How to find out what DirectX on the PC. How to find out the version of DirectX. Microsoft DirectX and new game video cards for game

DirectX - Library set and softwareused to solve problems related to the release of applications and games under the operating windows system. Each version of the OS has a certain generation of this software, which corresponds to the capabilities of the installed video card. Each next issue of the API package includes all outdated libraries, so you do not have to install all the issues in a row - it is enough to install the most recent package. Let's figure out how you can check DirectX on Windows 7 different ways.

Standard means

The Windows operating systems are built-in a special that allows you to familiarize yourself with information about the system, screen, sound and input devices. Get access to K. this application You can in two ways: using the command in the "Run" window or through the start of the executive file. Consider both options.

In order to check the DirectX on Windows 7, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Run the "Run" application. You can do this using the "Start" menu and the item of the same name in it either through the key + R key combination.
  2. In the window that opens, enter the dxdiag command and click OK to run need app.
  3. After some time, spent on collecting information, you will see a window with statistics and
  4. On the first tab, the "System" is the line "DirectX version". Opposite it, you will see the number of the current software that is installed on the computer.
  5. However, it is not necessary that the version that is displayed in the first tab is the one that is supported by your video card. To find information about supported libraries, you need to open the "Screen" tab.
  6. Pay attention to the "Drivers" section and DDI string for Direct3D. Opposite this item contains the generation number of the API package, which is supported by your video card.

Now you know how to check the DirectX on Windows 7 in two directions - the one that is installed on the computer, and one that is supported by the graphics accelerator of your computer.

Second standard option

You can run in other ways. First, you can open system section hard disk And go to the Windows directory and System32. In the list of all files, locate dxdiag.exe and open it.

Secondly, the user can use the search in the Start menu. To do this, open the menu and enter the name of the executive file. After it appears on the list of found matches, run it. All ways, you can start the application and check the version of DirectX on Windows 7. Also described options are suitable for all subsequent versions of the operating system, up to 10.

Third-party programs

If you are not satisfied standard remedy Checks, you can use a third-party utility to verify information about system and equipment. For example, one of these programs is the popular AIDA64. You can download a free trial version and see the DirectX version on Windows 7 through it.

You need to run the program and in the main directory to select the Operating System item. Find a row with the name of the software in contact with which it will be written. set version.

To understand what version is supported by your video card, find the DirectX section and open the Video tab. Then find the hardware support string. Opposite it, you can check the DirectX on Windows 7, which is supported by your graphic accelerator.

DirectX 11. - package multimedia technologiesproviding support for three-dimensional visual effects and surround sound with the effect of the presences that make up many modern computer games allows you to display realistic three-dimensional animation and graphics reflecting the smallest details of objects. Supports stereoscopic 3D in games and video.

DirectX 11 offers many improved features and provides increased computer performance and video cards, uses the power of modern multi-core processors and supports advanced technologies for creating shadows and textures, such as tessellation.

The main components of DirectX 11

  • DirectX Graphics - Conclusion raster graphics and three-dimensional objects.
  • DirectInput - processing of data coming from keyboard, mice, joystick, gamepad.
  • DirectSound - Processing Sounds (Wave).
  • DirectMusic - play music.
  • DirectShow - Entering audio and video data.
  • DirectPlay - Network games.
  • DirectX Instruments - Software Synthesizers.

DirectX 11 free download

Download free Direct X 11 For windows 7 and Windows 8 from the official site. Our site tracks all program updates so that you have the latest version of DirectX.

Check the version of the DirectX installed on the computer

DirectX is used by many games. If the computer does not set the required version of the DirectX, indicated on the product packaging, the game can work incorrectly or not run.

Please note that:

  • DirectX 9.0c is included in Windows XP SP2.
  • DirectX 10 is included in Windows Vista.
  • DirectX 11 is included in Windows 7.
  • DirectX 11.1 is included in Windows 8.
  • DirectX 11.2 is included in Windows 8.1.
  • DirectX 11.3 and enabled in Windows 10.
  • DirectX 12.0 is included in Windows 10.

DirectX 12 free download

Recently, many are asked questions how to download DirectX 12 for Windows 10 64 Bit. It is worth noting that the stand-alone service pack for DirectX 12.0 does not exist. You can not download separately DirectX 12 for Windows 7 64 Bit - you have to update your computer to Windows 10. Who has already installed Windows 10 to do anything additionally do not have to - DirectX 12.0 is already included in Windows 10!

How to check which DirectX version is installed on your computer:

  1. Open DirectX diagnostics tool. To do this, click the Start button, click "Pump" and enter the dxdiag in the Open field and then press Enter (ENTER).
  2. Click the "System" tab and in the System Information Group, check the DirectX version number.

The best way to update DirectX 11 - 9 for Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 is to download distributes from the official Microsoft website. And DirectX Upgrade to the latest version, no problem, and do not pick up the infection. You can update the driver directly in two ways, they are simple and effective.

How to update and install DirectX libraries.

Update number 1. The first option is the method of updating the direct X for any versions of Windows from XP and up to 10, provided by Microsoft, as a small web installer. Update requires uninterrupted Internet connection. Click on the button, just below - "Web Installer", download the file "dxwebsetup.exe" (285,3Kb).

Installation is extremely simple. Move to the download folder, double click By downloaded file - Run the installation. Please note the standard agreement, set the "Punch", click Next.

In the next window, remove the "Galkonka" with bing search engineso that not changed, usual to you start page In the browser.

Close on - "Next". If there is an Internet connection, the installer will check your PC for libraries, then update DirectX to the latest version. At the end of the installation of updates, do not start anything - first restart the computer.

Update number 2. The second option is in my opinion, is best way Refresh DirectX Windows 7, 8 from the official site - for more practical. To update, the Internet is not required. Connection is always at hand, irreplaceable when reinstalling Windows, You can carry on the flash drive, "treat" PC friends familiar.

DirectX is a set of API to develop applications under Windows. That is, the application is a platform or framework for quick writing programs. Some common functions for multiple applications take the lion's time. To avoid such costs, the main tools are designed separately and included in the DirectX COM objects.

This is exactly what causes the importance of such a platform, since most developers do not bother with the invention of the bike. Moreover, this program It is multiplatform and allows you to work in all OS. Since the functions that are applied to DirectX are used within the program, it is implied by the user with an identical or newer version of the component.

If this condition is not fulfilled, or in the course of the application, various lags will occur, or what happens more often, it will not start at all. It should be noted that DirectX is primarily used for graphic programs, more precisely - for games.

Usually, if there is no needed version of the platform, errors occur like D3DX9_24.dll. The digit through the lower underscore may vary, but the basis of the message is always like. In such cases, the question arises how to find out which DirectX are installed to carry out further manipulations on the basis of information.

To find out which DirectX is installed, you need to perform one of several actions: to see in the appropriate windows sections or resort to help programs.

How to find out what DirectX is installed on Windows using DXDIAG?

There is a special place that contains target information by the DirectX version installed in the system and it is called the "DirectX diagnostic tool". This place is most convenient for use and does not require pre-installation programs.

  • Press Win + R and enter DXDIAG;

  • In the main menu window, at the end of the list there is a graph "DIRECTX" version.

In addition to key information about the version of the product, others are here. windows settings and configuration. Some of the presented parameters are quite important, so here you can get information on the OS, the manufacturer of the computer and the installed BIOS. There is also key information on the configuration of the PC, like RAM, processor and the volume of the paging file.

An additional way to get to the same place is only without using the "Run" string - to enter DXDIAG in the search locked. Next, in the same way, get into a means of diagnosis.

In the characteristic column, not quite complete information is indicated, that is, the version of the product is indicated, but without exposed. That is, even if you have installed DirectX 11.2, it will be displayed as 11.

Control panel NVIDIA

Another option that can help learn what DirectX is the video card control panel. This method requires installation software for a card and works with GeForce. Since usually installed drivers, there should be no problems. You can:

  • Press PCM at the free desktop and select "NVIDIA control panel";
  • At the bottom of the window, click on "System Information";

  • The "Environment Version" section specified DirectX.

How to find out which DirectX is installed on Windows 7 through AIDA64?

An alternative way to find out which DirectX is installed on Windows is to apply the application. For example, consider using AIDA64, but Eversest works in a similar way. You need to simply download the program by reference In general, the application is paid, but possesses trial version 30 days.

  • Install the program;
  • Expand the "Operating System" list;
  • Highlight the tab of the same name, where the DirectX version contains;
  • Also more complete information is in: DirectX, then select "DirectX - Video". Pay attention to the "Hardware Support" string.

The main advantage this methodHow to find out which DirectX version is installed is the presence of accurate data. There is information on the application subject, sometimes it is quite important.

Installation DirectX

If the result of the execution of previous procedures does not satisfy you and the application requires a higher version of the development environment, then you need to install it. Installation is standard, you need to download the file by\u003d35.

From the Microsoft website, you can only download the web installer. That is, a small utility that will define the most appropriate version of the platform, and then load it. If this approach does not suit you, you will have to download full file. From other sites, which is quite uncomfortable.

You can also fail the launcher, so it will install DirectX, but the D3DX9 error is still saved. In this case, you must delete the application and install on a new or download full version file.

DirectX installation restrictions

In fact, not any OS supports advanced versions of the program. So the maximum permissible is:

  • Windows XP SP2 - 0C;
  • Windows 7 and 8 - 11.1;
  • Windows 8.1 -11.2.
  • Windows 10 is a modern version of DirectX 12.

In addition to the data of the testimony, not every video card is capable of working correctly with new or old versions of DirectX. To find out which recommended version for you, simply enter the adapter model in Google and find support information. Usually, nothing terrible will not be if a more modern version is installed, but sometimes problems occur.

Now you know how to find out what DirectX is worth and what to do with it, and supporting the current version of the utility, you can avoid numerous errors.

If you have questions about "How to find out what DirectX is installed?" You can ask them in the comments.

In this manual, we will analyze the question with which some users face: how to find out which DirectX is installed on the computer. There are situations where the user needs to know which DirectX version is used in operating system Windows installed on the computer.

DirectX - development package, API set, decisive tasks on programming in the environment Microsoft Windows.. DirectX development tools are most often used when writing computer games under Windows operating system.

In addition to the fact that DirectX is built into the operating system, the Direct X is often supplied with computer games To install on a PC with games. The most recent version of DirectX makes a more advanced display of game graphics on the computer, allows you to disclose all software capabilities.

On the computer installed DirectX, how to find out the version? Check the version of DirectX can be used or using third-party software.

In the general case, the DirectX version corresponds to the following versions of the Windows operating system:

  • DirectX 9 - Windows XP SP2
  • DirectX 10 - Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • DirectX 11 - Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • DirectX 12 - Windows 10

Pay attention to the following:

On PCs can be installed different versions DirectX. You should pay attention to the support of the video card with a specific version of DirectX, because if the equipment does not support this version Development tools, Windows will not be able to work with this version on the computer. The operating system will independently select the most recent Supported version of DirectX on the computer.

Some applications require certain version DirectX on a computer, so the user will have to independently download DirectX to install on a PC.

In the article we will consider 4 ways to receive information about the installed DirectX version: using the DXDiag system, video card software, using third-party programs (GPU-Z, AIDA64).

How to see what DirectX is installed on a DXDIAG system

You can find out the DXDIAG (DirectX Diagnostic Tool), built into the Windows operating system. The tool provides detailed informationwhich may be needed to troubleshoot video and sound on your computer.

To start, follow these steps:

  1. Press the keyboard keys "Win" + "R".
  2. In the "Run" window, enter the "dxdiag" command (without quotes), and then click on the "OK" button.

In the "Diagnostic Diagnostics Tool", in the System tab, in the "System Information" section opposite the DirectX version, the installed version of DirectX will appear.

In the latter windows versions 10 DirectX is always displayed in the 12th edition. In fact, the computer equipment may not support this version of DirectX 12, so I recommend to see more information.

Open the "Screen" tab, in the "Drivers" section you will see the levels of support for the functions of the video card installed on the computer.

How to check which DirectX on the computer using the video card control panel

You can find out the version of DirectX using video card software. I will show how to do this on the example of the NVIDIA video card:

  1. Run the NVIDIA control panel.
  2. In the left column, at the bottom of the system, click on the System Information link.
  3. In the System Information window, in the "Display tab" will display data on video card.

In this image, it can be seen that in the operating system, the version of the execution environment of the DirectX 12, the version of the API Direct3D - 12, the level of the possibilities of Direct3D - 11. This means that despite the support of the system new version DirectX 12, an outdated video card will be able to fully work only with DirectX 11.

How to find out what DirectX costs in GPU-Z

The free GPU-Z program provides detailed information on graphics equipment installed on the computer. The program does not require installation on a computer.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the GPU-Z program on your computer.
  2. Open the Advanced tab, select "DirectX" on the panel (here can be different versions of the Direct X), read the information provided.

Receiving information about DirectX in AIDA64

The program issues extensive information about equipment and software Computer. Including in Aida64 you can see the version of the DirectX of your computer.

Complete steps:

  1. Open the AIDA program.
  2. In the "Menu" tab, in the "Computer" section, open "Total Information". The installed DirectX version is displayed here (on my computer - DirectX 12).