Windows 7 installer hangs. Setting the SATA hard disk in BIOS

Hello dear friends! I caught on these weekends to me the computer for which I needed to install Windows 7. But there was a problem with which I met for the first time. When I started installing Windows 7, the installation window appears (first window, language selection). And then the seven was very long installed. If you have the same problem when Long installs Windows 7, I. the installation window does not appear., now I will write how to solve it. At least Rusking as I solved this problem.

I will probably begin first. They called me and asked to come and see the computer, and then: the Internet does not work (there is intertertelecom), the antivirus someone shows all the time, nothing starts, etc. In short full set all sorts of different breakdowns. And with this computer, I have already dealt with a powerful such "machine", new, only here Windows XP is installed there, not that it would be bad, just surprised me. And when I asked the owners why it is worth Windows XP, they said that they were installed in the store. I said that it would not be bad to put a seven, all the same she's newer, and on such a gland.

I came for the second time, turned it on, and there was something incomprehensible. Toli, this virus worked so much, or the children :), but there Avast launched some warning, there were almost no icons on the panel of notifications, the Internet did not respond to an attempt to open the connection, the topic of registration was changed, and the standard did not work out. And many more different unpleasant moments.

I looked and decided that it would be easier to demolish everything, format the C drive C and. Explaining the entire owner of the computer, we decided that we would do.

Everything is fine, the computer rebooted, and went to boot from the installation disk. The file download bar when installing Windows 7, and when a window should appear with a choice of language, nothing happened. The window did not appear, there was only a screensaver (well, such as when installing the seven) and the cursor. I waited a minute three and rebooted the computer. I realized that something was wrong. I decided to once again go to the BIOS and see the settings. Now it is clear why the store installed Windows XP, most likely it was not possible to install the seven.

I dropped problems with my installation disk immediately, I installed more than once. Yes, and I had an exact copy from which the window windows installations 7 did not appear. In Bios, I did not see anything strange, and. It did not help, Windows 7 was not installedThe window with a choice of language has not appeared. I decided to open system unit And see how and what is connected there. I did not see anything interesting. The SATA interface has been connected hDD and optical drive.

I tried to start the installation again. I launched everything just as background, and there are no windows with a choice of language. I decided to wait. Somewhere in 5 minutes a window appeared with a choice of language, well, at least something I thought. Pressed further, there was an inscription "Starting installation ...", and that's it. The computer "thought", I realized that the cursor was spinning (something was loaded), I decided to wait a bit.

About 10 minutes later the window appears in which I chose a clean system setting, again waited 5 minutes 5, formatted the section under Windows 7 and went copying files. They copied longer than expected, it seemed to me. In short, I installed Windows 7 with grief in half. Then I realized that there is a long installation of Windows 7 :).

Slowly but established

He worked as a computer as it believes such an iron, it is very easy. It remains only to configure. But I did not have a driver for a modem, so I decided to take the system block to me and pick up the next day.

Search for the reasons for slow installation of Windows 7

At home, I was configured everything, and decided to peel my computer a little more and find out why Windows 7 is installed for so long, I was wondering. Moreover, in the Internet, I did not find a specific answer to this question, only guesses.

Setting the SATA hard disk in bios

To begin with, I opened the system unit and changed connections hard Disc and drive. I connected a hard drive with SATA 0 in SATA 1. And the CD / DVD drive in SATA 3.

Then I climbed into the BIOS. I was interested in settings SATA controller. Section.

On the contrary ONCHIP SATA CONTROLLER Standing Enabled (enabled). Well, then see the item, I have a Native IDE parameter. It is not very good for SATA gesting disk, it will not show all the memories.

Changed the value of the parameter on AHCI (the most the best way For SATA disks). I tried to turn on the computer. The actuator did not determine the campaign at all, but as soon as Windows 7 began to load, then blinking blue screenAnd the computer rebooted.

I decided to install RAID in the parameter instead of AHCI (unites the wheels into an array), nothing happened (I knew what it was useless, but I decided to try), everything is just like with Ahci.

Installed back Native IDE . All these experiments did not help. Although it is very strange why Ahci did not work, I did not understand this.

Turn off DRIVE A.

I also saw that opposite Drive A table option "1.44Mb, 3.5". This is the drive, and in this computer it is not. Therefore, I installed "None" to say the system that it is absent.

Saved settings by clicking on F10. Set installation disk With Windows 7 and tried to start the installation to check how the seven will be installed, as slowly or faster.

And on my surprise, everything worked as it should be, a window quickly appeared with a choice of language and so on, I quickly reached the disk formatting. Of course, it did not format, as the computer was already set up, and it had to pick up it.

How to solve the problem of slow installation of Windows 7?

Let's summarize, otherwise I rolled a lot of text :). There was a problem with installing Windows 7, installed for a very long time, and had to wait a lot until the window appears with a choice of language and then long hung "start of installation ...". If you have such a problem, you can just wait and everything will be installed. I installed.

If you want to try to solve this problem, then:

  1. Try in BIOS opposite item to put Ahci (I most likely did not help).
  2. Change SATA connectors for hard disk and drive.
  3. Disable Drive A (drive).

I did the last two items, and installing Windows 7 went fast. I can't say with 100% confidence that it was that it helped to return the normal installation speed of Windows 7. But in any case you need to try.

Sorry what happened so much text, I just wanted to paint everything as much as possible. I hope that my experience was useful to you if it turned out to solve this problem, or some other way, write about it in the comments, it will be interesting and useful. Good luck friends!

In the same article explained in detail:
How to prepare the UEFI Windows 7 64-bit bootable USB flash drive.
How to properly configure UEFI BIOS to boot from a flash drive and subsequent installation of Windows 7 on the GPT disk.
How to convert the Windows 7 hard disk to the GPT standard in the installation program and eventually install the operating system.

  • Note: Friends, I want to tell you that, installed on the Windows 7 GPT drive, it works a little faster, but of course not as fast as if you!
  • The whole difference between new GPT discs and old MBR is described in our article.
  • In today's article, it is described quite complicated for beginners boot UEFI Flash drives with Windows 7, there is a method much easier and it is described in another article -.
  • Today we will install Windows 7 with you on gPT disk Computer with maternal asus boardbut if you have a motherboard Gigabyte read another article

Connect the loading uSB flash drive 7 K. uSB port 2.0 (black), when connecting a flash drive to the USB port of USB 3.0 (blue), an error may exit, as there are no Windows 7 installer uSB drivers 3.0.

As usual, at the beginning of the article, we publish a letter from the reader of our site.

Hello Admin, I ask your advice! Bought a powerful system unit. Bios on a new computer, as you have already guessed - UEFI. The Windows 7 64-bit operating system installed independently, but ran into a problem. I have a hard disk of 3 TB and after installing the operating system on it remained retained 745 GB. After a short search for information on the Internet, I realized that this is due to the fact that my hard disk has the most common and already outdated type of placement of the MBR sections tables, which does not see all the space on the hard disk with a volume of more than 2 TB. And this means my hard drive must be converted to new format Placing the GPT sections tables, which, by the way, has a lot and other advantages over the MBR. Here, and my adventures began, judging by numerous posts on the Internet, I don't have one.

On one very authoritative resource, I was offered a helping hand to me with such a "encouraging" message None of Windows 7's editions, unlike Windows 8, does not support installation for drives with GPT-" In my case, you just need to purchase solid drive SSD. And install the Windows 7 64-bit operating system to it, then convert my second hard drive 3 TB in GPT and use it under the file storage.

Administrator note: This can be done only if all sections are removed on it and, accordingly, there is no information.


Now we carry out the following command:

xCOPY I: \\ *. * F: \\ / E / F / H (where i is the drive letter of the connected ISO image with Windows 7, and the F - the letter of the flash drive). Copy occurs installation Files Windows 7 on a flash drive, occupying for a duration of 3-5 minutes.

Several teams left:

xCOPY F: \\ EFI \\ Microsoft \\ *. * / E / F / H F: \\ EFI \\

xcopy C: \\ Windows \\ Boot \\ EFI \\ Bootmgfw.efi F: \\ EFI \\ Boot \\ BootX64.efi (where f - the letter disk letter)

question answer by pressing on the keyboard (F).
And last:
bootSect / NT60 F: (where F is the letterbox letter) (file is F: \\ Boot \\ BootSect)
Our boot flash drive UEFI Windows 7 64-bit ready!

Note: If you have when entering the command bootSect / NT60.error will be boring "bootsect" is not an internal or external command executed by the program or batch file. , then change the team to such I: \\ Boot \\ Bootsect.exe / NT60 F: (where i is the letter of the connected ISO image with Windows 7, and F is the letterbox letter).


To install Windows 7 on the GPT disk, we need to properly configure our UEFI BIOS.

Click when loading DELETE or F2 and enter the UEFI BIOS. Click additionally (F7).

And select the USB Support option and set the Full Initialization parameter.

Then go to the menu CSM (Compatibility Support Module)

and we put the position launch CSM in Enabled.

Parameters boot devices - We only put UEFI

Click on the arrow and exit from the menu - exhibit windows parameter UEFI Mode. And go back.

Download priority

Download parameter №1 - Choose our USB flash drive

Upload parameter №2 - Choose our hard disk.

That's all the settings. Click F10, by this we keep the changes made by us in the UEFI BIOS.

In general, in the UEFI BIOS, you can change the priority of the download in the initial window. Click in the initial phase of the DELETE or F2 computer loading phase, we enter the UEFI BIOS, select the download menu (F8),

then choose our USB flash drive, loading from the flash drive.

Loading in the Windows 7 installation program. Everything is as usual. Further.

Install. Accept license agreement. Full setting (Extra options).

In this window, we do not pay attention to the existing sections.

We call the command line, we convert our hard disk into the GPT standard, all partitions and data on the disk will be deleted. Click on the keyboard SHIFT + F10. IN command line Sequentially enter the command:

Convert GPT.

click update.

An ordinary installation process of Windows 7 occurs. Who does not know how to install a seven on the computer, read our article.
After installing the Windows 7 operating system, we go to the controls of the discs, click the right mouse on our disk and select the properties,

Windows is a mature operating system, and it is usually installed without surprises, but sometimes the installation process freezes.
The following are five ways to solve this problem, topical for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.

1. Show patience

The Banal Council, but useful: if the installation hung up, do not hurry to worry. IN lately more than once it was necessary to face the fact that on completely new computers the installation program stops, reaching the screensaver wooden tables. In all cases, the installation resumed by itself - sometimes after 10 minutes, sometimes after 45.

Find the official explanation of Microsoft about the causes of such a hang, while it is impossible. But by observations, it most often happens when installing Windows on computers with Gigabyte motherboards and AMD processors.

Desktop Screensaver is not the only stumbling block for Windows installation program. Sometimes it freezes before displaying a screen with a proposal to select a hard drive to install the operating system. True, in this case, the installation process is renewed much faster.

2. Disconnect the flexible disk controller

Although floppy disks have long come out, some manufacturers still supply their motherboards Controllers of flexible disks. Sometimes Windows cannot be installed until you turn off in bIOS settings Controller diskette.

Unfortunately, this is not a universal recipe, because sometimes installing Windows freezes, even if the controller disks on the motherboard is missing.

3. Check the memory module voltage

If the Windows installation program periodically freezes, it may be caused by non-RAM problems. There are a lot of ways to diagnose problems of this kind. But about one method I would like to say much, because it is often overlooked.

Most motherboards provide for the use of 1.5 V. memory modules if the voltage is higher (even rigid), the system is periodically freezing. However, this does not mean that such memory cannot be used: some motherboards allow you to adjust the voltage random access memory via BIOS.

4. Try to remove or replace memory modules

As mentioned above, most often the installation of Windows freezes due to problems with RAM. In this case, try to remove all memory modules, except for one, and see if the freezing will stop. If it does not help, replace the remaining module to other, verified to eliminate the likelihood of defective memory. If it does not solve the problem, learn the documentation for the motherboard: it is possible that the memory works at unsupported frequency. Even if the module can be installed in the motherboard slot, is not a fact that it will work.

At the same time, check out other requirements for RAM. Some motherboards support only certain brands modules.

5. Try using the IDE or USB DVD drive

Finally, another cause of Windows installation hangs can be a DVD-drive with sATA interface. This does not mean that such drives cannot be used, but the problem is that many motherboards are available for four to six SATA ports designed to create RAID arrays. If you connect to one of these DVD drive ports and try to create a RAID array from a smaller amount of hard drives than provided system boardThe installation of Windows may hang. In this case, it is preferable to use DVD-drive with an IDE or USB interface.

When installing the Windows 7 operating system, trouble may occur - hanging when installing. When installing Windows 7 hangs on the stage stage with the Starting Windows inscription, the cause of the problem may be violations in the computer component components: hard disk, motherboard, RAM. In the event of a device breakdown, the actions with the system will not help - it remains to be applied for help from repair professionals. If everything is in order with the gland, but the Windows 7 installation window does not appear, you can solve the problem in just a few steps that we describe in this instruction.

Cause of the system hangs on the logo - installation is not via BIOS. Installation via BIOS is also called "clean", since you format all data on your computer and, accordingly, delete information about previous system. How to install OS via bios?

Step 1. Insert boot disk with the system () to the computer. Include or reboot PC.

Step 2. When the first inscriptions appear quickly press the "Delete" key. The appearance of your BIOS depends on a specific manufacturer.

Note! Interface design does not play roles because modern computers Basic BIOS settings are the same.

Step 3. If you managed to click "Delete" when booting a computer, a BIOS window appears.

Step 4. Moving on items is performed using the arrow on the keyboard. Press the "right" arrow until the "BOOT" item opens.

Step 5. "Boot" is responsible for downloading a computer with specific device. By default, the computer loads from the hard disk. But now we need to install the system that is on the flash drive (or CD). Click the down arrow and.

Choose the "Boot Device Priority" item - click "ENTER"

Step 6. A small menu opens, where we will choose the device from which the computer will be boosted. In our example, this is a DVD.

In your case, there may be a name of the flash drive or CD carrier. Selected device - click "ENTER".

Choose the "Boot Device Priority" item - click "ENTER"

Step 7. We leave from the "BOOT" tab - the ESC key. So the changes will continue and take effect after rebooting. In the junction of the window, select "OK" and click "ENTER".

The computer will automatically reboot. The problem is solved - the Windows system will begin the "clean installation" without hanging and eliminating errors. It is with the help of the work with the BIOS problems solved in the spirit "Wines 7 is not installed !! VIS when starting installation. "

Windows 7 hangs when installed and slowly installed - what to do

Does the computer hangs when installing Windows 7? We find a way to solve the problem.

The first thing that needs to be done is to search for the reasons for slow installation of Windows 7. We will deal with frequent problems of troubleshooting:

How to solve the problem of slow installation of Windows 7

For a successful installation, it is required to correct two decisive parameters:

  1. Serial ATA (SATA) MODE - Switch to "AHCI". This is a more modern type of data transfer. It will help not only in solving the problem with the installation, but in general will accelerate the operation of the OS.
  2. Cut out the drive drive ("FLOPPY DRIVE"). Despite the fact that the floppies are the last century and you may not even have this device, we recommend turning it off its use in the BIOS.

Turn off the differential

Step 1. Open the BIOS, click the "Delete" key.

Step 2. Go to the "Advanced" tab.

Step 3. Select the ONBOARD FLOPPY CONTROLER point and click the "+" button. Opposite the string should display the inscription "Disabled" (disabled).

Step 4. Save settings.

Change the mode to "AHCI"

About Windows operating systems

OS WINDOVS family is the most popular. Microsoft has been holding a monopoly on the market for more than twenty years. For simple users, the window interface has become familiar and convenient. But the most importantly advantage software Product Microsoft is support for a huge amount of software. Professionals, starting with graphic designers and ending with programmers prefer windows, since they simply do not exist in other OS programs. The absolute majority of video games are supported by Windows than nor Linux or Mac OS boast. The abundance of drivers for any components makes the system universal and facilitate its use. By purchasing a device, you will always be sure that it will work on Windows without problems. Consider a story meaningful versions Popular OS.

  • Windows 95. served as a starting point for development window Systems. By combining the principles of MS-DOS and windows family, the system of the 95th year has become the main product for desktop computers. Thanks to the simplicity of the window interface, Microsoft managed to occupy a niche of graphic OS and gaining a foothold on the market. Menu "Start", long file names, drag and drop function Plug and Play, steel the foundation and branded style of all subsequent Windows systems;

  • Windows XP. Released in 2001, the system made a real extension among PC users. Before the release of "seven", XP remained the main operating system. Easy, easy to install and use. Having a minimum disk space. Today, Windows XP is not supported by the company that hits the resistance to viral attacks. Nevertheless, the owners of low-power PCs and laptops set the system to their devices: it is not demanding of the technique and it works, without occupying a lot of RAM and without loading processor. The only substantial minus system is a vulnerability before viruses due to lack of updates. However, the problem is solved by installing latest version any reliable antivirus (Avast, Avira, Dr.Web);

  • Windows Vista. Issued in 2007. It was cooled by the community. Beautiful visually, but requiring powerful computer And weak in terms of security, the system turned out to be failed. Problem with performance, poor support for drivers, cut-off opportunities turned out to be the main flaws of the OS. Pleasant graphic interfaceas one of the few dignity will go to the next OS company - Windows 7;

  • Windows 7. The release of the product took place at the end of 2009. "Seven" was held in the top of the installations for 8 years. The most reliable, simple and convenient system of all. She took the best of XP and became more productive. After an unsuccessful Vista, the "seven" met warmly. Great opportunities Personalization, support for a huge number of drivers, the ease and speed of the installation contributed to the system to capture the market. In 2018, it is still installed on computers, despite the end of the official support and the lack of updates from Microsoft;

  • Windows 8. It happened that Microsoft gets "one time." The revolutionary Flat Metro interface was met with distrust and criticism. Exactly appearance affected the failure of the system. Ordinary Functions: Personalization, Deleting Programs, Shutdown and Reboot Significantly Changed in comparison with Windows 7. The inexperienced user has become difficult to find them, and therefore, together, to get to work, it was necessary to delve into the new interface for a long time. But the company made the right conclusions, upgrading the stability and appearance of the system, having prepared an excellent release - Windows 10;

  • Windows 10. In fact, the system takes the best of Windows 7 and 8. Decent performance, additional settings for gamers for performance improvement, shop free applications and extreme simple setup Parameters are the main advantages allocated by users. After the release, several months the system remained free - for the first time in the history of Windows. Windows 10 is installed in the new default laptops. So when buying a fresh device does not have to give extra money for buying a license. Additional advantage of the system - versatility. Windows 10 can be installed on both the computer and on mobile devices: smartphones, tablets, and even xbox. Multiplatform Provides synchronization of settings and data united account User. All innovations and improvements helped the "dozen" to overtake the popularity of Windows 7 and become a universal operating system for personal computers.

Video - Starting Windows hangs when installing Windows 7

Hello, dear readers.

Sooner or later, all users of computers with operating systems From Microsoft are encountered with a situation where you need to change the medium used. At the same time, the reasons may be very different. Earlier, I already talked exactly how it is necessary to post a new OS on its device. But what if the start of installation of Windows 7 appears, hangs on a laptop and nothing happens? As always, the reasons may be mass. Further in the article I will try to disassemble the most popular of them.

The above problem is manifested in various ways:

The reasons( )

Despite the fact that the process stops at different moments, the reasons are the same:

    Problems with hard disk, RAM, power supply.

    Insufficient contact S. motherboard.

    Circuit of the reader or USB port.

    Incorrect BIOS setup.

    Error writing an image.

    Damage to the data carrier.

Well, as you can see the reasons for the emergence of a problem. Conditionally they are divided into external and internal. Stripping from this, the decision of the ailment will be different.

Waiting for response( )

We will look at everything possible solutions Problems. So, if suddenly on your laptop asus Or any friend suddenly stopped the process of installing the operating system, you should not immediately worry. You may just wait 10 or 15 minutes. It is likely that after that everything will continue without any failures.

Why exactly this happens official sources Not report.

True, it is worth noting that this in most cases is observed on devices that use maternal gigabyte boards and processors from AMD. Apparently, during their interaction, small failures occur, leading to such consequences.

Distribution( )

What if the past version did not help, and your HP laptop or the other still hangs? It is worth trying to take a new portable memory with the Windows distribution. In addition, you can already have removable device Test on a computer different from yours. If everything happens again - the disease is associated directly with memory. Otherwise, with a computer.

It is worth noting that in the last embodiment, a separate component of the device can be operated incorrectly, with which reading occurs. Therefore for exception possible options It is worth conducting a test, using just a different disk or flash drive.

Bios.( )

On many computers and laptops, regardless of the manufacturer, whether Samsung or any other problem with the launch of the installation process can be associated with two important parameters that are exhibited in the BIOS area:

And for proper work You must specify the appropriate parameters for each. To do this, perform several movements:

Now it is worthy to return to the installation process.

Computer checking( )

If the described methods did not help solve the problem, one of the following steps is to check the computer or lenovo laptop (any other manufacturer) for mechanical damage. Outside it looks like it was before - it is worth promoting the system unit. With a laptop in this case, you need to try a little more.

After opening, we check for the presence of the smell of Gary, drowshes, dark spots. It should be examined by everything that is possible, including the power supply, hard disk, RAM connectors, etc..

As a result, if the problem is found, it needs to be simply replaced.

Testing RAM and Winchester( )

If the inspection did not lead to anything, it is worth testing important system components. So, for checking RAM itself popular program Today is memtest.