Windows 7 error correction. Standard Windows problem diagnostics. Causes of Death Screen

Good day, readers.

Microsoft operating systems often face situations when there are various errors. Over time, they accumulate, which only leads to deterioration of the device. To prevent it, you need to have an application that can correct everything automatically. At the same time, the tools will help to cope with the inconsistency of the registry, inconsistencies of file associations, incorrect labels and many other, preventing the right functioning of the equipment. Next in the article, I will tell you how to fix errors on computer windows 7 in several ways. Users can only choose the appropriate.

Despite the name, this application is suitable not only for the latest version. operating system from Microsoft. At the same time, it can be used for both maximum assembly and home.

The application has a weight gain:

    a wide range of tools for free automatic correction of problems (not opens " Start", Shortcuts and applications, blocking system regions) are not launched);

    no need for installation;

    provision detailed informationconcerning manual correction of each individual error.

True, the program does not provide a Russian interface.

Kaspersky Cleaner.( )

Relatively recently the most famous russian companyOffering anti-virus software - Kaspersky, placed a new utility on its web resource.
Cleaner You can download free. It has a wide range of functions, including:

The program has a mass gain:

    maximum simplicity - the application will be understandable even for a novice user;

    a Russian-speaking interface is provided;

    "Smart" correction of problems, which will help not harm the system.

In general, the program allows you to quickly and without reinstalling the system to return the performance of the computer.

Microsoft Fix IT.( )

The developers of the most popular operating system in the world perfectly know that with their brainchild, there are sometimes problems. Therefore, they presented a tool that allows for free and quickly correct the most famous illegal diseases.

The program finds a solution to a specific problem existing and automatically makes everything to cope with it. Also this tool is distributed called Easy Fix . You can download it as well as from the official site of Microsoft.

Using an application is carried out in several movements:

    You need to choose the area to which the problem relates.

    A text description will appear.

    If necessary, place an application on your device for automatic correction.

Built-in program( )

Usually windows users Professional version and any other do not even pay attention to an important point in the control panel - " Troubleshooting ..." This decision can help deal with many ailments of the system.

Just run the application. Find the item " View all categories" Will appear full list All fixes passing in automatic mode and not needing connected additional programs. Although not always, but often these tools help cope with the problem.

If necessary, an interaction option from the installation disk is provided. True for this first it is necessary to properly place the program on the removable device.

Anvisoft PC Plus.( )

The application is like something FIX IT.. True has a more convenient functionality. The main advantage - corrections also work for the last two versions of Microsoft operating systems.

To work you need a little:

    Install the application and run it.

    After you need to find concrete error and click " FIX NOW." Then the application automatically does everything you need.

    It is worth noting that to solve most problems, you need to have a connection to the Internet to load the missing system files.

In this case, the software has several drawbacks. So, for example, a Russian interface is not provided here. In addition, it is proposed relatively few tools. But at the same time, their number is constantly growing.

Already, the application is able to correct:

  • label errors;

    problems associated with the launch of programs due to the lack of supply files * .dll (libraries);

    deal registry editor, task manager and more.

Well, the main advantage of course is to install only the desired solution. The program does not want to additionally place a lot of additional unwanted applications on the computer.

AVZ.( )

Initially, this program was created as antivirus software. At the same time, it has a small addition " System Restore" It allows you to automatically correct many errors encountered in Operation. To do this, it is enough to perform several movements:

    We place an application on your device. It works only in such a way, so you will use it with installation flash drive Will not succeed.

    We launch and note what needs to be corrected.

Command line( )

In addition to the above-described applications in Windows, there is also a tool that allows you to check the integrity of system files and correct them if necessary. To do this, you need to perform several actions:

    Go to " Start", And then in" Service».

    Press the PCM on the command prompt and run it from the administrator.

    A new window will appear with a black background. In the command line we prescribe " sFC / SCANNOW."And confirm by pressing" ENTER" The corresponding tool will start, which automatically check and fix it. At the same time, such possibilities are in all the latest versions of Microsoft Orsts, regardless of the bit - 32 or 64 Bit.

For a detailed analysis of the topic, you can view the appropriate video:

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Errors for download windows There are quite often found. He can talk about malfunction hard disk, random access memory, processor or operating system.

Let's deal with what the errors indicate and how to get rid of them.

Loading system

See also: Top 12 computer diagnostic programs: description of proven software tools

We will analyze the process of loading OS. When you turn on the computer and its successful download, the processor performs a number of instructions that BIOS provides it.

These instructions are entered into vulnerable CMOS memory. After starting the processor refers to the addressable cell of the chip. It depends on the laid properties. It recorded the BIOS code.

The initial set of instructions performed by the processor is called the POST procedure (Power-On Self Test-self-test when connected to power).

With it, the following actions are held:

  • Primary equipment check is performed, including the state of the processor and the size of RAM. At the same time, the performance of the OP is checked.
  • It is based on the system configuration setting from the CMOS memory.
  • The tire frequency is set in accordance with the settings made from CMOS.
  • The device is checked from which the OS (hard disk, drive and other) is loaded.
  • The end of the check notifies the beep.
  • Other devices are initialized.
  • At the end of the POST procedure, other adapters, such as the video card, begin their internal test. sound card, Hard disk controllers. When checking, all information is displayed on the monitor screen.

BIOS stops its work in the download when the main boot record on the hard disk (or in the OS record place) and transmits it to managing further loading.

Now the downloads recorded on the carrier are joined.

We list the main download problems:

It is necessary to find out the cause of the failure and eliminate it. And so that the problems no longer occur again - do not repeat these errors.

It is very important for the further correct operation of the system, otherwise you will have to reinstall again and again. software and Operation, which will lead to the wear of the hard disk.

The fact is that the error when loading Windows varies depending on the version of the OS.

So, U. different versions The most common will be different errors. That is why you need to look for a solution to the problem for your OS.

See also: 3 ways to install windows xp from flash drive

At the present time this version Windows Practically ceased to exist.

However, some computers (often it is old models) are still working on this OS.

And although people who have long known xp are accustomed to her mistakes, but it is worth dealing with the most common ones.

Loss of system bootloader

This is the most common problem when loading Windows XP. Usually it occurs when trying to reinstall OS.

When this error appears, the system issues one of two inscriptions:

1 Violation when loading OS.

2 Damage to sections tables.

Eliminating error data is possible by making items:

  • run the recovery process from the disk on which OS is recorded;
  • launch the installation program;
  • after the inscription greetings, press the "R" button;
  • laying the recovery console, it is necessary to specify the installed version OS;
  • enter "FixMBr" and press ENTER.

After that, the system will restart, and the error will be eliminated.

Although there are other reasons for the loss of the system loader, however the above-described happens most often.

NTLDR Is Missing.

This problem is also quite common. When it appears, often users simply format the disk, which leads not only to eliminate the error, but also loss of all memory.

but this problem It can be solved without such radical methods, it suffices to understand the reason for its origin. And eliminate and while maintaining the data is not so difficult.

This error is a black screen with the inscription NTLDR IS Missing.

Sometimes, to eliminate the problem, it is enough to press the popular keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Delete (this is written in the error screen).

This combination must restart the system, but it does not always help it.

Error means that the files are not available for loading the system. There may be several reasons for it:

1 failure in the hardware. This is the most unpleasant problem, as it means that the fault is enclosed in the hardware, and is not a consequence of any failure in the system. Correction of this error will be a replacement / repair of faulty components.

2 Connection additional hard disk. It is also the reason for the appearance of an error. The problem is eliminated by the BIOS tool, after the implementation of a number of simple actions.

3 conflict of two installed OS. On some computers, two operating systems are installed at once, which can lead to their reluctance to work with each other. Solving the problem occurs with the installation disk with Windows.


With this problem, during the OS load, the user watches the inscription on the like "Unable to run Hal.dll" or "The file is not found or damaged."

When it appears, the first decision came to mind becomes reinstalling windows. However, you can cope without so cardinal measures.

The fact is that this file It is responsible for the interaction of iron (computer itself) and its software components.

The problem arises for the reason that XP, as the most old versionis subject to different errors most often.

As such, the causes of the error may be set. However, it can still be eliminated using a number of actions in the BIOS without reinstalling the operating system.

Nevertheless, it is worth understanding that sometimes only a radical way can help.

See also: Top 6 methods How to clean Windows 7-10 from unnecessary garbage, just clear the cache of memory, delete updates and clear the registry

Despite the new versions of Windsa, the seven still remains the most popular. It is rather the case of habit.

Many people think this version most convenient and averaged between the XP and the same eight (in principle it is so it is)

Precisely because the version is the most popular, then the error loading windows 7 is a frequent problem.

Most often, when Windows 7 is booting, various error codes appear that indicate that or another problem. It is worth dealing with the most frequent problemsthat arise.

System bootloader

Like Windows XP, the seven happens with the loader. The cause of the problem is the same as the previous version.

However, you can restore the seven bootloader both automatically and manually.

The first way is most convenient and even the most inexperienced user will cope with it, but it can not always help get rid of the problem.


This error occurs when installing the OS. This happens because of the inexperience of many user, which when reinstalling, forget to format one of the partitions of the hard disk.

Usually this error indicates a lack of space to install the system.

In order for the error does not occur, you must check the memory on the hard disk and if necessary, format it.

The most famous error that occurs when the system is started. Usually occurs after installing the OS. A large red letters are displayed on a white background.

To solve the problem, you must restart the computer with installation disk Inside and when you turn on, run the disk.

Return to "Restoring System", and after put a tick near "Use Restore Means ...", but it is worth considering that you have to choose the system.

In the command prompt, you need to enter "bootrec / fixboot". After that, the problem will be eliminated.

Startup Repair Offline

Literally this problem means "restoring a launch not online", sometimes it is eliminated after rebooting.

However, the system is often trying to restore itself without connecting to the network and it does not work. Therefore, it will have to help her.

This is usually solved in several ways:

  • Resetting BIOS settings.
  • Connecting loops.
  • Restoring startup.
  • Using the "command line".

All these methods require certain knowledge and inexperienced people better call a person who disassembled well.


The most frightening error - " blue screen of death". Often this means that the system "lay down" and will only help her cardinal measures.

However, sometimes it happens that after rebooting the computer, the error disappears and does not show itself anymore, but it is worth understanding that this way the computer signals a serious problem that needs to be eliminated.

The main causes of the problem may be several:

  • Incompatibility of hardware.
  • Driver malfunctions.
  • Problems with antivirus.
  • Problems in the registry.

First of all, it is necessary to conduct an error diagnostric to find out the cause of the problem, after which it is already taken for its elimination depending on the reasons.

Hello, readers.

No matter how well the operating system was not configured, sometimes failures still happen in it. And for a certain period of time, a large amount may be gathered. This mainly leads to a deterioration in the work of the system as a whole, as well as to the emergence of new problems. In this question, a special program will help to correct Windows 7 errors. There are many of them. In the article Next, I will consider the most popular and effective solutions.

The program perfectly helps to cope with various system errors in Microsoft operating systems from different versions. In it, all the necessary tools for work are made separately. In addition, the program provides for solutions for additional setting Many Parties Operations.

The application has many advantages:

    no need for installation - it works online;

    a wide range of features that allow cope with the main typical problems OS;

    a variant of manual fixes of all errors is provided.

Despite explicit positive moments, there are disadvantages here. And most of them are the lack of a Russian-speaking interface.

Kaspersky Cleaner.( )

A well-known manufacturer of protective software for the whole world decided to present the world a new direction - a program that allows you to correct the errors in Windows. The application has a lot of positive sides:

    Offered for free in Russian.

    Removes unnecessary files.

    Corrects the most famous OS errors.

    Removes the problems of the Association of Files with Extensions * .bat., * .lnk., * .exe., * .dll And many others.

    Solves issues with a blocked registry, task manager and other elements of the system.

    Changing certain operating settings.

    The most simplified interface.

    Some safety instruments protect against Windows failure are provided.

Microsoft Fix IT.( )

Another good option is the application, download for free which is from the official page of the corporation. The program will help automatically correct everything you need. In this case, the solution allows you to choose an algorithm that is needed to solve only existing problem on a specific device.

It is considered one of best programsallowing you to deal with problems on the computer. The interface is simple and understandable. Use the application is needed as follows:

In general, the application allows you to cope in the shortest possible time with the most famous and common issues arising in the system.

Built-in tool( )

Often remains unnoticed by the built-in tool, which is offered in the latest version of the operating system from Microsoft. " Troubleshooting»It can quickly cope with a mass of problems in automatic mode.

Where is the solution? To start the application, you must:

As a result, users will see a wide list of all fixes offered automatically, which are already on the computer and there is no need for downloading them.

Anvisoft PC Plus.( )

Another user-friendly manager for fixing various errors is PC Plus. The principle of operation is similar to the service FIX IT.. The main advantage is the directional work for two recent versions Win.

Interaction with a simple application. In general, the algorithm looks like:

    Run the program. On the start screen Choose the direction of the problem. It can be associations with labels, network connection, launching some applications, incorrect entries in the registry and much more.

    Next, we find the error you are interested in. Press "". As a result, the computer will independently do everything you need. It is important to have a constant connection to the Internet so that the program can additionally download the desired components.

Today the program is endowed with the necessary tools to solve a variety of problems:

    errors associated with the launch of a particular application;

    problems with registry editor and task dispatcher;

    getting rid of the blue screen;

    deleting temporary unnecessary files.

At the same time, most of these utilities simultaneously establishes an incredible amount of "garbage", which later needs to be deleted manually. Works independently and does not post along the way.

Important! Before starting work, it is better to create a recovery point. If necessary, this will help return the device into the past state.


Another good option to correct popular problems is Netadapter.. It will help to deal with the ailments of the network, errors with files and come in handy for:

    cleaning the HOSTS file;

    inclusion of a wireless adapter;

    wINSOCK reset and TCP / IP protocol;

    clearance cache DNS., static IP, routing;

    restart NetBIOS.

The program is able to help if some web pages stopped opening suddenly. But it is necessary to understand what you are doing. Otherwise, the results can be different.

Well, as you can see, there are plenty of solutions that allow you to return the performance of Windows, whether it is a home version or maximum. At the same time, I did not mention the utilities that allow you to configure all aspects of the Operations in detail. In general, here you can make almost everything you need. And there is no need to load in boot mode - It's just enough to restart the system so that everything worked fine.

I hope the article will help to deal with problems on the computer.

Any operating system on windows database gives failures after a long time. System disks are clogged with residual and temporary files, programs. Disorder in the system leads to a decrease overall productivity. The device is loaded long, slowly performs operations. The biggest user problem is the occurrence of errors against the background of the failures in Windows 7. There are internal and external ways to eliminate errors in the system. Internal implies power use and windows resourcesWhen external methods apply programs and utilities.

Checking disk using chkdsk

CHKDSK - service utility built into the operating system. The destination of the utility is to restore the damaged sectors on the hard disk. Also, CHKDSK fixes system file errors. The utility is launched from command line In Windows 7. You can run the command line in several ways:

  • The combination of keys on the Win + R keyboard;
  • Start key, in the search bar, enter a request "CMD";
  • Start, Programs, Standard, Command Line.

In the black window that opens, the command is entered: "CHKDSK C: / F". Command value:

  • Chkdsk - disk checking;
  • C: - Name system Disc, the letter can be another, colon necessarily;
  • / F - action designation, the system automatically checks out for errors by eliminating them.

After entering the command, press the ENTER button. Upon the next reboot, the system will check and correct the error.

Check by the SFC ScanNow command

The utility is also running from the command line. To start checking, you will need administrator rights. In the command prompt, you need to enter "SFC / SCANNOW". The system will automatically check the files, including closed, correct errors, restore damaged from the cached copy.

Standard diagnostics of Windows problems

Using the command line is suitable for advanced users. Those who are poorly understood in the operation of computers, suitable window version of diagnostics and troubleshooting. Additionally, users of the operating room windows systems 7 Available to find solutions and download important updates in updates and support centers.

Troubleshooting in the control panel

This is internal windows programallowing you to diagnose the system for errors and search for solutions to eliminate them. You can run it as follows:

A window will open with a list of all computer system capabilities. In most cases, it is enough to start checking the "Speed" item. Double click At the selected item, the user will start checking. In order for the system to immediately eliminate the errors, check the box to "automatically apply corrections".

Search for solutions in the center of support

The support center tools tracks the operating system status, saves error and failure reports. Through the Center, you can find the problems that have occurred, correct them.

To correct errors in the system, go to the "Maintenance" section of the center.

Check updates in the center of updates

Windows 7 is already considered outdated. Microsoft has stopped active support for users on this version of the operating system, but updates are still. The installation is not necessary, but the system corrects errors, restores corrupted files during the download process of the next updates.

For recently installed windows Updates are searched and downloaded automatically. If this option is disabled, the user can start the process manually:

  1. Press the Start button;
  2. Log in to the section Control Panel, System and Safety;
  3. Select Windows Update Center;
  4. On the left side of the window click on the "Search for Updates";
  5. Wait for the completion of the procedure.

The system will offer to establish found updates. It is recommended to agree.

Error correction programs

For Windows operating systems, a variety of programs have been developed that can improve performance, correct errors, delete registry errors. Such utilities weigh a little, do not take computer resources.

Advanced System Care.

The utility leads a computer in order comprehensively. Advanced System Care is distributed free of charge, you can download on the developer's website.

Important! When installing, you should carefully read the proposed information, remove the checkboxes from the installation points of the additional, advertising software.

After installing and running ADVANCED SYSTEM CARE, a window will appear before the user. simple interface. 2 modes of operation with utility, simplified and expert are offered. In any of the modes just click large button "Start". The utility will independently check the system on:

  • Viruses;
  • Erroneous entries in the registry;
  • Temporary, residual, unwanted files;
  • Network problems;
  • Erroneous labels;
  • Possible threats for confidentiality.

On the user team, all threats or some of them will be deleted.


One of the best programs for cleaning and fixing the registry for Windows operating systems. CCleaner is distributed free of charge. As in the previous case, it is recommended to carefully read the information in the installation windows. You can download CCleaner on the official website of the developer.

After starting the program before the user 2 menus. On the left side, the main functions, in the right - launch of specific operations. Working with CCleaner takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Tab "Service". There is a list of all installed programs on PC. They can be uninstalled. There are also startup tabs, search for duplicate files, analysis of system disks.
  2. Tab "Registry". It is recommended to switch to it after removing programs. CCleaner will find all erroneous entries in the system, will offer to correct or remove them.
  3. Tab "Cleaning". The utility detects temporary system and browser files, removes them. This procedure Allows you to clean the space on the system disk.

The above-mentioned actions will significantly improve PC performance. It is recommended to regularly analyze and clean the CCleaner utility.

Windows 7 Manager.

The Windows 7 Manager utility allows you to fully maintain the operating system. Download software.

Windows 7 Manager works by analogy with CCleaner, but gives the user access to the extended functionality for optimization, cleaning, working with the network and the protection of the PC.

To find and correct Errors in Windows 7, you should sequentially select the items in the left menu, analyze and clean the system.

Microsoft Fix IT.

Software created specifically to work with Windows. Download and installed utility Microsoft Fix IT for free. In the Utility window, the user offers a list of system tools, for each of which you can run an error check with the subsequent correction.

FIX IT has been developed by Microsoft and is one of the official troubleshooting tools.


The program is created by developers of the famous antivirus AVG.. Download and use the program is free. The creators of AVG PC Tune Up promise that computers after using utilities work faster and do not break longer.

To use the AVG PC Tune Up features, it is enough to install it and stages to start checking, eliminate errors.

Kaspersky Cleaner.

Free utility from the company offering antivirus software. Kaspersky Cleaner is very simple to use. You can download it.

After starting, the user is proposed to press only 1 button to search and eliminate the internal problems of the operating system.

List of system errors with blue screen

Most users begin to worry about the state of the system only with the regular appearance of the blue screen "death". The following is a list of the most common.

Error numberWhat means
0x00000001Errors B. file SystemDrivers. Lack of hard disk space / in RAM
0x0000000A.Invalid device driver address
0x0000001E.Problem with driver or OS function
0x00000020.One of the APC counters is disabled / damaged
0x00000023.Failure in the hard disk section (FAT)
0x00000024Hard disk failure (NTFS)
0x0000002A.Turning off the IPR during the execution of the driver command
0x0000002b.The kernel driver uses too much space in the stack.
0x0000002E.Failure in the field of RAM
0x000031System Initialization Error (Early Stage)
0x00000032.System Initialization Error (Late Stage)
0x000035.No free space on the OS stack for drivers interaction
0x000036.Attempt to remove a component that was in work
0x0000003E.System processes do not correspond to each other in terms of level / symmetry

The listed errors are solved by starting checking and correction, system rollback or reinstalling Windows.

Reset settings in BIOS

This method is suitable in cases where the user installed incorrect settings on the computer, but does not know what the error is. Entrance to the BIOS on different devices It is carried out at the time of inclusion. To start the BIOS menu, you need to hold one of the hotkeys (you can specify on the manufacturer's website). Most often, these are the buttons F8, F10, DEL.

On the old BIOS types, reset to the default settings was performed on main page. "Load Fail-Safe Defaults.

On new PCs and laptops, this feature is in the right tab "EXIT" is usually referred to as "Load Setup Defaults".

Using a secure mode of operation

In some cases, the system is damaged so that it does not start in the usual window format. You can start checking and troubleshooting errors in safe mode via the command line (see above).

On most devices safe mode It starts with a frequent press of the F8 button at the time of inclusion. Will appear boot menuwhere you should choose the option. The pointer moves the "Up" and "Down" buttons, the choice is made by the Enter key.

System Restore

If the error correction does not lead to the expected result, you should try to restore the system to a more efficient state. The easiest algorithm:

The computer will reboot, will function correctly.

Restore in Windows Re

This method is suitable in cases where nothing helps at all. Recovery B. windows Environment Re is not carried out from the operating system, but from under the BIOS. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Insert disk or blood flash drive with recorded Windows 7;
  2. Turn on the device, enter the BIOS;
  3. In the Advanced Features section, select the PC start from the disk or USB device;
  4. Restart;
  5. In the menu that opens when the menu boot, select one of the recovery options suitable for the user.

It is recommended to choose "Start Restore" to troubleshoot problems recovering damaged files. "System Recovery" conducts comprehensive troubleshooting. Also, in Windows Re, a command line is available through which internal utilities can be launched to verify and troubleshoot.

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    Some time after windows installations 7, the user may encounter such trouble as a slowdown in OS.

    In order not to resort to cardinal measures and help your PC to cope with the tasks rapidly, it is possible to optimize the OS. Often such a procedure helps speed up the computer and increase its productivity.

    Figure 1. Windows 7 operating system logo

    What is Windows 7 optimization

    You can use a program for optimization to correct windows errors 7, or apply the built-in tools. It is possible to carry out optimization and cleaning procedure:

    • Go to the "Start" menu;
    • Open "All Programs";
    • "Standard";
    • "Service";
    • "Cleaning the disk";
    • Choose "C";
    • We choose unnecessary elements (Figure 2);
    • Click "OK".

    Figure 2. Cleaning window C with selection of files to remove

    Fixing errors through the built-in troubleshooting tool

    If your PC started working slower, you can try to use the diagnostic program and correcting Windows errors that is in the computer.

    The use of this function implies such consistent actions:

    • Open "my computer";
    • "properties of the system";
    • "Control Panel - Homepage";
    • "Troubleshooting";
    • When the menu appears, select the current item to us (Figure 3).

    Figure 3. Computer troubleshooting in the control panel

    Check hard disk via chkdsk

    Another way to speed up the work of the computer is to troubleshoot the CHKDSK command.

    It can be done in this way:

    • go to the "Start" menu;
    • choose "all programs";
    • open "standard";
    • run the "Command Line" console;
    • further, select the disk that we want to check and correct, most often start checking from the disk "C", for this in the line I enter the "CHKDSK / R" command in the string;
    • we must notify that the execution of this manipulation is impossible, due to the fact, in this case, press the letter "Y" on the keyboard;
    • we reboot the computer, when you start you see a blue screen with a working timer, waiting, the system will start without failures (Figure 4).

    Figure 4. Command Line Window in Results hard checks disk via chkdsk

    Optimization and disk defragmentation

    To achieve the highest possible results at the acceleration of the OS, additionally after checking and optimization can be done defragmentation.

    You can carry out this procedure using the Windows Error Correction Program 7 downloaded from the Internet, and you can use the service that already exists in the computer. We carry out the procedure in such a sequence:

    • click "Start";
    • "all programs";
    • "Standard";
    • "Service";
    • "Defragmentation."

    Figure 5. Results of the hard disk defragmentation using the Piriform Defraggler program

    The best free programs to correct Windows 7 errors

    Of course, Windows 7 is a pretty strong and well-equipped operating system that is equipped with many tools that allow you to correct problems.

    But for the user-novice, complicated optimization actions can be quite problematic, in this case, much easier will use free software to correct Windows 7 errors.

    Microsoft Fix IT.

    In 2008, Microsoft was created by the FIX IT prog, which automatically monitors the OS failures and corrects them. For her work, there is no need to perform any actions in manual mode.

    It is enough just to register on the company's website, download the program and install it, then it will work independently and no turmoil, hanging and slowing down will chase your PC. This application is able to recognize and eliminate several hundred errors of the OS operation (Figure 6).

    Figure 6. Appearance Interface microsoft programs FIX IT.

    Anvisoft PC Plus.

    Program for correction system errors Windows 7 allows you to actually solve any problems of the operating system, it is extremely easy to manage and multifaceted.

    Anvisoft PC Plus can be downloaded on the Internet, install and use for the neutralization of hundreds of problems, which you can learn about the availability of the program.

    Registry Repair.

    Since the registry is often the cause incorrect work Systems, a program to correct errors was created for troubleshooting windows registry 7.

    It is able to independently scan the registry for problems, incorrect fragmentation and much more. After scanning, it is neutralized by all malfunctions, thus increasing the performance of a PC (Figure 7).

    Figure 7. Program interface for error correction registry Registry REPAIR


    The multifaceted and easy to manage the utility that automatically eliminates the problems of any complexity associated with the network connection.

    It easily optimizes network applications and make your work on the Internet fast, comfortable and trouble-free.

    Kerish Doctor.

    To correct hard error windows disk 7 Kerish Doctor is a real OS healer. In contrast to many other utilities that are able to correct only a certain kind of failures, Kerish Doctor fully controls the state of the computer, optimizes and speeds up its operation.

    In addition, it eliminates not only failures and malfunctions, but also viruses.

    Figure 8. Program interface To optimize the Kerish Doctor computer

    Kaspersky Cleaner.

    The brainchild of the legendary Kaspersky Anti-Virus, the Kaspersky Cleaner utility helps not only clean the system from faulty programs and irrelevant processes, but also performs optimization to increase computer performance.


    If you are looking for which program to fix window errors 7, to help you can come multifunctional utility GLARY UTILIIES.. With it, it is possible to control and eliminate problems with individual elements of the system or "treated" OS as a whole (Figure 9). The program is possible

    Damage or accidental deletion of particles data is associated with such problems as the impossibility of launching a program or windows. To eliminate such troubles exist special programs for correction dLL errors Windows 7.

    DLL-Files Fixer

    The most effective and easy to manage the utility that contains a software package that allows you to optimize the troubleshooting.

    She is also able to restore dLL files, Protect the OS from failures, defragment the registry in automatic mode and speed up the computer (Figure 10).

    Figure 10. Program interface for correcting DLL errors - DLL-Files Fixer

    What to do if after fixing the errors does not start windows

    Despite the high efficiency of programs that correct the errors of Windows 7 , sometimes their actions can lead to not very good consequences in the form of non-launched windows.

    In this case, you can try to restore the system, for this turn off the computer and press the F8 key at startup.

    Note: In some cases, it is necessary to press several times until the automatic recovery window appears.

    Next, ask the "Restore" command and OS itself is trying to upgrade and start, for most cases this method is the most effective. But if, nevertheless, the launch did not happen, you will have to reinstall Windows.