Application for remote access. The best program for remote control of computers. Manage Windows XP with smartphone on Android and Windows Phone

Programs for managing another computer make it possible to solve the tasks of paramount importance without direct access to the device. Today, such products are distributed not only from professionals, but also apply to ordinary users. About the best applications for remote administration, read in the article.

Supremo Remote Desktop

The main advantage of Supremo Remote Desktop is portability. That is, it takes to install it for the operation of this tool. This solution Developed only for operating systems of the WNDOW family. Another indisputable plus is free. This program for managing another computer is posted for download on the developer's website and can be obtained at any time.

Before starting remote administration, run the utility on both PCs. Traditionally, such tools have two modes of operation: host and client. The first option does not require any complicated user action. You only need to click on the inscription START. In the column Your Credentials there are two fields: ID and password. It must be transferred to the operator, which will connect to the PC. Each session generates new values \u200b\u200bin these fields.

Also in the main window of this program to manage another computer over the Internet there is an item titled Ask Authorization. If you check the box opposite it, the remote administrator will not be able to connect to the server PC without the consent of the end user. It is worth including this feature if you want to know exactly what time the operator connected.

To control the remote machine in the field Under the inscription, you need to enter a host ID. Servers can be added to the address book to be able to connect to the PC in the future, without entering id.

Another useful feature of the program - File Manager. With it, you can see how to transfer documents to the host and download them from it.

AnyPlace Control

This program for managing another computer, unlike Supremo, allows not only to administer the remote machine, but also perform observation. In this case, the window will show what happens on the remote PC screen.

The undoubted advantages of this utility should be attributed to simultaneously work immediately with several computers. Only one click, and the reboot or shutdown command will go to several cars.

Not so necessary, but quite an interesting feature - a common buffer. Copying a document on a remote PC, it can be inserted on the client, and vice versa. Implemented such an opportunity for text and graphic elements. Using the built-in AnyPlace Control module, you can send a message to the administered machine.

Connection methods

AnyPlace Control offers three possible options Connections:

  • Connection by IP address. Classic way. The program for managing another computer over the local network is running without intermediaries and connects directly to the server.
  • AcCount connection. Best is suitable for regular administration of the same PC. Performed only after registering on the official website. The main advantage of this approach is the possibility of remote control of the machine via the Internet, even without the presence of a static IP address.
  • ID-connection. It is best suited to solve urgent affairs. The user is issued an ID number and password that it must pass the operator. Administrator by selecting the "Connection on ID" menu and entering data will receive access to a remote PC.


No review describing programs for managing another computer does not deprive the TeamViewer attention. In fact, this tool is the most popular, and for home use it is absolutely free. Link to download is on the official developer website. One of the main features of the application is the possibility of installing it on the mobile OS: IOS and Android. Not left aside and "desktop" operating systems. Separate words deserves the QuickSupport tool. This small program for starting does not require installation and is best suited for urgent tasks.

In the full version of the application, the user is provided simultaneously both client and server parts. The interface is simple and understandable - it is a single window divided by tabs: "Remote Control" and "Conference".

Remote administration

Like many programs for managing another computer, TeamViewer provides the user with a password and generated ID, according to which PC and is identified on the Internet. The operator, knowing them, can easily connect to the car. The utility provides several connecting options:

  • Control. Implemented specifically for complete interception of control. It should be noted that on a remote PC is not blocked. In the Viewup window, you can change the resolution, turn on full screen mode, switch the scale or active monitor.
  • Like other programs for managing another computer over the network, TeamViewer provides all standard tools: copying, creating folders, renaming documents.
  • VPN. When this mode is selected between computers, a private virtual local network will be organized. Allows you to access common devices or catalogs.


Using this tab, you can create a blitz conference or connect to an existing one. Free programs To control another computer rarely have similar functionality. It is worth saying that the application provides voice and video calls, the possibility of demonstrating the PC screen and the record of all that happens in the AVI container. All traffic, both incoming and outgoing, is encrypted with a utility during operation.

If for some reason you need to connect to a remote computer, then there are many different tools on the Internet on the Internet. Among them there are both paid and free, both comfortable and not very.

To understand which of the available programs you are more suitable, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this article.

Here we will briefly consider each program and try to identify its strengths and weaknesses.

The first program in our review will be Aeroadmin.

This is a program for remote access to the computer. Her distinctive features are simplicity use and a fairly high-quality connection.

For convenience, there are tools such as the file manager - which will help to exchange if necessary files. The embedded address book allows you to store not only the user IDs for which the connection is connected, but also contact informationAlso here is the possibility of grouping contacts.

Among the licenses, there is both paid and free. Moreover, free licenses here are two - free and free +. Unlike FREE, the Free + license makes it possible to use the address book and file manager. In order to get this license, it is enough to deliver the like on the page on Facebook and send a request from the program


By and large ammyadmin is a clone Aeroadmin. The programs are very similar both externally and functionality. Here is also the ability to transfer files and storing information about user ID. However, there are no additional fields here to indicate the contact information.

Also, as the previous AMMYADMIN program does not require installation and ready to work immediately after you downloaded it.


The tool for remote administration Splashtop is one of the simple. The program consists of two modules - viewer and server. The first module is used to control remote computer, the second - to connect and is usually installed on a managed computer.

Unlike programs that were described above, there is no tool for sharing files. Also, the list of connections is posted on the main form and it is not possible to specify additional information.


AnyDesk is another utility with free license For remote computer management. The program has a pleasant and simple interface, as well as a basic feature set. At the same time, it works without installation, which greatly simplifies its use. Unlike the tools described above, there is no file ManagerSo, there is no possibility of transferring a file to a remote computer.

However, despite the minimum set of functions, it can be used to manage remote computers.


Litemanager is a convenient remote administration program that is more designed for more experienced users. An intuitive interface and a large set of functions make this tool most attractive. In addition to managing and transferring files, there is also a chat that uses not only textual, but also voice messages. Compared to other programs, LiteManager has more complex management, but the functionality is superior to AMMYAdmin and AnyDesk.


Ultravnc is a more professional administration tool that consists of two modules made in the form of independent applications. One module is a server that is used on the client computer and provides the ability to control the computer. The second module is a viewer. This is a small program that provides the user with all available tools for remote computer management.

Compared to other utilities, ULTRAVNC has a more complex interface, as well as more settings for connecting. Thus, this program is more suitable for experienced users.


TeamViewer is an excellent tool for remote administration. Due to its advanced functionality, this program is significantly higher than the described alternatives. Among typical functions here is the ability to store the list of users, sharing files and communication. Among additional features There are conferences, calls to the phone and so on.

In addition, TeamViewer can work both without installation and installation. In the latter case, it is embedded in the system as a separate service.

Thus, if you need to connect to a remote computer, you can use one of the above utilities described. You only stay only to choose more convenient for yourself.

Also, when the program is selected, it is worth considering that the same tool on the remote computer is required to control the computer. Therefore, when choosing a program, take into account the level computer literacy Remote user.

Technical support for users of their own software, administration and control corporate network - All this requires a remote control of the client's computer. And the field of software products for remote access is not empty: funds are provided as the operating room windows system 7, and numerous third-party programs. Built-in tools are good for their availability, third-party - intuitive simple interface, "Sharpened" under simple users. After breaking the principles of work, pros and cons of each method, you will be fully armed, and the network and users are under control.

Setting up a remote desktop Windows 7

The remote desktop is available in Windows 7 Premium or above. It will be needed if you have the need to work with it on computers where Windows 7 Home Edition is installed, to provide support for multiple remote desktops - to connect simultaneously to multiple computers - or change the port address used by the RDP service. To do this, you will need nontrivial settings that can be entered into the system using the system registry editor or third-party programs. But it is better to spend a little of your time, the bigger amount of money for the purchase of a new operating system.

Remote Desktop Port

The RDP service, the functions of which ensures the efficiency of the remote desktop, the standard uses port number 3389. The probability of hacker attacks on this port is very high, so to increase the level network security Port number can be changed. Since settings in the "Control Panel" for this not - will have to use the editor of the system registry.

  1. Of command line Run the registry editor with system administrator.

    Run the registry editor to change the address of the RDP port

  2. In the Editor window, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ TERMINALSERVER \\ WINSTATIONS \\ RDP-TCP \\ Portnumber. The list of variable registry branches will be displayed on the right side of the window.

    The necessary variable is hidden deep in the depths of the system registry

  3. From the context menu, select "Change" and enter the new port address, previously convinced that the input mode of the values \u200b\u200bis decimal.

    Switch the calculus system to decimal and enter the new port address values.

  4. Now, to connect to a computer, you will need to enter not its name on the network, but the address with the port number, for example,

Changing the port address from the standard 3389 to the user will not allow you to work the service of the remote assistant on computers running Windows XP. Take it into account if there are on your network.

Remote Desktop in Windows 7 Home extended with support for multiple remote desktops

To stimulate users spend more moneyMICROSOFT has seriously limited the ability of the remote desktop service depending on the OS version. For example, in the "home extended" and below the ability to connect is remotely absent at all, and in any other number of sessions is limited by one, that is, you cannot connect to two or more computers at the same time. The manufacturer believes that for this you should purchase the server version of the Special Edition system (Terminal Edition).

Fortunately, not indifferent enthusiasts worked on the resolution of this difficult problem. The result of their efforts is software package RDP Wrapper Library. Being installed, it is introduced as an intermediary between the remote desktop service (RDP) and the service manager, after which it deceives them by emulating the presence in the network Windows Server Terminal Edition and including RDP service on computers with Windows 7 "home".

The program is available for download from the page of the author and is completely free. After downloading and running the installer, all settings are made automatically, including changes to the firewall rules.

RDP Wrapper Library - Installation passes in automatic mode

The rdpconf.exe utility bunds in the kit will allow "on the fly" to include or disable the ability to remote access, change the number of simultaneous access sessions and the RDP access port port number.

Using RDPWrapper, you can configure remote access parameters.

How to resolve or prohibit remote access

All options for permission or prohibit remote access to the computer are in the "Computer Properties" section of the control panel. Allow or disable remote control can be literally a few steps. Do not forget that to make these changes you must log in from the administrator's account record.

  1. Combination of the Win + Pause keys, call the system properties window.

    Win + Pause keys will help include "System Properties"

  2. In the left column of additional actions, follow the link "Setting up remote access".
  3. The following management settings are available in the opened dialog box:
  4. It should be noted that for the possibility of remote control account A user who opens such a session must have administrator rights. To provide the ability to remotely manage the usual user, add its name to the list of permissions, go to which you can use the "Select Users" button.

    If the user who needs to provide remote access does not have administrator rights, you can add it in this dialog box

Video: How to solve remote access to the computer

Connect to a remote desktop

Connecting to the remote desktop is very simple. Naturally, you need to enable all the necessary permissions on the client machine and form a list of users to which remote control will be allowed.

  1. Call the standard command prompt dialog and start using the MSTSC.EXE utility.

    Calling a remote desktop client program

  2. On the General tab, enter the computer name in the upper column dialog box to connect, and in the bottom - the username (if you need a name that differs from which under the system). Do not forget that the user account must have administrator rights.

    Enter the computer name on the network for remote control

  3. In the "Interaction" tab, select the planned connection speed based on your network features. If difficult in choosing settings, leave automatic. The system will test the channel speed and chooses the optimal values.

    Select the channel speed based on your network features.

  4. If everything is done correctly, and remote access is allowed on the client machine, you will see the username and password window. Enter the login and password of the client machine.
  5. After pressing the "Connect" button, a window with a remote PC desktop will appear. It can be revealed in full Screen And create a complete illusion of work on the client machine.

Avoid working in high-resolution video modes: This will create a large load on the network, and the remote PC interface will be displayed by jerks. The perfect option is a resolution of 1280x1024 points and a color depth of 16 bits.

What if the remote desk does not work

Connecting problems to a remote computer can be caused by a variety of reasons. Among the most common should be noted as follows:

  • on the client machine, the settings do not include permissions to access a remote desktop and a remote assistant;

    Make sure the settings allowed remote access to PC

  • account, with which you try to make remote access, does not have administrator rights;

    Make sure your account has administrator rights

  • your computer and computer client are not included in one working Group or domain on the local network;

    The slave and leading computer must be members of one working group

  • the local network router used by both computers is blocking port 3389 through which the data is exchanged by the remote service. windows management 7;

    Turning on firewall Most ports blocks at the router without additional configuration.

  • outgoing requests for remote desktops are blocked by an anti-virus package.

    The remote desktop service may be in the "black list" of the antivirus package

RemoteApp remote application disabled

The deleted access message is often waiting for the user when trying to connect to it, a dialog box also appears, which can put an inexperienced user to a dead end.

Licensing service error will not allow the remote desktop session

Meanwhile, everything is very simple: the user's rights that tries to "raise" a remote desktop session is not enough to change the System Registry partition responsible for licensing. The error is corrected in two stages.

Why brake removed desktop

The uninterrupted operation of the remote access to the desktop requires a high-speed channel, the lion's share of which eats the transmission of the image of the remote desktop. Depending on the working permit on the client machine, traffic can be so dense that "put on the blades" the average utmost 100 megabit local network. But in the network, in addition to two taking PCs, there are still customers. To prevent the network collapse, the remote access program begins to reduce the amount of transmitted frames (frames) per second.

If with 60 frames per second you see a smooth smooth picture, then at 30 interface will be displayed with noticeable jerks. Further reducing the screen update speed will make the work unbearable: you will not even be able to position the mouse cursor on the interface elements. To do not happen, you should optimize both the network connections of the slave and drive computers and the customer-client screen settings.

Remote access to Windows 7 components

In addition to managing the remote desktop, emulate the keyboard and mouse of the client computer, the Windows 7 remote access tools can also be deleted to run programs and system commands from the command line interface, manage system registry and a network screen (firewall), as well as restart or turn off the slave PC. This requires less network and system resources than managing the remote desktop, and can be done unnoticed for the user-working user.

Remote command line

For the needs of system administrators, Microsoft has developed a special service utility. Interacting with the services of remote operation of the operating system, it allows you to access the command line interface of any computer on the local network, run on it and even remotely install programs before you started. The utility is called PSEXEC and is available for free download from the official Microsoft website as part of the PSTOOLS package.

Download the utility from the server, run on the computer from which the control executable is the installer executable and, having agreed with the text of the license agreement, make the installation.

Install the PSEXEC utility

Now you can call the utility from the command line and use the full range of its wide possibilities.

Consider in more detail the syntax of the command and the additional parameters of its launch: PSEXEC [\\\\ Computer [, Computer2 [, ...] | @ file] [- u user [-p password]] [- ns] [- l] [- s | -e] [- x] [- i [session]] [- C [-f | -V]] [-w catalog] [- d] [-<приоритет>] [- a n, n, ...] Program [Arguments].

Table: PSEXEC command startup parameters

a computerSpecifies the PSEXEC program that you need to start the application on a given computer or computers. The computer name is not specified - the PSEXEC program will launch the application on the local system. If instead of the computer name, the Star symbol is set (\\\\ *), then the PSEXEC program will start the application on all computers of the current domain.
@fileSpecifies the PSEXEC program that you need to start the application on all computers listed in the specified text file.
-a.Processors on which you can run the application are separated by commas, while the processors are numbered from 1. For example, to launch the application on the processors of the second and fourth, enter "-a 2,4"
-c.This program is copied to the remote system for execution. If this parameter is not specified, the application must be in the system folder of the remote system.
-d.Indicates that you do not need to wait for the application to complete. This parameter should be used only when you start non-interactive applications.
-E.The specified account profile is not loaded.
-f.The specified program is copied to the remote system, even if such a file in a remote system is already there.
-I.The program starts gets access to the desktop of the specified session in the remote system. If the session is not specified, the process is performed in the console session.
-L.When you start the process, the user is provided with limited rights (administrators group rights are canceled, and only the rights assigned to the "Users" group) are also provided to the user. In OS. Windows Vista. The process is started by S. low level trustiness.
-N.Allows you to set the connection delay to remote computers (in seconds).
-p.Allows you to specify an optional password for the username. If this parameter is omitted, you will be prompted to enter the password, while the password will not be displayed on the screen.
-s.The remote process starts from the system account.
-u.Allows you to specify the optional username to enter the remote system.
-V.The specified file is copied to the remote system instead of the already existing only on condition that its version number is higher or new.
-w.Allows you to specify a working directory for the process (path within the remote system).
-X.Displays the user interface on the WinLogon desktop (only on the local system).
-Roroitetics (priority)Allows you to set various priorities for the process:
  • -Low (low);
  • -Belownormal (below average);
  • -abovenormal (above average);
  • -High (high);
  • -Realtime (real time).
programThe name of the program started.
argumentsTransmitted Arguments (Note that file paths must be specified as local paths in the target system).

Examples of the Utility PSEXEC

The procedure for working with the utility PSEXEC is as follows:

  1. Run the command line of another computer using the PSEXEC command \\\\<сетевое имя компьютера> cmd.exe.
  2. Open any program on the remote computer. If the program is missing on the Slave PC, it will be copied from the administrator machine. To do this, enter PSEXEC \\\\<сетевое имя компьютера> -c test.exe, where test.exe is a program that needs to be done remotely.
  3. If the program you want to deletely perform is not in the system folder, specify its full path when the PSEXEC command is started \\\\<сетевое имя компьютера> -C C: \\ Program Files \\ EXTERNAL_TEST.EXE

Video: PSTOOLS - Set of console utilities of the system administrator

Remote Registry

In order to be able to remotely edit the registry, you must first activate the relevant services on the client computer. This is easy if the account has administrator rights. To do this, run the Services Manager snap off the window and select the "Remote Registry" from the list. Click the Start button on the top control panel.

The "Remote Registry" service must be launched both on client PCs and on the administrator's computer.

Now you can connect to the computer registry on your local network remotely.

The deleted PCs registry branch will be displayed in the registry editor window and you can edit it as simple as your local registry.

Remote control firewall

Unfortunately, there is no convenient graphics tool for remote control firewall. Therefore, all manipulations will have to be performed using the command line. First you need to connect to a remote PC using the Telnet service. If the Telnet client is not installed, it must be added through the "Installation / Delete Windows components".

Now you need to install a communication session with a remote computer via the Telnet protocol.

As soon as the communication session is installed, you can remotely control the remote computer firewall using the Netsh command. The following commands will be available to you:

    request Firewall Rules. To find out the Windows Firewall configuration on a remote PC using the Netsh Advfirewall Firewall SHOW Rule Name \u003d All command;

    on or off the firewall commands "Netsh Advfirewall Set Allprofiles State ON" and "Netsh Advfirewall Set Allprofiles State Off";

    return to the default settings by the netsh advfirewall reset command;

    the opening of the port is perhaps the most common task that will be performed. For example, open the port 2117 for the operation of the torrent client it is possible: Netsh Advfirewall Firewall Add Rule Name \u003d »UTORRENT Rule» Dir \u003d In Action \u003d ALLOW PROTOCOL \u003d TCP Localport \u003d 1433;

    permission of incoming and outgoing requests for an arbitrary program using Netsh Advfirewall Firewall Add Rule Name \u003d »Allow Miner» Dir \u003d In Action \u003d Allow Program \u003d »C: \\ Bitcoin \\ miner.exe»;

    permission of remote control with windows consoles: Netsh Advfirewall Firewall Set Rule Group \u003d "Remote Administration" New Enable \u003d YES.

Following necessary settingsDo not forget to close the Telnet session with the QUIT command.

Remote reset

The standard SHUTDOWN OS command allows you to turn off or restart any local network computer if you are configured permissions to work for a remote assistant and remote desktop. From the command line window, execute the SHUTDOWN / / / / M \\\\ Comment_name command / C format and press ENTER.

Table: Shutdown command settings

/ S.Completion of a session of the remote PC.
\\\\_Computer nameName or network address Remote PC.

Since the time of my work, a laboratory assistant in the information center, I understood one important truth "the less you work, the better you work." Any human activity can be improved and make a pleasant even the safest work. Imagine for a moment that at your disposal one computer class. His service takes relatively little time. All problems that have arisen can be eliminated in place by simply passing to the corresponding computer.

But one day, the staff is dramatically increasing with the already familiar fifteen PCs in your class up to hundreds of computers scattered through several buildings. And now everyone, the newly new owner of a miracle box, under his table calls with the question "How to align a sign in Excel?". Reliable with such an individual a couple of minutes and realizing what you need to help, you wake up the stairs to the Cabinet of the Poor. Most likely, the first time there will be not only moving the sign on the monitor screen, but also kilo gingerbreads with an invigorating tea circle. But soon the gickers will not be able to sweeten the constant running, and calls will cause an involuntary sigh. In such a situation, only two exits are seen. Find a person who will run for you or come up with a way to allow you to deal with the scinting computer illiteracy of employees, staying within the walls of your cabinet.

Loading Radmin Server and Viewer

Remote Administrator is one of the remote PC administration programs. Such softyns work on the client-server technology already familiar to us. The product of Russian production and applies conditionally for free. That is, we have the opportunity to download a full version without limiting the functionality, which will work 30 days. Then it should be purchased. You can also use torrents. On their expanses will definitely get a repack from Alker, it also works stably as a licensed version. And I perhaps as part of this material I will use the official trial version.

Step 1. To begin with, we turn to the site and click the large green "Upload a 30-day trial version" button.

Step 2. Then on the page that opens, click "Download Server + Viewer" in one archive.

Step 3. After the download is complete, the installation files from the archive for convenience are unpacking into a separate folder.

Installing and configuring RADMIN Server

First we understand S. server part programs. It is its installation to the client PC allows us to manage them remotely.

Step 1. On a computer, which is going to manage, run the RServ35RU.MSI file and in the first installation window, click "Next".

Step 2. Carefully read license agreement, accept it and click "Next".

Step 3. And finally the cherished button "Set". We click on it and wait for the end of the installation process. During this process, the screen can periodically blink. Do not be scared it normal, just installed drivers for video capture.

Step 4. After the installation is completed, we will not remove the checkbox from the "Configure user access rights". Click "ready" and go directly to setting up the program.

Step 5. In a new window, select "Start Mode" and set the value "automatically". This is necessary for the program to start itself, at the time of turning on the operating system.

Step 6. Then go to "Settings" and in the first tab " General settings"I do not change anything. Just remember the port that is specified by the default program. Soon he will come in handy.

Step 7. In the "Miscellaneous" tab, we put a tick in the "Download Mirror Driver at Start" item. This is necessary so that the screen of the remote computer does not burn with each of our connections and the user did not know about our presence. A very useful feature for those who like to watch employees and does not want to be unnecessary suspicion of their part.

Step 8. With the settings finished. Now let's turn to the change in access rights. To do this, in the main menu, click "Access Rights" and in the window that opens, repeat the command.

Step 9. Until users are created, it is impossible to connect to this computer. In order to create users click "Add" and enter a name under which we will go to the computer. As an example, I will create the user "admin".

Step 10. Now you need to give our user certain rights. And since this is admin, we will provide him full access to a remote computer. Click "OK" in this and next window.

Step 11. If you have purchased a program from the developers or downloaded it from the torrent, then it will be another interesting feature. Namely, the "optional" button, which allows you to configure the hide icon in the tray. When there is no icon in the tray, the user can even not know that this product is installed on the computer.

Step 12. It was the last step in the Radmin Server setup. Now we will restart the computer, so that our settings entered into force. After rebooting, go to the "Startup Control Panel of Network Management and Shared Access - Change Adapter Parameters" and click right-click mice on that adapter with which is carried out network connection. In the listed list, click on the item "Status".

Step 13. In the next window, click "Information" and see the IP address of the computer. It will come in handy for us to enter this PC on Radmin. But only if this Ipshine is assigned to this computer constantly, otherwise it is better to watch the DNS name.

Step 14. To view the computer's name, let's go to the "Start" and the right-click of the "Computer" label. In the window that opens in the line "Full name" we see the name of our PC.

Excellent. Let's recall the information that we will soon need:

  • Port for connecting to a remote computer: 4899
  • IP address of the computer:
  • DNS Computer Name: Win7

You have all this data, except the port, will be different from mine. Manipulation with a remote machine we finished. Let's proceed to configure the client part of the program (Radmin Viewer).

If the Radmin Server must be set to remote computers to which you are going to connect, the RADMIN Viewer is installed on the contrary, it is installed on your computer. It allows you to connect to all computers on your network on which the program module is installed and configured. Let's not waste time. We begin to install.

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

Step 1. On the computer of the administrator from which the connections will be carried out, start the RView35GU.MSI file and press the "Next" in the first window.

Step 2. We accept the license agreement and click "Next". In the next window, select "Install the application for all users of this computer."

Step 3. Click "Install" and wait for the end of the installation of Radmin Viewer.

Step 4. Okay. Now you need to make sure that our computer is located on the same subnet with a remote PC. To do this, go to the already familiar path "Start-to-Panel Control Center of Network Management and Common Access-Changing Adapter Settings" and click right-click on the adapter. In the listed list, we make a click on the "status-information" and see the IP. The third digit from our and remote computer must match this subnet number. If everything is true, then moving on.

Connection in "Management" mode

In this mode, all your mouse manipulations and keyboard are transmitted to a remote computer. You get the opportunity to remotely manage the desktop as if it is right in front of you.

Step 1. We go to the "Start" and launch Radmin Viewer 3. In the main window of the program, click "Connection-connect with ...".

Step 2. In the "IP address or DNS name" line, I will enter the IP address of the remote computer (in my case and clicking "OK" Let's try to connect to the computer in the control mode.

Step 3. In the window that appears, enter the username and password (those that are specified on the remote station). And while holding the breath with click on "OK".

Step 4. Next instant, we get access to the desktop of the remote computer. We can make any actions with a mouse and keyboard.

Connection in "View" mode

In this mode, you can watch all the user's actions, but not interfere in the work process. Personally, I often use this regime. He perfectly proven himself in the educational process. When students work for their computers, they often have various issues. In order not to run to each of them, I just open the five Radmin windows on a laptop at the same time and moving between them I give advice to perform the task.

Step 1. In the main program of the program, click the already loved tab "Connection-connect with ...".

Step 2. We enter the familiar combination of the name and password.

Step 3. And we see the screen of the remote computer. But remember that this mode allows us to just look, but not touch.

Connection in "File Transfer" mode

This mode is convenient to connecting to the remote computer you get the opportunity to download any file from it or pass your own. At the same time, the user will not even feel any manipulations on your part. One more an interesting feature It is that files can be downloaded from any folders, and not just from the general. After all, we get access to all PC disks (except for network unfortunately).

Creating a targeted book

Radmin address book allows us to save computers to which we connect in a convenient format. Connections can be distributed by convenient folders based on the structural divisions of the organization. You will not dwell on the address book in more detail. I will only say that after you have created all the necessary connections and distributed them in the folder tree (left in the main window Radmin Viewer). Need to export our settings in separate fileThat we can open on any computer with Radmin Viewer.

Step 1. Click "Service-Export of the Address Book ...".

Step 2. We specify the name of the file and select its location.

Step 3. We throw off the file on the USB flash drive and run Radmin Viewer on another computer. Open the "service import of the address book ...".

Step 4. We choose the address book and a second we see that all our previously created computers have been loaded. By the way, another chip, if you click on the "Scanning Servers in the current folder" icon (or hot key F5), then on those PCs that are now turned on the check mark indicating the availability of the connection.

A spoon of tar

Of the disadvantages of this product noticed during operation, only three mains can be allocated. Although they are rather not shortcomings, but rather the wishes to developers to improve the program:

  • When connecting the style of Aero is reset to the classic, which immediately tells the experienced user about what someone is watching him (solved by the forced use of classical windows topics);
  • There is no possibility to block the keyboard and the mouse on the remote computer (and sometimes you want to catch a student or employee on something curious);
  • The program is unfortunately available only under Windows.

Let's summarize. Radmin is great for remote control of computers. The program is successfully applied, both to help employees and to modernize the educational process. It also uses it very convenient to administer the server. After all, if the server has a remote access program installed, then the need for a regular monitor disappears. As part of this article, it was originally planned to talk about how to configure Radmin to connect over the Internet. Namely to do this by way of ports on the router. But then it was decided to make a separate material on this topic. So wait for friends.

Those who are interested in improving their professional qualifications, I recommend to go through a free online test on the developers website. This will make a certificate of a specialist in working with software product Radmin, which can be printed and hang in a beautiful frame above the table.

With you was Denis Beached and the issue of blog information technologies . Subscribe to updates. Write your comments and wishes. And let your way of knowledge, will be fast and successful!

Class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

Today, such a function, how to control another computer via the Internet is not awesome. There are many free Systems remote access that make it possible to easily transmit information between users and exercise various operations On another device via the Internet or local network.

This feature is especially needed, for example, when someone does not particularly understand the operating system settings trying to change the parameters. In order not to spend a huge period of time on an explanation, you can easily and in seconds to put the options you need yourself. Such utilities are now indispensable and for work remotely, for example, you can not spend time on traveling to the office, performing all the work from the house, to be a system administrator and manage the main computer from home PC. All data will be available at any per minute. You should not worry about security - all information is subject to reliable encryption, all data is transmitted in strictly confidential mode. Such utilities can also be used to communicate, saving money on voice communication.

Programs for managing another computer are quite a lot, consider the five most popular, we will analyze, note the advantages and disadvantages.

This program is perhaps the most popular among users and occupies a leading position for a long time. In principle, there is for what - the functionality is really not bad. The utility weighs not much, swing fast, is in free access. In addition, installation is not required, you can immediately run and work. Accordingly, the interface and functions are also available to the most inexperienced user. After starting, a window with aniy and password of this PC and the window for entering the corresponding data of another device are displayed.

The application has many advantages. For example, allows you to transmit files, communicate in chat mode, shifting the screen and much more. You can also put a round-the-clock access to the device, this feature is useful for system administrators. It is worth noting a fairly high speed of work, the ability to work on all mobile platforms and operatingers. There are still many additional features that will be useful for remote access.

Of course, not going anywhere and from flaws. List some of them. The main is that at least a utility and applies to free access, it should not be used for commercial purposes. Given this item, there are many difficulties. For example, blocking work may occur if the program will appreciate your actions as commercial. The expansion of the functionality is no longer free. Also on free, it will not be possible to configure round-the-clock access. For the full use of the application will have to pay, and the amount is not so small.

So, despite all the advantages, this application Not always suitable for long-term use. But if you need one more operation through remote access, this is the perfect option.

If you want to work a long period, you will have to or pay the full version or be prepared that at any time the use will be terminated by the administrator.

Recently, TeamViewer was probably the only worthy program of a kind. Or it was so advertised and opened that she just eclipsed all competitors. However, today there are other utilities in the arena, which is no worse than the previous one, in some moments even better. One of these supremo.

From the popular TeamViewer, the program is practically no different, the same easy-to-use, has a simple and understandable interface, portable, does not require installation and ready to start work at any time. The application does not establish its services. There is a full-screen mode of displaying the workspace on another PC, chat and other functions. It is also worth noting the speed - it is higher than in the previous utility - the files are transmitted particularly simple and easy. Another advantage that has evaluated many users is a password consisting of numbers only, no matter how strange it sounds. Some even threw a popular competitor and switched to Supremo precisely because of this moment. I explain. To manage a stranger computer, you need to get a password and pass it along with the ID number to another user. (Algorithm is the same in both programs.) The difference is that TeamViewer generates latice passwords and numbers, and Supremo is limited to the numbers. Of course, it will seem to make that it is insignificant, but those who have faced attempts to transfer password to the elderly relatives will be deemed for the argument. The numbers dictate much easier than a slapped password. Especially those who do not use SMS and do not represent the differences between the letters "J" and "G", for example. And the point here is not in intelligence, but at age.

Of course, TeamViewer also has settings to simplify password system, etc., but in this program everything is simplified to nowhere.

You can download the utility for a direct link from the official site of the developer. The file size is 2-3 MB.

SUPREMO operation algorithm (similar to TeamViewer)

For remote manual, another computer requires a program on both devices.

  • Run the utility and click on the installer, confirm an agreement with licensing requirements.
  • The next step you must click "Start" on the computer to which access is available.
  • Get secret code And the ID, then share them with a like-minded user.
  • Your "friend" must enter the data received from you in the string called the "Partner ID" and to continue.
  • Then he must enter the password, at the same time you will have a window with a request for confirmation of the operation (it will automatically disappear in ten seconds). After that, your comrade receives full access to your PC, both visual and technical.

Now he can perform various configurations on your name: Installation and Removal software, Cleaning the registry, watching personal files, etc. A hidden window will appear in front of him with your monitor that he clicking on it will be able to deploy. I recommend turning off all visual effects (Aero, wallpapers, etc.), since the transfer rate between computers will noticeably deteriorate. For correspondence, you can enable chat, you can start the file manager to transfer files.

Pretty comfortable and practical in operation utility, which consists of several podcasts. The first part is Server, we immediately install it and run on someone else's computer, the second - viewer, which allows you to guide another PC. The utility requires a little more awareness than other programs. It is not so hard to work with the server, the user ID can be set, the program remembers the data and no longer requires re-entering and confirming information. Free version for personal use - Litemanager Free.

In addition to remote control, chat, export of data and cleaning the registry, there are several interesting features: imprinting the monitor, inventory, remote deletion. Free use is available to work for thirty computers, any restrictions are excluded in the time framework of the program, there is a setup functionId For cooperative use. Free and for business use.

There are practically no shortcomings, but some inconveniences in the free version give reducing capabilities when working more than thirty PCs. In general, the program is quite convenient and efficient when administering and remote control.


The utility, also identical to the TeamViewer program, but is simpler in the work. The main features are: chat, file transfer, view and manual remote computer. Convenience in use does not request serious awareness, you can use in LAN and in the worldwide network.

The disadvantages may seem the limited number of working time, is paid for entrepreneurship. The presented utility is perhaps better not to use for serious manipulations.

One of the initial paid remote manipulation programs third-party computersdeveloped for operational administration and is made with safety focus. The utility consists of two parts: server and client. The main task of the program is to work with the IP address, installation is necessarily necessary. Without special skills it will not be easy to understand in all functions, so it is not suitable for newcomers.

As expected, the program works at high speeds thanks graphic DriveThere are practically no lags and freezes. Intel AMT built-in technique allows you to have access to a foreign PC BIOS and conduct various operations with it. The program does not have extreme opportunities except reliability and safety. The main modes are embedded: chat, export files, remote control.

There are several flaws: the lack of a mobile client and work without an IP address, free version Available only for a month, graphic constraints disable personalization (can shine monitor), experience is required to work with the utility.

So, we can conclude that this program Must be used by experienced users to administer a PC in LAN mode. To work on the Internet, most likely, you will need to spend a VPN tunnel.

In principle, it can be noted at least 5 programs, but this makes no sense: all the necessary functions are performed by the utilities listed above. The functionality of these programs is not particularly different. Some are completely free, but have their drawbacks, other wider opportunities, but you need to pay. Some, besides, a year license, so that long-term use will have to be discrepanted and for its extension. So you should choose, based on your purpose. These programs are quite suitable for non-commercial use. You can even combine somewhat immediately.