Error No connection to the DNS server. What if the DNS server does not answer? Changing DNS servers in the network card settings

Modern Internet is nothing but a lot different computers, laptops I. mobile devicesrelated to one network. In fact, all these devices are servers. After all, each of them has an IP address that is unique. It is thanks to IP and the identification of devices in the global network occurs.

At the same time, two types of servers are required for the Internet: the main and auxiliary. The first serves to accommodate users' sites. Depending on which volume of information is given and it turns out, a different number of sites can be stored on the server - from one (, Mail.Ru, to many thousands. The second type is represented by auxiliary servers that help to work the main network, providing general interaction. One of the species of such auxiliary devices are DNS servers.

What is the DNS server and for what is used

The DNS server is essentially a computer, but not quite. It serves to host a distributed database included in the domain name system (DNS), which is used to receive and transmit and transfer to users of information about domains. The DNS server is connected to the network and interact with each other by a specific protocol.

You can give a simpler description. With the help of the DNS server, it is determined by the correspondence of the Website name of its usual IP address. This information is stored in a constantly replenished database.

Consider in practice the entire sequence. The browser in which the user opens the site is initially referred to the DNS server and notifies it that he wants to find and get to the site whose address is entered in the address string text field. Go ahead. The DNS server determines on its base, in which location of the network is a site with the same name, making it an IP address of the server with the resource located on it and sends a request there. As a result, a response consisting of a set is formed. various filesThe components of the site itself (HTML documents, images and tables, CSS styles) and sent to the user's browser.

Where are the DNS server settings and how to find out its address in Windows 7

Consider the situation when the user on its computer under windows control 7 Quietly "travels" on the Internet. This means that the DNS server works. You can make sure that you can enter the "Administration" tab of the control panel in the "Services" menu and see the status of the DNS client. The service must be enabled with the selected automatic start type.

To find out the address of the DNS server, you should use the IPConfig / All command by entering it in the cmd.exe utility command prompt, running on the administrator.

How to install and configure: Instructions

The DNS server is connected when setting up a network protocol.

Start sequence:

  1. Select a network connection at the bottom of the desktop at the bottom of the desktop, which clicks on the corresponding icon, and go to the pop-up window that opens through the link to the network connections.
  2. Select an existing connection and in the window that opens, click the "Properties" button.
  3. Select the TCP / IPv4 Internet Protocol Protocol Settings tab.
  4. Check the radio channels of automatic receipt of IP and DNS server addresses, click "OK" and close all open tabs.

It should be noted that such an automatic configuration is possible only if the DHCP client service is enabled, providing start and operation in the DHCP server network. Its settings can be viewed and changing by selecting the appropriate item in open window System Services of the Administration tab of the control panel.

For automatic setting The provider DNS servers are used. It is not always appropriate, as difficulties may arise. For example, the provider servers are far from always can cope with the emerging load and do not filter. In this case, it is preferable to connect through large well-known companies.

Yandex DNS servers:

  • 88.8.8;
  • 88.8.1.

Google DNS servers:

  • 8.8.8;
  • 8.4.4.

OpenDNS DNS servers:

  • 67.222.222;
  • 67.220.220.

Depending on the selected company, vapor addresses is entered in the Internet Protocol properties window in the preferred and alternative DNS server fields when they marked their radio button.

Possible problems and ways to solve them

If you have any problems with access to the Internet, then do not rush to get upset. It is possible that this happened due to the disorders of the DNS server.

Main problems:

  • internet disappears and it is impossible to open a single site;
  • sites in the browser are not discredited, but the torrent client continues to work;
  • when trying to reboot network adapter The process "freezes";
  • unable to restart the DNS client, the error is issued.

It may happen that your provider has turned on the blocking of some DNS servers or the address sent in the settings of the network protocol has become unavailable. The solution to the problem is very simple. At first, try to change the addresses of DNS servers, and if nothing happens, then turn on their automatic receipt. If the problem is not solved, then you should search for another reason or contact the service center.

Video: What to do if DNS does not answer, and how to fix other malfunctions

DHCP server and his difference from DNS

The DHCP server refers to the auxiliary type of servers containing a network protocol that provides dynamic node setting at the automatic configuration stage of any network deviceconnected to the Internet. The network administrator will only be set to the address range. In this case there is no manual setting And, accordingly, the number of errors arising is reduced. This is because the server automatically distributes the addresses between computers in accordance with the specified range. Most TCP / IP networks work on the DHCP protocol.

In Windows, as well as in any other operating system, errors may occur. Here is an example of one of these errors: "Computer settings are configured correctly, but the device or resource (DNS server) does not respond." At the same time it is impossible to connect to the Internet. How can I solve this problem?

I want to immediately say that I will describe only possible solutionswhich can help. Every situation should be considered separately.

Possible Solution

So, the first and simplest solution is needed. To do this, it is worth disconnecting it out of the outlet and wait for about 10 seconds. In this case, all signal lamps on the device will go out. Laying specified time Connect the router to the power supply and wait some time until the network connects.

If the above method does not help, then you need to use the command line, with which you can clear the cache of some parameters. Run the command line on behalf of the administrator: Press the "Start" button, write CMD in the "Find Programs and Files" row. A shortcut program will appear at the top of the window. You need to click on it right-click Mice and choose "Run on the administrator":

ipconfig / Flushdns.

ipconfig / registerdns

ipconfig / Release

Enter each command by clicking after each of them the ENTER key.

Perhaps the case in TCP / IP parameters if certain DNS servers addresses are installed. This really takes place, but with some types of connection you need to prescribe strictly those DNS addresses that the user receives from the provider. Be extremely neat.

In the control panel, select "Network Management Center and common access", Opening which you will see the main information about the network. On the left side of the window, select "Change Adapter Settings".

Select your connection, click on the right mouse button, click on the item "Properties".

In a new window, select the Internet Version 6 (TCP / IPv6) protocol and "Internet version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" (TCP / IPv4) protocol), click on the "Properties" button.

We put the checkboxes "Get an IP address automatically" and "Get the DNS server address automatically". Click OK.

I repeat once again that with these actions you need to be extremely neat, since if the connection requires certain IP Address and the DNS addresses, the Internet will stop working at all while you do not register the addresses that the provider issued you. All responsibility for it falls on your shoulders.

By the way, if the decision to receive automatic addresses is helped, you can register the Google DNS server: and, which, as Google assures, ensures the acceleration of web pages by increasing the efficiency of data caching, as well as improved protection from Squealing.

Do you have alternative solutions? I will be glad if you share them in the comments.

One of the many reasons for failures in the operation of the Internet connection is the DNS error. She is also known as "Error 105". It leads to a trip from the Internet of the device, or even to stopping all connections. To get rid of the error, you need to know the reason. There are a number of reasons for DNS failure. Fortunately, all reasons are easy to determine the experimental way.

What is a DNS error?

DNS is required to correctly display sites. We use letters sites for titles. But the browser works exclusively with numbers. Therefore, when you write the site address in the query line, the browser using the DNS technology translates the letter in the numeric. If the browser fails to find a DNS address server, it cannot correctly process the request and gives an error.

What to do when an error appears?

There are three main causes of errors:

  1. Failure from the provider.
  2. Technical error on the site.
  3. Problems with your connection.

To find out specifically, your reason is simple enough. To start, check, on how many sites an error appears. If only one page does not work, these are problems with the site, and you need to wait until technical support Eliminate the causes of failure.

If the Internet does not work on all devices, then most likely the reason in the Internet provider. In this case, you will have to call technical support with a description of the problem and wait for the result.

If the Internet is not only on one of the devices (most often on a laptop or PC), then this problem can be solved on your own by performing a sequence of actions:

  1. First of all, update the status of the service. To do this, go to the "Control Panel", go to the "Administration" tab and choose the "service".
  2. Click on the string " Client DNS."And click" Restart ".
  3. If, after restarting service, the sites did not start loaded, you will have to reset the DNS cache. To do this, click "Run" in the "Start" panel, and enter in the IPConfig / Flushdns string
  4. After that, reboot the computer.

If it did not help, then you have to use alternative settings.

Cleaning and change

Sometimes providers use their DNS servers to impose restrictions on customers. The provider may at its discretion to prohibit access to certain sites. But you can use alternative DNS.

Important! Remember, changing the DNS provider on published in open access Addresses, you expose your danger data. Fraudsters openly use DNS for criminal circuits. To protect yourself using an alternative DNS, set the server's secure address from Google.

Application Google DNS.

DNS from Google looks like To start it, you need to go to " Network connections", Select a renewed connection, then open the TCP / IP tab. Instead of automatic selection choose manual mode, and enter the data of the main and alternative server.

Google Public DNS processes about 70 billion requests per day. Every second, about 800 thousand customers are drawn to the server. This is a popular server, and users note its high speed.

Slower Server Reaction when using Google

Negative trait use Google Public DNS before the local server offers of providers are weak optimization of local resources. Local DNS correctly redirects your request with geodata. Global server system Make it is much more difficult. Therefore, sometimes users complain about slow processing of the request. But against the background of the overall increase in the speed of work, this problem does not seem serious.

Antivirus malfunction

Rare, but possible reason The emergence of "Error 105" is a faulty antivirus. Check it easy. Restart the computer. At the same time, during the boot, press the option of the OS boot options, and select a secure download to network parameter support in the menu.

Important! Default is not called hot key. Previously, it needs to be included. Press WIN + R and write the msconfig command

Go to the "Load" tab, check the box next to the "Safe Mode" and the marker to select "Network".

After launching OS in safe modeThe antivirus will not boot and the ability to check the performance of sites.

If, due to the disable antivirus, the Internet has earned, delete, and then install the antivirus program again.


Wi-Fi Router It may be caused by the failure of DNS. To check this probability, simply disconnect the Ethernet cable from the router, and connect it directly to the computer through the corresponding connector. After a few minutes, the system will select the parameters, and will configure to work with the Ethernet connection. If the Internet has earned, it means that the problem is in the connection, and will have to reset the router settings.

Disconnect the router from the network. Wait 15-30 seconds to occur the discharge of the capacitor, and the operational settings have dropped. Connect the router to the network. After turning on the indicators, connect the Ethernet cable.


If, after applying the described methods, the compound did not appear, it means that the problem with the provider. In this case, call the technical support of the service provider, and make an application for a problem.

Didn't find answering your question in the article? ! Specify what the difficulty arose and what you already did, so that we could help.

To ensure the safety and reliability of the Internet connection, as well as for uninterrupted access to websites, social networks And online services, you can use third-party DNS servers that work in the first turn of Internet access.

Popular DNS servers are presented on our website in the Safe DNS Services section. Most often, the DNS setting helps to work more efficiently and proxy, providing more high level Protection of your privacy and anonymity.

We bring to your attention detailed instructionshow to configure DNS on a computer with operating windows systems 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP.

Setting up DNS with DNS JUMPER

Run the utility, select in the list DNS server. Preferred server (for example, Google Public DNS) and click Apply DNS.

Setting up DNS in Windows 10, 8.1, 8

2. In the section View network basic information and configuration, select Network from

3. In the window that opens, select Properties.

4. In the Connection Properties window in the list The marked components are used by this connection. Select IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) In Windows 10 or and click Properties.

5. In the window that opens on the tab General Select.

6. Enter the DNS add-up you selected, such as Google DNS, in the preferred DNS-CEPBEP field and alternative DNS-CEPBEP (depending on the selected service, the field may remain empty).

7. Tick for and click OK.To save changes.

  • Right-click on windows icon (Start menu) and select Command Line (Administrator) or Windows PowerShell (Administrator)
  • Enter the IPConfig / Flushdns command and press the ENTER key.

Setting up DNS in Windows 7

1. Right-click on the Internet icon in the tray, select Network and Shared Access Control Center.

2. In the section View active networks , select Right from:

3. On the tab General In the Click button. Properties.

4. On the tab Net Connect property windows, scroll down and select, click Properties.

5. On the General tab of the Properties tab, at the bottom, select, and then enter the IP addresses of the selected DNS service, such as Google DNS.

6. Check the box for Confirm the parameters when exit and press OK.To save changes.

Update DNS cache as follows:

  • Press Menu Start \u003e Enter cmd. In the Find Programs and Files\u003e field\u003e Right-click on the link found and select Run from the admin
  • IN Command line Enter the IPConfig / Flushdns command and press the ENTER key.
  • Make a reboot of the computer.

Setting up DNS in Windows XP

  1. In the Start menu, open Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel window\u003e select Network connections, then select the current connection.
  3. On the General tab in the window Connection status Click Properties.
  4. On the General tab of the Connection Properties windows, scroll down and select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), then click Properties.
  5. On the General tab, the Internet Protocol properties window (TCP / IP), at the bottom, select, and then enter the IP addresses of the selected DNS service, such as Google DNS.
  6. Press the button OK And close all windows.

Setting up DNS in Windows Vista

  1. In the Start menu, open Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel window, select Network and Shared Access Control Center.
  3. In the Network section, select View status Each connection.
  4. On the General tab in the window Connection status Click Properties.
  5. On the Connection Turning Network tab, scroll down and select, click Properties.
  6. On the General tab of the properties tab, at the bottom, select, and then enter the IP addresses of the selected DNS service, Google DNS.
  7. Click OK and close all windows.

Found a typo? Highlight and press Ctrl + Enter

Unfortunately, sometimes when attempting to access some site or in general when connecting to the Internet, many users see an error, in a message stated that it is not possible to convert the DNS server address. What to do in such a situation, not every user knows. But, as it turns out, there is no particular reasons for concern, since the failure is easy enough.

Why is it possible to convert the server DNS address?

As you know, the DNS servers are means of interpretation of addresses of Internet resources from a numerical expression to a symbolic, in which listers and numbers, and special signs can be used in the addresses.

So what is the reason that sometimes the system fails to convert the address of the DNS server? As a rule, the impact of viruses can stand for this, removing the anti-virus product (often this is observed with Avast), "silent" network settings or incorrectly installed parameters. Consider several typical situations with possible methods troubleshooting.

Error "Unable to convert a server DNS address": What to do first?

First of all, check the computer to viruses. You never know, maybe the reason is really in this. But it is necessary to use any third-party product for this, and not a regular scanner.

But even if the viruses are not found, the system can still issue a message that the DNS server address cannot convert. And therefore the problem is just in network settings. Therefore, it is initially necessary to check whether this message is given only when accessing some specific site or in general to all pages when you try to open them. If possible, it is better to check access from several devices, say, from a stationary computer, laptop and smartphone. If only one site does not respond, it is possible that technical works are simply carried out. If access is blocked for all resources, the problem may have cause from the provider. But if you have the possibility of accessing from a single device, the reason that the system cannot convert the DNS server address should be searched for exactly installed network parameters.

Verification of the status of the DNS client

On a stationary computer or laptop, first of all, check the status of the DNS client.

To do this, use the Services section to which you can enter through the computer administration, but it is easier to immediately enter the Services.msc command to the "Run" Win + R console). Here you need to find the corresponding string and look at installed type launch. The parameter must match automatic launch. If the value is different, you should call the properties menu and change it.

Control of the settings of the protocol used

If this solution does not work, you need to use network settings, in particular, the default protocol (usually it is IPv4).

We find it in the section Changes in the settings of the network adapter, press the properties button and check that installed in the fields of the preferred and alternative DNS server. It is possible that it often happens, the automatic receipt of parameters is established.

You can try to change them on the values \u200b\u200boffered by google service Public DNS. Here in one line you should install four eights, and in the other - two eights and two fours. In principle, what a combination will be used for each type of servers, does not play a special role.

Clearing DNS cache and recovery parameters

Finally, if an error message says that it is not anyway, it is not possible to convert the DNS server address, it appears again, you can simply or even reset the parameters.

For cache is used command linerunning with the administrator rights in which IPConfig / Flushdns is prescribed. Of course, you can also add configuration re-registration commands, but in most cases there is enough normal cleaning.

In principle, if such things are lazy, you can download and install on a computer special application Microsoft Fix IT! (It, by the way, was designed specifically to eliminate Internet connection errors). It is enough to simply activate the utility and wait for the end of the scanning process and eliminate failures (processes are completely in automatic mode without user participation).

Instead of pre-school

In general, the proposed solutions allow to eliminate quite a lot of problems relating to they are equally well applicable not only to the error described above, which has the 105th code, but also to some other failures, when the main reason for the lack of communication or access to resources is called of this character. But if you approach the elimination of a malfunction from a practical point of view, many users who are not particularly dealt with network settings can be advised by the use of a "native" program from Microsoft, especially since no one better than them knows the Windows system. But in principle, if at least some concepts about the system settings are still there, it is better to apply to solutions without the use of automatic fixer.