What is ATIKMDAG SYS Blue Screen

The blue screen of death is an extremely unpleasant situation with which absolutely any computer user can be confronted under Windows OS. It is in this article that the situation will consider in more detail when information about the ATIKMDAG.SYS file is given in the error text.

Usually, blue screen Death with the ATIKMDAG.SYS file tells the user about the fact that there are problems associated with drivers aTI video cards. That is why the actions described below will be directed to solving the problem with the work of the drivers.

What to do when there is a blue screen with information about the ATIKMDAG.SYS file?

Option 1. Disable fast Windows startup

If the blue screen of death does not always appear, but only after the computer output from the sleep mode, you will need to deactivate the quick function. windows startup. To do this, open the menu "Control Panel" select the menu items display mode in the top right area. "Small badges" and then go to the section "Power supply" .

In the left area of \u200b\u200bthe window, go to the section "Actions Power Buttons" .

In the top area of \u200b\u200bthe window, click on the button. "Changing the parameters that are not available now. . Please note that your access to this item is yours. account Must have administrator rights support.

After pressing this button, the items in the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe window will be available to change. You will also need to remove the checkbox "Enable quick Start (recommended) " and then click on the button "Save Changes" .

Option 2. Clean driver installation

If the blue screen with the ATIKMDAG.SYS file is displayed regardless of the type of computer, you should try to perform a clean driver installation.

To begin with, you will need to upload on any other computer utility Display Driver Uninstaller. Next you need to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest available version of the drivers for your video card model and the right version. operating system. Both downloaded files copy to the USB flash drive.

Now run the computer and at the very beginning of the start start quickly and repeatedly press the key F8.So that the Operating System Start Selection window is displayed on the screen. We are interested in "safe mode" to which you will need to pass.

Going to the secure mode, transfer the utility from the flash drive to the computer, and then run it (the utility does not require installation). A window will appear on the screen in which you need to select the manufacturer of your video card driver (ATI), and click on the button "Delete and restart (strongly recommended)" . The process performed by the program will begin, as a result of which all drivers belonging to your video card will be deleted.

When the computer will switch to the download step, we need to quickly log in to the safe mode (in the same way at an early loading stage you will need to press the F8 key) so that this time you already install the latest drivers.

It remains for the small - to start distributing the drivers and install them to the computer. As a rule, after performing these actions, problems with the installation should not occur.

After the installation is completed, you will need to restart the computer, but this time download Windows as usual. As a rule, after performing these actions, the problem with the blue screen is solved.

If the problem with the blue screen was not solved, it is worth suspection of much more than a serious problem, namely the failure of your video card. More detailed information On this issue, you may notify after diagnostics in the service center.

Some errors that may occur in the operating system are accompanied by the appearance of a blue screen of death - this usually indicates what happened critical errorAfter which the normal functioning of the system is impossible.

Such errors often have certain codes with which you can understand which component of the computer or fails.

This article will tell why the ATIKMPAG SYS error appears, blue screen and code 0x00000116, and how to fix this failure.


At the same time, as mentioned above, the operating system does not have the value. The error of such a plan occurs only when the components from this manufacturer fails.

Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the problem happens precisely because incorrect work Video card.

The probability of its occurrence and the content of the notification does not depend on nor from the map model.

Such a problem is possible to solve yourself.

Important! If you do not have enough knowledge for this, then it is better to contact service center.

Checking the system unit

Errors of this, as well as some other types, are capable of occurring as a result of a computer contamination.

Dust layers often become the cause of failures in the operation of hardware components.

This is especially likely for laptops.

Therefore, you must first check system unit For contaminants.

For this disconnect the system unit from the network, Disconnect the columns, monitor and other equipment from it, unscrew the connecting screws outside the housing and remove the protective plastic casing.

After that, clean all the "insides" of your device from dust.

If the contamination is very strong, then it is possible that there is a need to replace as well.

The cooler may not function normally.

It's hard enough, and better entrust this process Professionals.

If we are talking About the laptop, then the process can be much more complex.

This is due to the features of the location of the components in the device housing.

Since the initial priority is compact, all components in them have a small size and are close to each other:

  • Disconnect the device from the network and turn it off;
  • Remove the battery if the design provides it;
  • Prepare the technical documentation of the device in order to understand where one or another component is located;
  • Close the device and turn it upwards;
  • Unscrew the screws that fasten the lid, and remove it;
  • Clean the visible sections of the system from dust;
  • If you are confident in your forces and knowledge, then guided by the technical documentation, alternately turn off and clean all the components of the system from dust, and then plug them back.

When it comes to laptops, to resort to independently eliminating the problem is thus not recommended.

Software problems

But quite often such a problem may not be conjugate with the hardware part of your computer.

In some cases, we are talking about that simply can be eliminated.

If such a problem occurs, then in most cases it is necessary to update or video adapter devices, that is, video cards.

To do this, you need to run Device Manager.

1 On the Windows 10, 8, 8.1 operating system, you can do it by clicking right-click Mice on icon Start, and choosing in the menu opened Device Manager;

2 In older versions of the operating system, you will need to right-click on the bottom panel on the monitor and also select Device Manager;

3 will open list of devicesin which you need to find item Video adapters and click on the arrow to the left of him;

4 List of devices will unfold, in which you need to choose the one for which you want to update or replace the drivers;

6 System will prompt you to choose the preferred type of update search - choose Auto;

7 After the search for drivers is completed, a list of found materials will appear. - You need to click on the recommended version and wait for the installation process;

We study the situation when on a computer / laptop with graphics processor NVIDIA error appears NVLDMKM.SYS in Windows 10. We also touch other similar problems with drivers, which are similar to all cases.

Because of the huge list of sources of malfunction and a large list of probable solutions, the article is written in the style of "problem-solution".


It looks like a classic blue screen of death with an error code that displays the process of creating a dump. After its completion, the computer is restarted. More advanced users when seeing the name of the problem file nvlddmkm.sys should be clear what it system file.concerning drivers to manage functioning graphic card (In this case, NVIDIA).

Therefore, the problem concerns only users whose computers are equipped with video cards of this California manufacturer. She arises, to a greater extent, in windows Environment 10, although it was also seen in the previous editions of the OS from Microsoft.

On the forums and on the Internet there are quite a lot of problem solving options. And consider them, starting from the most effective (conclusion is based on quantity positive feedback users).

Rollback Driver

The greatest number of users noted that the drivers for the video card from NVIDIA and the tenth Windows conflict after the first update. It follows that the problem causes some kind of deficiency from the Californian giant programmers. Wait for the next version software It is possible for a long time (although in such cases developers react quickly), so you need to resort to the driver rollback to the previous version.

The instruction is relevant for users who have encountered a problem after the driver's upgrade for graphic adapter.

There are two ways: rollback and reinstalling the older version.

Perform rollback to the previous version of the driver

1. Call "Device Manager" through Win + X.

2. Deploy the list of "video devices".

3. Open the "Properties" of the video card.

4. In the Driver tab, click "roll back the driver ...".

5. We indicate the reason for the decision that will be sent to the developer, and click "Yes."

6. Upon completion of all operations reboot.

Installing the former version

1. Remove everything software products from NVIDIA, including drivers on sound devices and PhysX.

If the error does not allow you to start the computer in general (appears during Windows 10 start), then you need to boot into safe mode.

2. After uninstalling all products reboot the computer.

3. Go to the official page of support for video cards from NVIDIA at http://www.nvidia.ru/page/home.html

5. We load one of the latest software products.

6. Run the installer, specify the dispenser's location distribution.

7. In the installer window, select the desired components and be sure to note the option that is responsible for the clean installation of the software.

8. After performing all this, I will definitely restart Windows

Damaged driver or his conflict with any program

In this situation, as with the advent of the VIDEO TDR Failure message (relates to the ATIKMPAG.SYS file when operating devices from ATI), it is recommended to update the system software, but it should not be done via the update center, but manually downloading last version Installator from the site nvidia.ru and installing the software manually, as shown in the previous case.

Also here can help the system rollback to the previous state when there were no problems.

Overheating graphics processor

If the situation occurs, it is recommended to check the quality of heat removal from system components, such as a graphic adapter. If the video card was dispersed, overheating the components of the device with a large probability will cause problems.

Here it is necessary to immediately return the video card to the standard mode for it, and if acceleration is so necessary to think about improving the cooling system.

Check the temperature mode of the device will help the utility to display data from equipment sensors, such as Hwmonitor, GPU-Z or it is similar.

Reset BIOS settings

In the case of a message with the text "System Thread Exception Not Handled" or a blue screen, the culprit of which is nvlddmkm.sys, you can reset the BIOS settings if the previous options did not help. To deepen into the details of the process will not be: while the computer loads, we click on the key key in the BIOS settings, we find an option or button that is responsible for resetting the settings to factory and press it.

Another reset version is to pull the CMOS power battery for a couple of seconds.

Blue Death Screens (or BSODs) is the eternal problem of all PC users, and now we will look at one of these BSODs - System_Service_Exception. This critical failure can gave a visit to the user quite suddenly, whether during the game in some kind of computer game or during simple use operating system.

Most often, the cause of the critical error System_Service_Exception is the device drivers that for some reason began to function incorrectly, which led to a known result. However, sometimes BSOD System_Service_Exception can be caused by other reasons:

  • failures in the operation of RAM;
  • incorrect BIOS settings;
  • problems with hard disk;
  • overheating of computer equipment;
  • single failure in the operation of the operating system;
  • etc.

On the System_Service_Exception of the System_Service_Exception of the Death Screen screen you can see the following information:

There was a problem on your PC, and it must be reloaded. We only collect some error information, and then you can reboot.
If you wish, you can find on the Internet information on this error code: System_Service_Exception

This BSOD can appear on a variety of versions of Windows operating systems, but we will concentrate on solving a problem for Windows 10 users, as it is currently the most relevant. However, you can apply the following methods for other versions of Windows.

Critical Error System_Service_Exception: Solution Methods

If there is a BSOD on your computer with the System_Service_Exception code, and you immediately rushed to the network for effective methods Solutions, then we recommend that you do not panic and apply the most basic, even a banal method - rebooting the computer.

Yes, just reboot your computer and see if the System_Service_Exception will fail once again. You see the operating system - the thing is not simple, and in it from time to time there are random errors, failures, departures, bugs and other troubles that are often treated with the simplest reboot.

Method number 2 BIOS Reset Settings

BIOS is another one possible reason The occurrence of the critical error System_Service_Exception on Windows 10. Perhaps you recently dig in bIOS settingsExperimed with them to create the best experience for themselves. Among other things, it also happens that the BIOS settings may change by themselves as a result of anything. You need to go to the BIOS and set the default settings in it.

On different motherboards, access to the BIOS can be obtained. different ways. For example, in some cases, you can log in with the help of timely pressing the DEL button when the PC is started. There are also other keys, for example, F10, F2, various key combinations, etc. In fact, before logging in the system, a hint will appear on the screen, which will give you to know which keys for what is responsible. You can also find information on the Internet on your mother card, in which it will definitely be indicated how to go to the BIOS.

Going to the BIOS, you will need to find a section responsible for restoring settings. Unfortunately, as in the case of the entrance, you will have to find this section yourself, since each BIOS has its own user interface. Usually, this section will perform under the name "Reset Bios Settings", "Restore Configuration" or something like that. Reset the settings, and then try to enter the operating system. If the case was in incorrect BIOS settings - BSOD System_Service_Exception was to disappear. However, if he still manifests himself, let's move on.

Method number 3 Reinstalling RAM

The title of this method can and sounds extremely strange, then this is exactly what we will deal with you now. System_Service_Exception could arise due to failures in the work of RAM planks. Sometimes, recovering the correct operation of the RAM is managed using a simple rearrangement of it in motherboard. So, completely disconnect your computer from the power, and then open the system unit.

Remove the RAM bar from the slots. Pull the slots for the RAM on the motherboard, wipe the operational memory contacts by a widder, lightly moistened in alcohol (you can also rub the grater), and then insert them back into the slots. Try to start the computer again and enter the Windows 10 operating system. Some users helps this advice, but if it has not worked for you, let's go to another method.

Method number 4 Check availability of available updates for Windows 10

Some users on the Internet claim that they managed to get rid of the System_Service_Exception failure by installing updates for its operating room windows systems 10. If you can bypass the blue screen of death and log in, then you are much easier to cope with this task.

So, press the left mouse button on the start and select "Parameters". Opening the window with the parameters, open the section called "Update and Security". Next, go to the "Center" tab windows updates" And finally, click on the "Update Verification" button.

Wait until the system checks available updates, Upload and install them. After installing updates, restart the computer and check the presence of BSOD. If new updates did not help in System_Service_Exception, go to the following method.

If you can't access your system, you can try to update Windows 10 through secure mode with network drivers. So, restart your computer, and then clamp the F8 + SHIFT key on the keyboard to enter the download parameter menu.

You will have a list of different options. You need an option called "Enable secure mode with downloading network drivers". After selecting this option, you download your system in safe mode with internet access. Now execute "Parameters → Update and Security → Windows Security Center → Check for updates."

Method number 5 Deleting a problem driver

As we said at the very beginning of the article, incorrectly working drivers are the main reason for the appearance of the blue System_Service_Exception death screen. If the problem is really the driver, then the logical step will be deleted from the system, which will restore its stability, right?

Yes, everything is so, but then another question arises: how to determine which driver causes problems? Answer - BlueScreenView. The program called BlueScreenView is able to view the memory dumps of the system that were created after the occurrence of a critical failure in it. It is in the cream-dump and will be located we need information about the driver-culprit.

Download BlueScreenView You can completely calmly from the developer's official website. The program is extremely small and it does not even require any installation into the system; Launched the executive file and made the case you need. So, download it into the system.

The note: If you can not log in to Windows, then go to secure mode with downloading network drivers. There is a chance that the program will refuse to start in this mode, but it's still worth trying.

Usually, in the operating system, the default parameters are set automatic creation Minidasters of memory. In these dumps, it is not a complete set of memory at the time of the critical failure, but, as a rule, it is enough to determine the driver.

Run the BlueScreenView utility. It immediately scatters your Windows for the presence of minidambles available in the standard location (% Systemroot% \\ minidump) in the system. If the blue screen of death System_Service_Exception is your first critical failure, you will see one memory dump and you do not have to choose. If not the first - find the desired dump and click on it.

First, you should pay your attention to the column next to the top of the program window called "Caused by Driver", which is translated as "caused by the driver." It is in this column that will be the driver that caused the appearance of a blue System_Service_Exception death screen. Record it somewhere in the future to find more information about it.

You should not close the BlueScreenView Utility window. Pay your attention to the lower part of the program window. In it you will see a list of files that are also related to the process of the appearance of the blue System_Service_Exception death screen. We recommend that you write down anywhere in the list marked with in red, as well as having an extension. SYS.

As soon as you collect necessary information, Thug the name of the driver located in the column "Caused by Driver". For example, if you find that this file is a driver from NVIDIA, the solution is quite simple - reinstalling drivers for the video card. The same approach applies to all other drivers. You can update the drivers using installers from developers or using automatic installation Through device manager.

Method number 6 Checking the temperature of computer components

It is believed that the blue screen of death System_Service_Exception can be caused by significant overheats hardware Your computer. Know what strong overheating The equipment can lead the entire system to extreme instability.

The easiest way, check the temperature of the computer using specialized programs from third-party developers. For example, you can use such utilities such as AIDA 64, Speedfan, Hwmonitor, Core Temp, Speccy, GPU-Z, Real Temp and many, many others.

As you can see, you have a huge arsenal of all kinds of software that can measure the temperature of your equipment. If you realize that overheating is really happening in your system, then, most likely, they are they calling the System_Service_Exception critical error. Eliminate overheating and the problem will disappear by itself.

There is a huge number of ways to reduce the temperature of the components of the PC: improving the passage of air flow in system building or laptop housing, cleaning the system unit from dust, replacement thermal paste on central processor and a graphic accelerator chip, installation on a video card and processor, more powerful cooling systems, setting more powerful coolers to the system unit and even reduction of operating frequencies of some equipment.

Method number 7 Software Verification RAM

Remember how multiple methods ago were we taken out and inserted into the motherboard the RAM bar? It was one of the RAM test methods, with which you can fix small problems in its work. But what if your rAM Does much more serious problems? If it works with failures, what causes the System_Service_Exception error?

We recommend that you check your RAM using the MEMTEST86 + specialized utility. This utility in automatic mode Check your operational for errors and failures when working. Most the best way Starting MemTest86 + is the creation boot flash drive With this program. Implement it is very simple, and now we will deal with this issue.

First you need to download the automatic program installer for the USB media. After downloading the archive with the program, locate your computer to your computer. Remove the "Memtest86 + USB Installer.exe" file and archive and place it where it will be convenient for you, for example, on the desktop.

Run the MEMTEST86 file + USB Installer.exe. In the Installer window, you will need to specify the path in the connected flash drive, and then press a couple of buttons to start the utility installation process. After completing the preparation of the flash media, let's now run the MEMTEST86 + utility itself.

With a still connected flash drive, restart the computer and go to the settings of your BIOS (we have already discussed, how to enter them in the previous paragraph of the article). You need to set the first flash drive in the priority of downloads. Find the BOOT section in Bios, or something like that, set out the flash media in priority, and then your disk and save the changes.

Restart the computer, after which it happens automatic download MEMTEST86 + programs from a flash drive. The process of checking RAM will be fully automatic, so you don't even do anything. Checking RAM may be ordered to delay, so bring patience and wait for it.

As soon as Memtest86 + completes its work, you will be given a summary. It is quite simple with your rapid memory to understand that with your operational memory. If you see a bunch of lines marked with red, then your RAM is definitely working with failures and errors.

Unfortunately, if all the positions of memory with memory have not acquired the most rainbow shades, then, in most cases, the fading bar of the RAM should be removed from the system. Once you do this, the systhem_service_exception critical error will have to disappear.

Method number 8 Check hard disk

Think about whether you have not disconnectedly sharply electricity during the time you performed some tasks with a hard disk, such as writing or moving files? Sudden power failure while working hard disk May cause the appearance of the so-called BAD sectors, which make it difficult to read the data located in them. Among other things, the Bad blocks could arise due to physical damage disk.

Restore file System disk is possible with such a utility like Victoria HDD.. She scans yours hDD For the presence of a Bad sector, after which you can try to fix them. However, it all depends on the state of your hard disk. Use Victoria HDD unprepared users will be extremely difficult, as the process is quite integrated and painstaking. To describe how to use Victoria HDD, one more article is needed, and more precisely - manual.

We strongly recommend that you search for reliable guidance on the use of this truly valid program, as it will definitely help correct your hard disk if something is really wrong with it. Restore the disk and bsod system_service_exception will be corrected.

Method number 9 Restoration of the system using the recovery point

Perhaps the System_Service_Exception has appeared due to some changes in the system settings or installed software. You need to try to return your Windows 10 to the state in which it was stable. It is possible to implement it through the usual recovery of the system using the recovery point.

There is nothing easier than to restore its system with this method. Go to the operating system (also works with a secure mode). Click on the keyboard, the Windows + S key combination to trigger the search string. Enter the "Control Panel" request to it and select the result found.

Switch to the display mode of large icons and select the "Restore" section. Next, click on the "Running System Recovery" item and click on the "Next" button in the window that opens. Select the point you need to restore the system and click "Next". And finally, click on the "Finish" button and wait for the process of recovering the system. Check if BSOD System_Service_Exception will appear.

Method number 10 Resetting the operating system

Nothing of the above did not help you get rid of the blue System_Service_Exception death screen (plus, the RAM and the hard disk were not caused by the emergence of the problem). We have only one method to advise you, which should definitely correct BSOD, is to reinstall the Windows operating system 10. Yes, unfortunately, this is the only one of your option on this moment. Installation of a clean OS with 99% probability will save you from System_Service_Exception, and then you can continue to use Windows 10 normally.

OS installation is performed quite easily and in semi-automatic mode. You just need to create for yourself installation disk With Windows 10, and then boot through it, then just follow the instructions on the screen. Many new users are afraid to reinstall Windows, but there is nothing to be afraid, since everything you need will be indicated on the screen. "Creating an installation media for Windows" is a special article from Microsoft, which will help you in windows installation 10.

We hope that this article helped you in solving the blue System_Service_Exception death screen.

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Many met with the situation when when working on personal Computer, especially during a fascinating game, the system stopped working, and a blue "Death screen" appeared with an error code 0x00000116.

Any blue screen is not a pleasant phenomenon, especially for an inexperienced user. What does the error indicate 0x00000116?

In most cases (95%) this error Related to the work of graphics, namely unsuccessful reset video driver by time out. How to solve this problem?

To do this, after restarting the operating system, you need to go to the Device Manager (My Computer - Properties - Device Manager, or Start - Control Panel - Device Manager), Find the Video Card Driver and update it. If it did not help, then delete the old one and download the latest version from the manufacturer's site and reboot, after you restart the system.

The most common errors associated with the file.

"ATIKMPAG.SYS not found. (atikmpag.sys Not Found)"
"ATIKMPAG.SYS file is missing."
"atikmpag.sys violation of access rights."
"ATIKMPAG.SYS file failed to register."
"This application failed to start, because atikmpag.sys was not found. Re-installing an application can fix this problem;"
"File C: windowsSystem32atikmpag.sys not found."
Need help in installing atikmpag.sys?

Download the ATIKMPAG.SYS file to the computer.
Place the file in the folder with the program requiring it.
Copy atikmpag.sys in the following system directory.
(Windows 95/98 / ME) - C: WindowsSystem
(Windows NT / 2000) - C: WINNTSYSTEM32
(Windows XP, Vista, 7) - C: WindowsSystem32
In Windows X64, you must place the file in the C: WindowsSYSWOW64 directory
Restart the computer.
If the problem did not decide try the following

Click Start and select "Run ...".
Type CMD and press ENTER (or if you have Windows Me, type COMMAND)
Now type REGSVR32 ATIKMPAG.SYS and press ENTER.

If you use two video cards (integrated and discrete) on your computer, try to disconnect the unnecessary in the BIOS, often conflicts arise with the simultaneous operation of two video cards, which leads to an error 0x00000116.

What causes an error 0x00000116?
As a rule, users face a blue death screen and error code 0x00000116 in the process of watching movies or passing computer games. It is not difficult to guess that the problem is related to the problems in the work of the graphics adapter. Accordingly, all subsequent actions will be directed to correcting the work of the video card drivers and verify the performance of the video adapter.

Methods for solving error
The problem with a blue screen and an error 0x00000116 arises by a fairly limited list of reasons. Below we look at all possible options solutions to the problem, starting with the easiest.

Method 1: Return the former driver version

Often an error 0x00000116 arises as a result of updating the video card driver. If this is your case, you can help the system recovery procedure.

1. First of all, all the work to eliminate the problem will be performed from under the safe windows Mode. To do this, turn on the computer and at the earliest start stage, start pressing the Operating System Download Type Selection Menu key - F8.

2. Once the menu is displayed, select "Safe Mode" and wait for the operating system download.

3. First of all, if before the problem occurred by us, you performed updating the video card drivers or other software, you will need to try to recover the system.

To do this, open the "Control Panel" menu, and then go to the "Restore" section.

4. In a new window, click the "Starting System Recovery" button.

5. Available kickback points will dry on the screen, among which you need to choose the one that is dated by the period when the computer worked correctly. Run the system restore and wait for the procedure.

Method 2: DirectX Update

DirectX - Special software that is incorporated by default in Windows, which provides the correct launch and operation of programs and games involved in its work all the power of the graphics adapter.

1. To begin with, you will need to download the DirectX installer on the USB flash drive, which can be downloaded on the link below, and then enter the problematic computer to the safe mode, as described in the first method, and start the DirectX installer.

2. After installing the software, you should restart the computer and check the system performance.

Method 3: removal of antivirus

Very often, the cause of the blue screen of death can be used on your computer antivirus. To solve the problem, you will need to perform through the safe mode of its uninstallation.

1. To do this, you will need to open the "Control Panel" menu, and then go to the "Delete Programs" or "Programs and Components" section.

2. Among installed programs Find your antivirus and delete it. After the end of the uninstallation, restart the operating system and check the computer performance and the error.

Method 4: Reinstalling Video Card Drivers

1. Under reinstalling drivers, we mean full removal from a computer with a subsequent installation of the latest version. Please download a fresh distribution of drivers on another computer for your version of the operating system, and then run a problem computer in safe mode and go to the "Control Panel" menu by opening the System section.

2. In the new window you will need to open the Device Manager item.

3. Expand the "Video adapter" tab, click on your video card with the right mouse button and in the pop-up context menu Select Delete.

4. The confirmation window will be displayed on the screen in which you will need to put the bird around the item "Delete Driver Programs for this Device", and then complete the deletion procedure by performing a reboot of the computer and again following the input to the safe mode.

5. Run the driver installation program previously loaded on the USB flash drive. After the installation is completed, restart the computer, by downloading the computer this time in the usual mode.

Method 5: Video Card Performance Check

Unfortunately, the problem may not be in problem software, but in the fact that your video card has failed.

In this case, you should try to check the performance of the video card by connecting it to another computer. If the screen also displays the blue screen of death - the video card must be replaced or donated under warranty.

Method 6: Net installation Windows

If possible, perform a clean Windows reinstall, completely eliminating the likelihood of software conflict, causeing problems In the operation of the operating system. Read more about how it is done reinstalling Windows, told on our website in a separate article.