How to connect a home group in Windows 10. How to create and configure a local network between two computers. Local and global networks

With the release of the first versions of the Windows operating system 10, many users faced the problem that it was impossible to organize a steady connection between computers. This happened due to the fact that the network card operation drivers were not fully optimized. Output updates this problem eliminated. Also, the user interface was reworked on this OS, and some configurations changed their location. In principle, setting up local windows networks 10 is not much different, but still there are a number of pitfalls that are desirable to know. If you want to buy the latest version of the Windows system, then click on the link to buy Windows 10 Kiev.

How to create a local network on windows 10?

You can configure LAN between PC in several ways:

  • through the router;
  • create a direct connection between computers.

The most technically correct and convenient solution is the creation of a LAN, through WiFi router. Usually, the DHCP server is included in the router in the router, which assigns network addresses devices, so to connect enough to connect the cable to the computer and the router, and wait automatic definition parameters. Or find the WiFi point in the list, and connect through the radio channel.

Creating a Windows 10 network via a wired connection is performed by a number of simple consecutive actions on the configuration of the network card, connections and firewall.

Preset parameters

Before creating a network connection, make sure that the resources combined in the LAN are included in one working group that network detection on all networks is allowed, and access to common resources is allowed in the firewall properties. Now all actions in order:

  1. Call the properties window by clicking right-click on "My computer". The second way is more convenient. Press the key combination "Win (key with the Microsoft logo) + R", and enter the command "sysdm.cpl".
  2. In the window that opens, on the "Computer name" tab, there will be a name working GroupAnd if necessary, change. In no case do not use the name of Cyrillic.
  3. PC will be included in the workgroup after rebooting.
  4. Next, go to the "Network Management Center" through the control panel or right-click on the connection icon in the "taskbar" (bottom to the right screen).
  5. Windows works with multiple profiles, such as home or public, so the next action must be performed for each of them or for everyone together. Press the "Advanced Sharing Settings" button and enable network detection, sharing files and printers and allow the system to automatically manage the home group. Also, you should disable password access.

These preparatory steps make it possible to understand how to create local network On Windows 10, and is mandatory on each machine. Separately configure firewall no need for all actions automatically make changes and its policies. Another point to which you should pay attention to is that all computers have the same time and date. Without this, configure LAN will not be possible.

Specify IP Address Computer

While creating wired connections Without the use of the router, install static addresses for each computer. Procedure Next:

  • The "Network Management Center" opens.
  • The "Advanced Adapter Settings" item is selected.
  • The properties of the desired adapter properties are displayed.
  • Allocate the "Internet version 4" protocol and click the "Properties" button.
  • Manually install the ipids from the range allotted for use in LAN. Information about these ranges can be found on the Internet.
  • DNS and gateway can be left automatically.

IP for each computer should be unique, but refer to one subnet, i.e. Only the last digits should be different. After applying these settings, the connection should be climbed, and you can start setting up shared resources.

Setting up shared access

For "shaking" folders, its properties are called. The "Access" tab allows you to manage user rights. In order for the folder to be visible on LAN, click "Extended Setup" and then "Open Share Access to this folder". The active button "Permissions" is becoming an active button, which is pressed to manage security policies. The new window will allow you to choose or one specific user or give permission to absolutely everyone. It depends on what tasks are delivered for shared access.

On this all actions, how to configure the local network on Windows 10 run out. Similarly, you can give permission to access the printer or scanner. All shared resources can be found by opening the "Explorer" or any other file manager In the network section. When you first connect, a search for devices and allowed resources that may take some time. For convenience, a common folder can be connected as a disk by assigning it a certain letter.

This article describes how to set up sharing, files and folders, without a password on Windows 10.

This instruction will consider the simplest case of setting up shared access to Windows 10 folders. When you need to provide access to the shared Windows 10 resources without a password. This is the most common situation in home networks and a small office network. This setting assumes that access over the network will be without a password, without restrictions.

Note. If you have Windows 10 2017 or 2018 and you encountered a problem " Windows 10 does not see other computers on the local network", then, read another article - it describes how to solve the problem with connecting Windows 10 to the old versions of Windows. This article may be relevant for windows connections 10 to the old versions of Linux.

But at the beginning of a silent theory.

Local and global networks

Global computer network, today, there is only one, it is the Internet. Local computer networks differ from the global investigators:

  • Quantities of computers united in this network.
  • The quantity and quality of shared (available) in this network of resources.

Global Internet combined hundreds of millions (possibly more than a billion) computers. These computers provide a large number of resources in different ways. The most common of which is text and graphic information. In addition to the Internet itself, this information is also possible - there are services to work with images and documents. Also on the Internet are available services that are not related to computer theme, for example, selling goods and services (for example, ticket sales for various transports).

In local computer network Most often combines from two to several computers. Much less often the number of computers in the local network can be several dozen or hundreds (in large commercial or state organizations). As a rule, only a few resources are distributed in local networks - files, printers, scanners and Internet access.

Physically computers are combined into a network or using a cable or through a radio signal (WiFi). But in any case, the local network configuration is performed equally.

So, what, and in what sequence, you need to do in order to configure the Windows 10 network?

Sharing Windows 10 without password

In this manual, it will be described how to configure the Windows 10 network so that the shared access to folders (files) and printers is provided without a password request. This is a version of the trusted network. This organization of the local computer network is most convenient to use (no need to memorize passwords for each computer). And besides, such a network is easier to create and maintain.

Start setting up the local network is best with the verification of the necessary conditions.

Verify connection on the local network

First you need to check the availability of connection on a local network. To do this, open the applet of available network adapters and network connections. The easiest way to open this applet through the dialog box " Perform Windows + R. nCPA.cpl and click " OK":

Note: There is a longer way - to open "" and shout there on the link " Change adapter settings".

This is how the network connections applet looks like:

This example shows that the physical network adapter on the computer has and the network connection to the local network is also there. This example uses a cable connection to the LAN (Ethernet). If you connect via WiFi, the adapter will be called "Wireless Connection 802-11".

Possible mistakesthat can be detected in the "Network Connections" apple:

  • In this applet, it may not be adapters at all - in this case, you need to check the list of equipment (Device Manager). It is possible a network adapter is disabled or drivers are not installed.
  • Adapter can be crossed out with a red cross. This means that there is no physical connection to the local network. You need to check the cables. In the case of WiFi, this means that the computer is not connected to the access point (router) WiFi.
  • The adapter may have an inscription " Unidentified Network". This means that there is a physical connection to the local network, but the computer could not get the settings of this network. Most often it happens if there is no router on the local network and manually specify the parameters of the local network.

By the default of Windows configured to automatically get network settings from network router. If there is a router on the local network, then it is enough for you to plunge the network cable or connect to the WiFi access point. If there is no router on the local network, and this sometimes happens when using small cable networks, then you will need to manually specify network settings In the properties of the network adapter. Read more manual setting The parameters of the local network is written in the article "Setting up a network between Linux and Windows". There is a configuration for Windows XP, but for Windows 10 will be the same.

The next step is to check the computer name and working group. To do this, you need to open the applet " Properties of the system". The easiest way to open this applet through the dialog box" Perform". It is available through the Start menu or when you press keys Windows + R. on keyboard. Write in this window sysdm.cpl and click " OK":

This is what the applet looks like " Properties of the system"(You need to open the tab" Computer name"):

Here you need to check:

  • Full name - It should not be written by Cyrillic and should not have gaps.
  • Working group - It should not be written by Cyrillic and should not have gaps. In addition, the name of the Working Group should coincide with the same name on other LAN computers. That is, the name of the working group should be equally on all computers of the local network.

If you need to change the computer name or working group, click the Edit button. After such a change, you will need to reboot Windows.

Now you can go to the Windows 10 network setting.

Setting up Windows 10 network

Open "Windows Explorer" And find and open it in it. " Net". By default, Windows 10 is disabled on Windows 10 and when you open the" Network ", at the top there will be a warning inscription:

You need to click on this inscription and then choose the item " Enable network detection and sharing files":

Note: Another way to enable network detection and sharing files through " Network and Shared Access Control Center"And there shout on the link" Advanced shared access parameters"And then open the desired profile.

Thereafter "Windows Explorer" I will give a request to choose a network type, there you need to select the first option:

Note: If you later need to change the type of network - the instruction in the article "Change Windows 10 Type".

Thereafter "Windows Explorer."Shows a list of computers on the local network:

Now you can enter those folders on these computers for which you have a common access.

Login through the local network to a computer named "Home":

Next step - you need to configure sharing to Windows 10 folders.

How to configure sharing Windows 10 folder

IN "Windows Explorer."Find the folder for which you want to provide sharing. Click on this folder right mouse button and select the item menu. Properties"(In this illustration, the folder is called LAN):

Note: The name of the folder must be a latin and without spaces.

In the folder properties window, you need to open the tab " Access"And there click the button" General access ":

In the next window, you need to open a list of local users (accounts on this computer) and select "All" in this list:

After that click the "Add" button:

After that, it is necessary for the "All" group, specify read and write access rights:

After that, click the "Done" button:

After that, the window will be open again. " Folder properties". In it you can check the tab" Safety", there should be full access For group " Everything"(Windows automatically changes the rights file System NTFS):

All, on this, setting up access to a specific folder is completed. If you want to solve some other folder, these actions need to be repeated for each.

Note: Shake separate files not necessary. All files that are in a shared folder will be available over the network. Will also be available over the network and all nested Folders.

Last action remains ..

Need to open " Network and Shared Access Control Center"And on the left side to click on" Change Advanced Sharing Options":

In the next window you need to open profile " All networks":

And there turn off the parameter " common Access with Password Protection"And of course click the" Save Changes "button:

This is configured to access the network without a password for Windows 10 completed. Now you can go through the local network to this computer and Windows will not require the password input.

To check, go to the Windows 10 computer from the Windows XP computer:

The shared folder "LAN" opens and can be in it, via the local network, edit and create files.

But if, however, Windows requires a network password

Despite the fact that the settings that are described above are made when entering this computer, another computer can request network password. This is possible in two cases.

Local users with the same name (login)

Both computers have local users with the same name, but with different passwords.

Example. There are COMP1 and COMP2. Each of them has a user named User. But on COMP1 from the user Password 123, and on comp2 it has a password of 456. When attempting a network login, the system will request a password.

Decision. Or remove matching user logins. Or for users with the same login, specify the same password. An empty password is also considered the same.

On Windows 10 there is no local user

On Windows 10, you can log in and working with Microsoft account, if there is an Internet. In this case, this situation is possible when windows installation 10 did not create a local user at all (the entrance was through the account microsoft recording). In this case, Windows will also require a password when entering the local network.

Decision. Create local user On the Windows 10 computer.

If your local network has old computers

If your local network has computers running old versions of Windows or Linux, then you may encounter a problem when Windows 10 does not see such computers.

The reason may be that recent versions Windows 10 disconnected support for SMB version 1. How to enable support for SMB version 1, written in the Local Network Between Windows 10 and Windows XP.

Cancel Sharing Windows 10 folder

On Windows 10, the cancellation of the total access is made at all obvious (unlike Windows XP). On the tab " Access"(Folder Properties) No option, as it was in Windows XP. The" Sharing "button is useless, it is not possible to cancel sharing.

Now, to cancel a shared access, you need to tab Access"Press the button" Extended setting":

And there disable access (remove the bird on the "Open access to this folder" options):

As they say, "Guess three times."

Share access to the Windows 10 folder via the command line

Everything can be done much faster if used command line (console, cmd.exe). Total two teams:

nET Share Lan \u003d C: \\ LAN


The first command opens sharing folder C: \\ LAN and asks for her network name LAN.

The second command deletes the network (public) folder LAN. Real folder c: \\ LAN Of course it remains in place.

Share Windows 10 files through the "Shared Folders" snap

Included tools windows management 10 is special program (Snap) to manage common resources on the computer. Called she " Common folders"And you can run it with a team fsmgmt.msc. (in the console or through Win + R):

On another, this snap can be opened through the Start menu: "Control Panel - Administration - Computer Management - Shared Folders."

Share access to Windows 10 printers

Sharing printers is configured in the same way as for the folder. You need to open the applet "Devices and Printers", find the desired printer there, open its properties and on the "Access" tab to determine network access settings.

Setting up a local network for other OS

If you live in Krasnodar and you need to configure the local network in Windows

Ivan Sukhov, 2017, 2019 .

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In Windows 10 April Update 1803 Microsoft deleted the homegroup functionality. The home team first appeared in Windows 7 and was intended to simplify the organization of a small home or office network and easy access to file sharing, folders and printers. Despite the fact that in Windows 10 there is no home group, you can still provide network access to your folders and printers using other built-in windows functions 10.

So, in this article, we will deal with how to provide shared network access to folders, files and printers on your computer with Windows 10 1803 without using the home group using the built-in functional shared access to SMB resources.

No homegroup (homegroup) in Windows 10 1803

In Windows 10 1803 and above, there is no possibility to create a home group. This functionality is no longer supported. On the one hand, I believe that this is the right, step, because The homegroup setting is quite confusing and relatively difficult for an unprepared user.

After you updated Windows 10 to version 1803, you will come across that:

  • Section "Home Group" (HomeGroup) is not displayed in the Explorer navigation bar.
  • The homegroup item is missing in the control panel. This means that you cannot create, join or get out of the home group.
  • You can not provide sharing files and printers using a home group.
  • Everything general printers And network folders created using Homegroup will continue to be available. But you can't create new ones.

However, in Windows 10, you can still provide sharing resources that were previously distributed within the home group. Just the process of providing shared access looks a bit differently, not as when using Homegroup.

Configuring general access services in Windows 10

For the correct operation of your computer with Windows 10 1803 as a server, which provides access to its folders and printers to other devices on the local network, you need to configure some network services.

IN windows settings (on both computers) you need to go to Parameters -> Network and Internet -> Your_set_Connection (Ethernet or Wi-Fi) -\u003e (Settings\u003e Network & Internet\u003e Ethernet -\u003e Change Advanced Sharing Options).

Then in the section Private Network (Private) Enable Options:

  • Enable Network Detection (Turn on Network Discovery)
  • Enable sharing files and printers (Turn on File and Printer Sharing)

In chapter All networks Turn on the options:

  • Enable shared accessso that network users can read and write files in public folders
  • Disable password protection.

    Usually password protection in home network can be disabled, because You trust all devices on your network). In the local network of a small office you can enable password protection. At the same time, you can log in when accessing the resources of another computer (under the account and password of the user with remote computer) Or on all computers to use the same account with the same password.

Check the following conditions:

  • All computers in your local network use unique names and IP addresses.
  • As a network type indicated a private (private) network ().
  • In the event that your network has old windows version (XP, Vista), for their correct work on Windows 10, you will have to enable support for the SMBV1 protocol, as well as allow network access to the guest account (see).
  • Translate services " Publication of function detection resources"(FUNCTION DISCOVERY RESOURCE PUBLICATION) and" Host supplier detection functions"(FUNCTION DISCOVERY PROVIDER HOST) in automatic start. Otherwise, when accessing network resources you can get.

The same settings need to be done on the other windows Computer 10, which will be used as a client and access shared network resources.

How to open sharing a network printer in Windows 10 1803

In Windows 10, you can provide sharing a printer connected to your computer to other computers on the network. We assume that you have already connected the printer (via USB, LPT or wireless connection) And configured it on your computer.

Then on the computer to which the printer is connected:

Now you can connect this network printer On another computer with Windows 10.

Open the shared network access to the folder (file) in Windows 10 1803

Let's look through both in Windows 10 April Update 1803 provide sharing to the local directory to other computers in your working group or domain over the network.

Council. The easiest way to transfer the file between computers from Windows 10 is to use the function.

Council. For more thin setting parameters and permits on network folder You can use a console fsmgmt.msc..

Council. To see all the folders to which you provide network access, go to the address bar on \\\\ Localhost.

Now you can access this folder from another computer over the network. To do this, in the Explorer window simply go to your folder address, for example \\\\ desktop-jopf9 \\ distr. For user convenience, you can create a shortcut on this folder on your desktop on this folder or connect it as a network drive through net. command Use.

Council. If you can not open a network folder from a remote computer, check that in the filework settings allow access to shared files and printers in the private network (File and Printer Sharing rules). Also try access not by computer name, but by its IP address, for example: \\\\ \\ Distr.

The detailed setting of the operating system is quite complex for the average computer userTherefore, in the process of it, errors often arise and difficulties. Especially if it concerns the creation of the Internet connection. You can not always figure out where the parameters are located. network access And how to use them. However, the reading of this article will help clarify most aspects, thereby deciding the issue of connecting to the Internet without calling a computer specialist.

Internet connections

First you need to understand network interfaces. There are several connections for which information from the user's personal computer is transmitted to the Internet.

  1. Normal Ethernet compound. It implies direct connection Cable provider to computer. It is capable of passing through a separate router or built-in ADSL modem.
  2. High-speed connection PPPoeproviding rapid data transmission thanks to innovative network technologies.
  3. Wireless WLAN Connection. It requires a router that supports the corresponding wireless interface.
  4. Connection through portable USB modem. Speed similar method It will depend on the technology that provides data transmission. To date, there are 3G and 4G communications.

We will try to explain how to configure all of the above network interfaces. If you already know what way to go to the network will use, you can go to a specific section.

Internet connection via Ethernet mode in Windows 10: Network cable (router, modem)

We will paragraphyly consider a simple connection to the Internet through the Ethernet port. It is characteristic that does not require login and password for full use Services. There is only a paved cable from the provider leading to the consumer's apartment.

To start setting Ethernet connection, you need insert cable connector to router and connect the last to a personal computer(It is also possible to connect to a network card without a router). You just need to insert the cable into the socket.

  • If the Ethernet settings of the connection are already entered into the operating system, the Internet will instantly earn, the user's heading about this notice in the taskbar. If nothing happened after inserting the cable, you need to install a network card or router driver.
  • If the task panel appears notice of a successful connection setup, but the status is displayed. Unknown Network" or " Limited"You should carefully check the settings of the Internet adapter. As a rule, it solves the problem of not a valid compound.

Configuring Ethernet Connections in Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can use the adapter configuration using the following instructions:

1. It is paramount to press the mouse button to notify the network connection and then select "Select" Network Management Center».

2. B. open window Choose the section " Changing the parameters (network) adapter"Next opens a window with existing network cards. Here we are in place Ethernet Adapter, press the right mouse button and opening it " Properties«.

In the list that opens, select the item " IP version 4."And we click on it 2 times. In the settings window that appears, check that the " Automatic connection IP and addressesDNS.". If not, it should be noted. Upon completion, you need to confirm the changes to the " OK.».

After all the actions described above, the Ethernet connection must earn. Otherwise, you must restart the computer, check the integrity of the network cables and ensure that there is no breakdown on the part of the provider provider.

Tip: Ply unsuccessful attempts Network connection settings need to find out the provider about availability bindings on the MAC address. If there is a similar binding, it is recommended to communicate the address of the computer to the provider. It will indicate it in its database and the Internet connection will start working.

Setting high Speed PPPoE connectionsin Windows 10.

Some providers are paving network cables at home clients, and then provide special login and passwordrequired for mandatory authorization of connection characteristic of this high-speed PPPoe connection. To configure it, you need the practical the same manipulations as in the case of Ethernet. But with the only difference in the need to independently create a connection.

Tip: If the network cable passes through the router, it is not required to configure anything on a personal computer, since all settings are performed in the router itself. You only need to insert a cable leading from the modem to the appropriate connector on a computer case. The sequence of actions to create such a compound is described above.

In the absence of the router, you will have to connect the network cable directly to the computer. This will require knowledge of the login and password, the data of the provider. If this condition is executed, you can proceed to the execution of the instructions below.

  • To begin with, you need to open Network Management Center"After clicking on the Internet connection icon on the taskbar.

  • Then need " Create a new connection»By logging into the same section. Allocate the item " Internet connection"And click the" Further».

  • In the window that appears, you need to choose the item " High-speed connection"And click on it with the mouse. After that, the parameters will appear.

  • Now you should enter a user name and password provided by the Internet service provider. You can also call the connection with the name of the provider in order not to be confused. Install the tick in front of " Remember password" After the actions performed, you need to press the " Connection».

In the case of the correct settings of the Internet must earn a few seconds.

  • View information about the installed network connection And they can be managed on the taskbar by clicking on the appropriate icon.

If you click on the connection name, a special menu will open. In it, the user can change the connection parameters to its discretion.

Internet connection on Wi-Fi in Windows 10

If you have a wireless router, the Internet connection via Wi-Fi is performed very quickly. It allows you to visit the network from any home deviceAnd also provides complete freedom to move around the apartment due to the absence of cables. To configure it, first need to install the appropriate driver on the computer. Wi-Fi adapter. Although the Windows 10 system is almost always engaged in this automatically. The potential user remains only to open a list. network available (WLAN), select the desired and enter the password installed on the router. After a few seconds, the computer will connect to the Internet.

  • Click on the Internet connection icon on the desktop (at the bottom right), select the desired clicking on it, set the daw for the subsequent connection and click " Connect«.

Connecting and configuring the Internet through a 3G / 4G modem in Windows 10

It remains only to describe the connection method through a portable modem supporting 3G. or 4G. communication technology. If you have previously had the experience of installing such a connection on previous versions of the Windows operating system, there will be no special difficulties. And for those who are first time engaged in a similar activity, detailed instructions are given below.

  • To begin with, insert the modem connector in USB port Personal computer. Required driver It can be installed if the modem manufacturer has provided the appropriate function. Sometimes you need to deal with this question yourself. For example, find the driver on the manufacturer's website or install from the disk. When a modem is connected, when requesting the driver installation, set the path of its location, in advance downloaded and insert installation disk. If there are no drivers for windows 10, you can try for previous versions Windows 7.8 systems.
  • After finding the driver and install it to the computer, you should do the connection setting. The sequence of actions performed is similar to the one that is carried out when creating high-speed PPPoe compound. Need to open " Network Management Center"After clicking on the status of Internet connection on the taskbar.

In a small appeared window, you need to click on " Creating a new compound"And choose" Internet connection"(This item is the first in the list) and confirm the button" Further«.

  • Next you need to choose " Switched" It is marked by a stationary phone icon.

  • Introduced the parameter input queue. These include information such as a number and user name. This information Provided by the provider, therefore, in the case of its absence, you need to contact directly to the network service provider. The image below shows an example where InterTelecom provider services are used. After filling in text fields, you need to press the "Create" key.

After executing the actions described above, the network connection must earn. If this does not happen, you need to check the USB modem and signal reception quality. In some regions, the coating is not very high quality and the signal can constantly break up, preventing the work on the Internet. Solve this problem is capable of a variety of tricks such as antenna extension and outlooking on open space.

It is noteworthy that the created connection can be stopped, disable or edited at its discretion. It is also allowed to remove if it is necessary to change the provider. To perform manipulation data, you need to click on the network connection icon on the taskbar and select the required item in the list appeared. You should click on it - to display the control page (also it is available in the Computer section. Parameters» -> « Dialing a number«).

The signal reception status will always be displayed on the taskbar in the form of a small icon. In his view, the user is able to determine that in this moment happens with communication. If the icon flashes, data transmission is carried out. The crossed line means a complete absence of a signal. And if a yellow exclamation mark is displayed next to the icon, then problems arose. Internet in this case refuses to work.


If you installed a laptop network connection or personal Computer With a Wi-Fi beacon, you can use it as a router, in the article. This allows you to distribute the Internet to all home devices without the presence of a wireless router.

As for the emergence of the most common mistake " Limited" This notice has a yellow exclamation mark icon and indicates the absence of a network connection. His reasons are the most diverse, and if it appeared. This topic will be disclosed in the next article.

The above connection setting instructions turned out to be volumetric, but divided into sections. Therefore, if you need to create a connection, you need to go to a specific header and start reading. We hope that thanks to the article you will be able to configure the network.

If you at least once come across technical support Internet provider, or with a support of some program associated with a local network or Internet access, most likely you have asked about configuring computer network settings. For novice users - this is a dark forest, of course. And such a question enters the poor fellow in the complete stupor. As a result, for the simplest manipulations, you have to call a computer master and pay him money. But everything is very simple. In this post, I will tell you in detail about the main network settings in Windows 10.

IN operating system Windows 10 under network parameters is meant the TCP / IP protocol configuration on the network adapter, as well as setting up access to a computer from the network (local or global).

1. IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) protocol

Press the Start button and enter the word in the search bar:

View network connections

The result should be like this:

Click on the icon from the control panel and we open the window " network connections Windows 10 ":

Select then from the right and press on it with the right mouse button. The properties window opens. These are the main network adapter settings in Windows 10:

Now you need to find a parameter IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) And click on it twice with the left button rodent. So we get into the configuration of the basic Network IP protocol. Options for its setting can be two:
1 - Dynamic IP address.

This option is relevant when the DHCP server works in LAN and the computer is already obtained from it. It is used usually when connecting a PC to a home wifi-router or network operator network. The protocol configuration of the protocol in this case looks like this:
That is, all addresses the system gets automatically from a special server.
2 is a static IP address. In this case, Ay-Pi is required to register statically, that is, this address will be fixed precisely behind this computer on an ongoing basis. It looks like this:

What addresses should be inserted into the fields?
See, the screenshot is presented with an option with connecting to a router or a modem that the DHCP server is turned off.
The IP gateway is the address of the router itself on the network. It will be used as the main DNS.
Secondary DNS you can specify the provider server, or public DNS GUGL servers ( or Yandex (
The mask used in home networks in 99 cases out of 100 is the usual, 24-bit:
The IP address must be selected from the subnet of the gateway. That is, if the gateway is, then the computer can be taken from to
The main thing is that he is not busy anything else.
Click on OK and close all windows! The main network protocol in Windows 10 is configured.

2. Common access

Setting up these network settings is responsible for accessing the computer from the network. To get here to get into the section Network and Internet Select your adapter (WiFi or Ethernet) and click on the "Changing Extended Shared Parameters" icon. This window will open:

Here you can sees the settings of network access parameters for multiple profiles: Private, guest or all networks. Choose the one who has a mark at the end (current profile).
First goes Network detection . He is responsible for whether your PC is seen from the network or not. If you are connected to a local home network or at work, it is better to leave it included. But when the computer is connected to the Internet directly, then to avoid threats and attacks, detection is better disconnected.
Next goes Share files and printers. If it is enabled, then to the printer, which is connected to your PC, will be able to connect and use anyone. For the home network, it does not play roles, but in corporate or public it will be better to turn it off.
Last parameters - Connecting a home group. It is responsible for guests from the network to the computer. If you allow Windows to manage connections, then access will be accessed through the guest account. In the home network it is more convenient. For others - it is better to use accounts Users so that anyone could not go to you.
We save changes.

These are the main networks windows settings 10, responsible for the operation of the network and connect the computer to the Internet.