  • Download one of the anti-virus utilities from the Internet: Dr.Web Cureit! MalwareBytes Anti-Malware or Hitmanpro.
  • After the running application finishes the system scanning, infected objects will be cleaned, and malicious viruses will be subjected to the removal process.

It is worth noting that the traditional anti-virus is not always installed on your PC is able to fully protect your system from penetration and subsequent negative impact This or that "digital infection". Therefore, it makes sense to check your OS using the above utilities.

When the scope of the RAM corresponds to the concept of "not too"

If you work in the "Word" and at the same time listen to music using the Internet browser, and you see that the physical memory of the computer is loaded by 77%, there is no reason for anxiety. But if things are different, it makes sense to consider the problem from a technical point of view and ask some questions: how many RAM modules are installed on your PC and what are their nominal "abilities"? It is worth noting an important fact: depending on the version of the Windows-system used, the requirements for the operational memory may vary from 256 MB to 2 GB (only for the "Needs" of the Operations itself). Well, if you still decided to use the resource-intensive program on a computer with limited RAM, then it is time to think about expanding the paging file.

Summing up

So, with a certain confidence, it can be said that once for you the difficult situation "the physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do" is now permitted. Nevertheless, one important "operational" moment is still worth mentioning.

  • If you are using windows Vista., Seventh OS or later versions of the Microsoft product, then with an insufficient volume of RAM, you can try to disable the "Superfetch" service.

Well, last: do not miss the opportunity to upgrade your PC - adding an additional RAM module will significantly expand the functionality and "combatability" of your computing technology. Do not let your computer go into infamous!

Ways to clean up memory in Windows 7

You noticed that windows work became slower and wondering what could affect the system operational memory? The answer is simple - with time the performance of each computer, even the newest, falls. Numerous programs are to blame for this, leaving unnecessary data, as well as the files from the Internet, clogging RAM. There are many ways to optimize the work of the PC and clear the Windows 7 memory. Consider the main of them.

Elimination of performance problems

You can start cleaning and fixing the errors accumulated on the computer using the built-in service. windows checks. It checks all the factors affecting the performance of the PC, and offers ways to solve emerging problems. You can run this service as follows:

Clear RAM from the accumulated "garbage" will help the CCleaner program. This is a free and very useful utility that will help cope with this process in counting seconds. For this you need:

CCleaner will automatically optimize and relieve a PC from the clogging files.

Note! When the computer is delivered from its slowing items, CCleaner can delete the cookie files saved for each browser. If you do not want this to happen - just remove the checkboxes in the appropriate Options under the search engine.

Delete unused software

Often, the operational memory is loaded due to the large number of installed programs and files that they produce with their work. Let's start with a simple removal of all unused software:

  • go to the "Start", "Control Panel" and then "Removing Programs";
  • scroll through the list and choose those of them that are not used or not at all;
  • we delete them in manual mode, which will help free part of the memory.

Cleaning autorun.

Many software programs are prescribed in windows autorun. And start their work in the background when the computer starts. They are often the reason for a sharp drop in the speed of the computer, loading RAM with unnecessary processes. To start optimization and determine which of them are in autoload, we carry out the following:

  • go to the "Start" menu, then "all programs";
  • we find the "Auto-loading" folder and view its contents;
  • we leave in it only the most necessary, the rest can be deleted, freeing the RAM from excess load.

You can get into the cleaning menu and in another way:

Check and configure the autoload will help the previously described CCleaner:

Special attention should be paid to all sorts of update designed to download updates from the Internet.

A similar software that works in the background, takes part of the RAM resources and may remain invisible to the user.

This is finished cleaning. It should be remembered that the clogging RAM files appear on the PC literally with each minute of its operation. For this reason, the RAM preventive cleaning is extremely recommended, without waiting for the system performance drop.

How to clean up Windows 7 computer memory

Each user working at a computer that has a small amount of RAM, from time to time faces the problem of slow operation of the operating system, periodic "departures" running programs, or mistakes for a lack of RAM. In order to get rid of all this, it is enough just to know how to clean the Windows 7 computer's operational memory. It should be understood that all the RAM does not have access to the user during operation. Its part takes on its needs of the OS, as well as all its services. And the residue free memory Available for launching programs or for the video card using the RAM. If you do not have enough free RAM after starting the operating system, then you should proceed to the process of cleaning RAM by disconnecting unnecessary services, autorun programs or disabling resource-intensive processes.

Two main ways to clean the computer's operational memory

1. Disable unused windows services

The easiest way to clear the RAM is to close all unused programs, and leave only one with which you will continue to work. It is not always convenient, but it gives the most tangible result. For example, let's see the statistics of memory usage in the Task Manager.

In the "Speed" tab, you can see how much physical memory And how much is it free at the moment. You can also see how much memory system uses now. As can be seen, the memory is not so much available. The application "Applications" shows all the programs running at the moment, and to free up the operational memory of the computer, you must close them all. Let's try to leave only Word and look at the result.

After closing programs, the situation changes dramatically and answered memory It becomes much more.

To release a larger memory, you can view additionally all running processes in the system and close unnecessary, but the effect of it will be small.

Unnecessary processes include launched agents of some programs, the purpose of which only tracking the appearance new version Applications on the site or simply automatically launched when starting the program system. They are better to immediately turn off the system in autorun so that they do not even load. You can do this by running the msconfig utility or using the program to clean the CCleaner system.

2. Clearing the list of programs in autorun Clear the list of programs automatically downloaded along with the OS can be used by various programs. For these purposes, the CCleaner program has proven perfectly. On her example, we will look at how to do it. Immediately after starting the program, go to the "Service" tab, located on the left pane (1). After that choose the "Auto load" section (2). The screen will display a list of programs started when start Windows. From it you should choose only those that you do not need immediately after switching on. As a rule, it is automatic updatesor insignificant programs that take valuable megabytes from RAM. So, we allocate the string of interest (3) and press the "Turn off" button (4).

Besides this program It will be useful when cleaning from temporary browser files, system folders, as well as all sorts of applications.

How to Clean RAM and increase computer speed

This page contains information on how to clean the RAM and increase the speed of the computer. If you work with a lot of programs on your computer or laptop, you will notice that your computer becomes quite slow. At first, when you run a computer, it starts fast enough, but when you start working with many programs for a long time, the download becomes slower.

The main reason for this is that in RAM (RAM) of your computer, fragments of parts of the programs you worked with. Sometimes you need to clean the memory of the RAM computer, because the program freezes and stops responding. RAM (Random Access Memory) contains these running programs and operating system. RAM is much faster than hDDbut unlike hard diskThe data in RAM is lost only when the computer is powered off. To partially clear the computer's prompt memory, you can close some programs that are currently open. In Windows, right-click on any program in the taskbar and select Option "Exit". This will allow you to free up the memory that was used by this program.

How can I increase the speed of the computer

Clear prompt memory

Create your own RAM Cleaner with a notepad. In order to partially clear the RAM and increase the speed of the computer, follow these steps.

Step 1: Open Notepad Step 2: Write these Lines Code

MSGBox "Do you want to clear your RAM?", 0, "Exclusive Cleaning RAM" FreeMem \u003d Space (307200000) MSGBox "Cleaning RAM has been successfully completed ..", 0, "Exclusive Cleaning RAM" Step 3: Now save it by pressing Ctrl + S Step 4: When the file name is asked, save it as "RAM_CLEANER.VBS" (without quotes) by selecting the File Type in the File field. Step 5: Run it and your memory will be cleaned .. This is a piece of code above reads.

MSGBOX - "Do you want to clean your RAM?" , 0, "Exclusive Cleaning RAM" This code line displays the message message window: Do you want to clean your RAM?

"0" - means the type of available options. If "0", you will only get the OK button in the message window. To appear a window with OK buttons and Cancel Change the number 0 to 1 ..

"Exclusive Cleaning RAM" is just a title in the message window ..

Freemem \u003d Space (307200000) This code fragment makes a real deal on 3GB RAM cleaning .. If your memory is 2 GB, then change it to 2048 with 5 zeros after it.

MSGBOX - "Cleaning RAM has been successfully completed ..", 0, "Exclusive RAM cleaning" This piece of code displays the message - "Cleaning RAM has been successfully completed .." (without quotes).

That's all!! Now, when you want to free up the RAM, deleting temporary data in it, just run the RAM_Cleaner.vbs, double-clicking the RAM_CLEANER.VBS icon on the desktop.

There is a small program for defragmentation and maintain a stable operational memory operation, which you can read in the article "Clearing RAM DEF 2.6 Xtreme program".

You can clean and defragment RAM using tools from this list to improve the speed of the computer.

1) NCleaner. Checks the registry hard drives, allows you to manage starting, sections of free space on the hard disk, controls free space on hard disksFree RAM and much more. You can set a preliminary scan of parameters, which files you want to delete, and which are not. (

2) CleanMem is a software tool that helps the user overcoming loosening from unused applications, effectively frees memory from applications. This program does not require entry starting and cleaning the memory. (

3) VC Ramcleaner. it free toolwhich checks your system looking for areas of memory that no longer act. Within a few seconds, VC Ramcleaner will allow you to free up the RAM, increasing the system performance. You can choose the execution of automatic or manual cleaning Memory. (

4) MemoryCleaner. It is a convenient tool that will speed up your computer. Running in the background, each time you encounter a shortage of memory, MemoryCleaner performs fast deployment Memory, removing empty memory blocks, and, therefore, provides more free RAM. (

5) RAM MEMORY CLEANER AND OPTIMIZER. A smart memory management program with which your computer (PC) works better, faster and longer. Allows you to instantly free memory if your system slows down. (

It would be possible to continue listing programs with which you can try to clear the RAM and speed up the speed of the computer, but I decided to leave it for the next article.

I really liked the JetBoost program, which works by stopping the processes and programs and speeds up the computer. You can find out details by reading the article "How to speed up the computer with JetBoost".

windows 7: How to Clean Virtual Memory

    Virtual memory in any operating system works in this way: individual, as a rule, inactive memory fragments are moved from the operational storage device (RAM) - technical devicethat implements the function of RAM - and exempt it (RAM) to download other memory fragments. The page unloaded from memory is temporarily stored in the paging file. From it, you can extract the information that is used when operating the system. For example, in some organizations where work is constantly underway with some important secret data, it is periodically carried out by experts to clean the virtual memory. Clear virtual memory and consider below using the Windows 7 OS example and make it three ways: through the control panel, through the search bar and through registry editing

Method number 1. Activating virtual memory cleaning through the control panel

Open the control panel - press the "Start" menu and select the Control Panel command.

Rus. Windows 7.

English Windows 7.

A window and above will open (in the conductor string, if you press a small triangle, the drop-down list will open) open the optional menu "All control panel" (ALL CONTROL PANEL ITEMS).

Rus. Windows 7.

English Windows 7.

From the list that appears, you must select the Administration section (Administrative Tools),

Rus. Windows 7.

English Windows 7.

and then in the one that appeared by another window - "Local security policy" (Local Security Policy).

Rus. Windows 7.

English Windows 7.

Further in the section " Local politicians»We go here -" Local Policies "-" Security Options "and find the string" Shutdown: Clearing Virtual Memory Pumping File "(Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Page File).

By default, this security parameter will be disabled. Click 2 times with the mouse and a new window will appear: here it is necessary to activate the status "Enable" (Enabled), then confirm the selection by clicking "OK".

Rus. Windows 7.

English Windows 7.

Method number 2. Activating virtual memory cleaning through the search bar

To clear the system's virtual memory using the search string. Call the "Start" system menu, where a convenient search string is located at the bottom - it is there and enter the name of the gpedit.msc file. Next - Enter key.

Then see the new window that opens - "Local Editor group Policy"(Local Group Policy Editor) - and we make a choice of following the following scheme:" Computer Configuration "(Computer Configuration), then" Windows Settings ", then" Security Settings "(SECURITY SETTING).

Rus. Windows 7.

English Windows 7.

The last window will provide us with a separate list in which you need to select the Local Policies folder (Local Policies),

Rus. Windows 7.

English Windows 7.

and then the end item is the Security Options string.

Rus. Windows 7.

English Windows 7.

When you click on this line, as in the first way, we find another line "Shutdown: cleaning the virtual memory paging file" (Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Page File). The status "Enable" (enabled) activate exactly as in the first method, after which I click "OK". Everything, the process is successfully completed.

Method number 3. Activating virtual memory cleaning through registry editing

The third way to activate the cleaning of virtual memory is the path through registry editing. As before you press the "Start" menu and at the bottom in the search bar, we enter "Regedit" click the Enter key.

We will appear on the registry editor window (Registry Editor) - here we will open the folders in the specified sequence: "hkey_local_machine", then "System", then "CurrentControlset", then "Control", then "Session Manager" and the last Item - MEMORY Management folder.

In the last folder we find the "ClearPageFileatshutdown" parameter,

open the window double-click Mouse and edit - enter the value in the column the number "1" instead of "0".

Everything, the process is successfully completed.